Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Feb 2004, p. 13

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Knives drawn in robbery knjves and bld 10 hand over money afîer îhey accepted a ride froin îwo men, Halton Regional Police say. The incident took place at 2:15 arn. Monday. The tmck drivers were drmking ai a local bar, which police declined 10 name. Two other men heard Ihe drivers talking about large sums of money and observed they appeared intoxicaied. The pair offered the truckers a drive back to their truck, but the truck drivers were instead driven to an indusîrial area where 111e men froin the bar pulled out steak knives and demanded money. The truck drivers said they didn't have any, and a physical "scuffle" ensued, police said. "The i wo mdi- viduals suffered very mînor injuries bruises and amall cuts,' Det. Sgt. Don Cousens said. The truck drivers managed 10 escape and were found by a nearby officer on patrol. Charged with attempted robbery are a 22-year-old Woodward Avenue man axsd a I 9-year-old Carlisle man, who was also charged with breach of probation. The pair will appear in Ontarfo Cours of Justice in Burtinglon March 16. Stolen car in police chase A stolen auto wax involved in an Police flotter ouî-of-town police pursuit before being retumed 10 its owner. The 1990 Plymouth Accord was stolen froin a No. 5 Sideroad resi- dence ovemight last Friday. It was later seen in Waterloo and a police chase ensued. The car was recovered and two Kitcheiser residenîs were charged in connection with the pursuit. Police said a second car on No. 5 Sideroad was broken into around the saine lime. and ix thought to be related to the firsi incident. The dri- vers door handie of a 1990 Dodge Caravan was forced open <md a scarf plus haîf a tank of gas were taken. The estimated value of the stolen property ix $50. Thieves target GO lot Six cars parked at Ibe GO Transit lot on Main Sereet were broken mb Monday. Unknown suspects broke mb the cars during 111e day and stole CDs, stereo equipinent, bols and hockey equipinent. MosI of the vebicles were entered through a smashed window or one that was taken ouI of ils l'raxne. The value of the stolen property ix estmsated aI $3.500. Police are investigating. Police arr lookxng for a suspect after an inquisitive customer siole a laptop from a Laurier Avenue com puter store Februaxy 4. At about 5 pm., a customer walked into the store and looked at two laptops on display. The store clerk went into the back room to gel the man some software and when he returned, the man was gone - along with one of the coin- puters he had been looking at, a Toshiba Satellite wortb $650. Police said ihe suspect is described as a black maie in bis mid-thirties or early forties and five-foot eight. He weighs about 170 pounds and has short black hair. Ha was described as speaking with a Jarnaican accent and was wearing a red toque. Trailer stolen A trailer was stolen ovemight Saturday froin a MeGeachie Drive storage company. Unknown sus- pects stole the black 200<1) Miska auto hauler from 111e parking lot. The estimated value of the stolen property is $2.500. Home broken into An Inglis Drive home was bro- ken into ovemight last Friday. Unknown, suspects entered through a sliding window and stole jewehy, electronies, tools and paint guns. The Canadian Champion, Fnday, February 13, 2004-13 i îîpiL~~u. ~.t~ty ...&. i I Hortons under investigation I Halton Regional Police are investi- gating a robbery at a local Tim Hortons. At 6:45 arn. January 25. a suspect approached the clerk at the coffee shop. located at 7502 Trafalgar Rd., and mdi cated he had a gun. When the clerk left 10 get keys for the cash drawer. the tbief fled the store. The suspect is described as a white maie in bis forties, five-foot-seven and 135 poundu with short, light brown hair. He was seen wearing a blueish grey sweatshin, jeans and a black basebaîl cap. If vois hase an>' mnJùrnharion tirai leads ro an arresi in this or ans' other marier. you mav 6e eligible for a cash reward. You wiil nes'er have io give Voler name or îesî)fy in court. Crinie Stoppers of Hairon doesn'î subsuribe to <ail display. Please rail J 