BS6--The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 13, 2004 ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY 1-lle - DIuabIIIty - Annultios - RRW-s - LFs RPRP's Mottial Fionds1 (M.11 1~ 1 1 RIFRP've edda4ke 924<k54ft7.& &« 4 Bob "Pie" Lee Kim Mitchell 245 Commercial OFFICE 878-5786 St. Milton L9T 2J3 FAX: 878-3692 1 FCsCIl RVE rÀJ IY Phono: 805-875-2835 Fax: 905-815-2882 E-mail: Phone: (905) 878-7200 Local and Long Distance'- Fiat Bed Service - Ail Makes -Car Lock-Out Specialists -We Honour Ail Major Auto Clubs ___ 8473 Regionai Rd. 25, North of 401, IDAMAGE Milton, Ont. L9T2X7 1 FREE Fax: (905) 878-5265 1TOWING IV 3L j-l -) ] _ FE RU RIÏ:XA1 HEART & Water Service (905) 878-3997 Harley & Kim Pickering, Owners 1198 Thompson Rd. S., Milton, ON L9T 2X5 I &col MOLTOWNE 878u4919 WICKENS' INDUSTRIAL LIMITED (~N\ Larry Wilkins O Telephone: 905-875-2182 Ext.23 8193 Esquesing Line, Milton, Ont. Canada L9T 2X6 Fax: 905-875-2681 TiEmail: larry@ Stâtions Website: JEWELLER - GEMOLOGIST INC. Milton Mail e 876-4387 Serving Your Fainily Since 1930 A Name You Can "Trust" - À R;UIOPQ -111 - West End Auto Serving MltIon fo, over25years EXPERT REPAIR ON ALL DOMES TIC & IMPORTED C Control Your Blood Pressure, Reduce Heart and Stroke Risk Can Canadians silence te "sulent killer"? Tbat's bow bigh blood pressure bas bren described, and according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, it can double or even triple your risk of beart disease and stroke. Researcb is tbe key to deepening tbe understanding of bigb blood pressure and finding new, "made- in-Canada" treatment strategies, says tbe Foundation, wbicb is wby it bas awarded $6.4 million to blood pressure related grants over tbe next four years. As many as one in five Canadians - and about balt of people over 65 - bave bigb blood pressure. According 10 a recent Heart and Stroke Foundation survey, tbree-quarters of people polled knew tbat bigb biood pressure is a waming ot otber diseases. Yet sligbtly iess tban baîf of adult Canadians understand tbat medication can usualiy control bigb blood pressure. And only a quarter know bigb biood pressure can sometimes be controlled by lifestyle cbanges, witbout medication. "In tact, by taking action you can keep your blood pressure in a bealtby range," says Dr. Antbony Grabam, spokesperson, Heart and Stroke Foundation. "Tbe good news is tbat witb proper treatment to control bigb blood pressure, beart disease and stroke risk can be reduced by as mucb as 70%." The "silent killer" profile The muscles tbat uine tbe walls of our blood vessels regulate blood flow and is pressure. Wben tbese muscles contract, blood pressure tises, because tbe saine ansount of blood bas to flow tbrougb a narrower space. Blood pressure cbanges tbrougbout tbe day bo meet tbe body's demaods for blood. But in some people, tbeir blood pressure remains consis- tently bigber tbao it sbould. Over time, tbat excess pressure damages tbe blood vessels and causes additional complications. Tbe only way 10 know if you bave bigb biood pressure is to get il cbecked by a bealtbcare professional at least once every two years. You can also visit wssw.beartand- pressure to take a risk assessment test for beart disease and stroke. You'll get a personal risk profile and a customized blood pressure action plan. Here's wbat you can do to reduce your blood pressure: - Maintain a bealtby weigbt. If you're overweigbt (excessive weigbt is a particular risk if it's stored around tbe abdomen), losing even a modest amount cao belpi lower your blood pressure. - Reduce tbe fat and salt in your diet. Try to, lessen your consumption of toods wîtb added saIt. Many convenience and snack foods, smoked, salted, cured or canned meats and fisb are bigb in salt. - Est potassium-ricb foods. Wbile sodium tends 10 raise blood pressure, potassium belps bring il down. Good sources of potassium include ail fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, oranges, melons, kiwi fruit and tomatoes. - Become smoke-tree. Smoking adds te, tbe buildup of plaque in your arteries and nicotine raises your blood pressure. At least one-quarter of tbe deatbs in Canada fromn beart attacks and strokes are due 10 smoking. - Get pbysically active. Cbeck witb your doctor first if you baven't been active for. a wbile. - Limit alcobol intake 10 no more tbao two drinks a day, 10t a weekly maximum of 14 drinks for men and nine drinks for women. - Take lime 10 relax. Repeated exposure 10 stress may not only raise blood pressure levels, but also conîribules 10 unbeadbhy lifestyle cboices, sucb as overeating, smoking and drinking. Aside froru making cbanges lu your lifestyle, your doctor may also want 10 control your bigb blood pressure tbrougb medication. lt's important 10 take any medication regularly, in tbe amount prescribed. Neyer increase your dose yourself, skip your medication, or "double up" your dosage if you miss a few days or don't feel weil. "Because bigb blood pressure is silent, bow 'you feel isn't a good indication of wbetber you 'need' your medication" says Dr. Grabam. "And don't stop taking your medication once your blood pressure becomes normal. You must continue 10 take il 10 keep your blood pressure under control." "Tbere is no cure, but treatment can effectively manage and reduce tbe nisks. Witb the rigbt plan," adds Dr. Grabamn, "you cao manage your blood pressure 10 belpi you live a longer, bealtbier lite." Service 'he Foundation relies heaViiy On l _Jpublic donations to ensure vital fleart wS " Brakos a Mfufflers * suspension e Front End " front-Wheol Dri ve Auto Sales ~ Buy & Soif ~ Leasing Toil. 905-878-5323 511Main $treetEast Fax.,. 905-878-04 59 .1 Pre-1900 Architectural Art ifacts Original Pine Flooring Barnboard & Beams Custom Furniture Antique Decor 519e85300008 R.R. #1 Acton, ON email: alla Mliton, we need your heip. Open your doors this month to the many volunteers and high schooi students w who are out taere canvassing. HEART Volunteer Vour lime ta canvass In your AND SI'ROK<E neighbourhood or cail and make a donatiai FOUNDA1ION There are many volunteer opportunites 0F ONTARIO availabie In Vour community, cail us for deta Findng nswes. Your'e at the Heart of Rtu Findig ans ers. Halton OffiCê 905-634-7732 For, lit . ri. Ils.