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Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Feb 2004, p. 15

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 13, 2004-Bl /4-~+<~ à-a ~L~-à -qi~- .jj "~~d& Aspiring fimmaker to shoot short flick in town By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion arly next month, Mfilton will be the scene ofa -~ movie shoot and the fin- ished product will be screened at this year's Toronto International Film Festival. - No, you won't sec Steven Speilberg scoping out the Mill Pond or Julia Roberts drinking lattés on Main Street. Nor will there he sightings of Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aiston or Jennifer Lopez. But you wilt sec Miltonian and novice S GEORGETOWN CINEMAS 25 GUELPH STREET 873-1999 o50 FIRST DATES Duily 6:45 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. OCATCH THAT KID OuiIy 645 p.m.&90 p.m. Sut. Sun.20 Sp.m. :6 PERFECT SCOREPG Daul 645 pm. Sut. Sun.20 Sp.m. O COLD MOUNTAIN 1A Daiy 8:30p.m MaureTheme T1'etre Paring Avellable at Rear fibmaker Jason Boles - and that's notb- ing to scoif at. If be has anytbing to say about il, bis rinte will one day he a house- bold one. 'he first weekcnd io Mai-ch, Mr. Boles, 25, who's a student at Toronto's International Academy of Design and Tecbiiology, will be sbooting in bis homne- town for bis final project hefore he gradu- ates. The assîgniment is to write and direct a short film or he a part of another stu- dent's. Not one to, sbirk bard work or take the easy way out, M. Boles umcdiatcly hegan wriîing the script for bis own film. "The film will have minimal characters," he cxplained. -The main character bas scbiZopbrenia, and he keeps baving a recurrmng nigbtmare where be witnesses a murder." Not surprisingly, M. Boles said tbe type of movie be's mont deawn to is the psycbo- logical thriller. "He lives wiîh bis girlfricnd," M. Boles said of tbe main character, "but sbe doesn't cxist. She's a personality of bis." The film will he sbot in thoce locations. one heing a Main Steet allcy. Hc said be hopes the somewbat startling ending will leave viesocra waoting more- that's the type of film be enjoys, and tbat's the kind he said be wants 10 make. He said students' complcted films will he shown in a student sbowcase at the Toronto Intemnational Film Festival. M. Boles in a graduate of Milton District High Scbool, where he made thc decision 10 seriously pursue filmrnaking afier taking a media arts clasa and communications lecbnology. "Il took a huge grip on me and I lbougbî, 'Tbis is wbat I want 10 do."' But, Mr-. Boles said, a love of movies is somnething that bas always heen a part of bim. -1 lovcd t0 go 10 thc video store and pick one out. I was interested in wbat went on bhind thc scenes," be said. Afler doing bis research on diffèrent scbools with film programs, he fmnally decided on Uic one-year program aI the Intemnational Acadcmny of Design and Technology. Now thal the program's nearing comple- lion, M. Botes said be finds bimnself faced with Uic challenge of getting bis naine oui there and making bimself known lu ail Uic righî people. That's a job that isn't for wimps, be sald. "You bave lu bammner your way nii and do as much as you cao wiUi Uic hest attitude. lits sucb a fast-moving envi- roninent - you have 10 he fasl-paced. The induslry docsn'i put up witb falîing bhind." Wbcn il comes 10 making a naine for yourself in the world of movies, you siarI aI the holtom and - bopefully - work your sony up. he said. And thal's just wbat beys heen doing, voluntecring for various televi- sion productions and films. Allhough Uiat's sometbing that duesot pay the his, Mo. Boles said he doesnnI rind giving bis litoe for free. tHe simply loves doing anythiog be cao 10 gain more experience - even if il means being designated as Uic coffce-gel- ter. "I've been a part of semi-professional shoots, and junt heing a pari of il is 50 excit- ing. Il doesnnI malter wbal I do." Filinunakers have a sonne of power, he said, because Uiey gel 10 decide bow Uic audience shouîd fool aI any given moment. And that'n one of Uic reasons he said he dreains of one day making hig-lirne films. M. Boles said be realizos a decision that he'Il bave 10 eventually make is if he waols "AS HOT AS EVER! SY@MP MAS A BEAT MlAT JUS? WON'? QUriVI" _9IIIIIIUN bALL NUW TICKETS FROM $39.50 (905) 527-7666 1 «giMMWca_ CHt10TMIHAKMWM 9MrU WZCLEARCàmi 10 st ay in Canada or migrate 10 Uic U.S. wherc. be said entry into the film indunlry mont nearly as difficuit. "A lot of my teachers have worked in Uic States and say if you have the expenience, you cari gel a job juot like Uial," he said. AlUiough it'll lake lots of elbow gi-case, Mn. Bolen said be doesn't doubt Uiat one day be'll make films for a living. "I wanl il nu bad. inm going 10 do il." Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncanadianchampion'com. Ail Leather and Shearling Coats on Sale! Buy 1 Get the 2nd* 50OFF Sale ends February 29th, 2004 Downtown Acton lunction #7 & /025 Toil Free: 1-866-571-6028 tnu,.est ticketed price of equal or Iessenuvalue. Nol ,tnulable n.'th any other promtion. inal sale itemns enluded. Miltonlan Jason Boles ls woody and x c 1 l ad a bo utI ehooflng hie finit film In t-w .oIy mrxt month. Phaoto L'y GRAHAM PAINE Heron Over Escarpment Robert Butemn has conloltuteli a beautifltut wont to tise BAC 25th unnuat Art Auction. "Heron Over Escarpment" ts a Bise Heron in lghi, a pennil drawing on soateteotour paper, 29-78 "n 22-1/2", thse franc spectulty craied is recesseli. Titis isa trensure attd retail valse is $18,OOOCdn. Friday, February 20, 2004; 8:00 pm CIBC Wood Cundy presenis the 25tit untnul prestiglous Att Auctisit of orighrial, Canadian artworkn. Yonrns'il enjsy lte dlnerstty thut te unttst. oifer. Losok foruvurd to seeisg onutundtng wsnks fruan thete untists: Robert Bulent, Richard Cook Peter Kirklund, Karn Seitreiben and Doreen Wilson. PKEVIEWS Free Admision Thiurndun. Febron 20, 1 Opnu Fnda u . Febnian-10, 12-6 i Tickets: $30. BAC members: $25 Doors open 7 pin. Auclion 8 pin Ltht refrehrnes i-Indeul BurhLirton Art Centre Fundraisini! Event 13M Lakeshore Road, Buelington, (905) 632-7796 wwBttningtonArtCentre.on.ca M

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