800 222-T!PS (1-800- 222 8477) or checi. oui Crime Stoppers' Web site aI www.haiîon- crinîestoppers.rom. Halton & Peel at your. Now with 47 pages of maps covering both regions. N tipsu. Please loin us atour ~ OPEN HOUSE February 18,2004 7-9pm -Ce-educational Scbeel - Kindergarten te Grade Eighî - -Fitil DayJunior and Senior Kindergarten Programs - - Aise featuring a baif day janier Prep. Program fer 3 year nid students- School Features *Low seudent rade Advanced eechnology computer Iab 'Comprebensive munic program *Gymnaseien, Swimming, Merdai Arts *Before & After Sehool Program .Traasportadon *March Break Sumener & Chrisemas Programs G G ' G . G . t "I 'i MAIUNO PC Box 212 Milton ON L9T 4N9 The Unîted Way of Milton 905 875 2550 FAX 905 875 2402 EMAIL awmilton@stn net WEB wwwmîltan unîtedwayca The United Way 0f Milton has a proud tradition crf serving the Milton community and helping its residents. This year, the Uniled Way of Milton will touch and improve the lives 0f 1,874 Milton seniora. Each year hundreda 0f volunfeers and donors as well as corpo- rate and business sponeors contribute their time and financial resources to the United Way crf Milton in order b minimize costa and ensure that virtuel ty ail dollars raised are used to serve the needs 0f Milton reaidents. This year, $38,1 93 raised by the United Way 0f Millon will be devoted exclusively to helping Mutons seniors. This year, 91) Milfon seniors ix distresa or criais receive emotional support and assis- tance when they need t because 0f the United Way supported Crisis intervention Telephone Lina crf the North Hatton Distreas Centre. Similarly, Tele-Touch Seniors tels- phone calîs provide daily reassurance f0 18 seniors ix our community who live in isola- tion. Crie senior, aged 90, and living alone with no family or friands in the ares, has depended for 5 years on her daily communication with a Tele-Touch volunteer. Thia fre- querit contact has given her confidence that, in an emergency situation, she will receive the help ahe nesds 1,300 disadvantaged, suicidai, depressed, lonely and /or marginalized seniors in the Milton community will benefit from the ongoing counseling and social support provided by the Oakville Distresa Centre funded ix part by the United Way 0f Milton. This yeer, 144 seniors in Miltoi'i will be able f0 continue to lice ix their own homes independently beceuse 0f the United Way sponsored services provided by the Halfon Helping Hands Home Support progrem. As a result 0f the financiel support given f0 the Canadian Red Cross by the United Way 0f Milbon, 168 frail or disebled seniors will be driven 10 their medical appointments, dialysis treatments and adult daycare programs. 154 Milton seniors will benefit from the Unifed Way sponsored programa 0f the Victorian Order 0f Nurses who provide: a) supportive cars to terminally-ill seniors xnd their famîlies; b) community~based hospice services 10 indisiduals tacing Iife-thrxstening ilînesses and c) social & recreational day programa for soniors struggling with Alzheîmer's Disease giving respite to their tamily csregivxrs. By allacalîng funda ta support senior programa ix the community, Ihe United Way crf Milan enriches Ihe lises crf Mutons seniors, helpîng hem la continue ta lead heallhy, safe, happy and fuil lises. The United Way of Milton - Neighbours Hefping Neighbours Each year, whether we help your famîly, irienda, neîghbourx, or yau, everyone n aur community benefits f rom Ihe Unîled Wayl How Cen YOU help? * If you work outaide 0f Milton and donate by payroll deduction - please designate your donation "home" to the United Way 0f Mîlton. * Make a direct donation * Attend a United Way 0f Milton Spécial Event: * Mayors Golf Tournament ix September * Dinner & Auction ix October * Christmas Houas Tour ix November M Nursery School Registration for Fail 2004 Brookville Nursery School iiormr'î l~ Brookvî île (.oufltry Playroorni Wednesday February 25 9:00 11:30a.m. Ehenezer United Churh 12274 Gcîelph [me N. 0f 20 Siderd. Cherish Nursery School Friday February 28 9:00 - il :30 arn. 91 7 Nipissing Rd. Milton 905-875-0612 wwwmcrc.on.ca

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