i 0-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Fobruaty 13, 2004 Showcase Milton booth Popular- event set foi- May 28 to 30 Looking for exposure? Booth sales will begin next week l'or the lever popular Showcase Milton, which will take place May 28 to 3(1 ai the brand new Milton Sports Centre. Starting Monday. local merchants and suppliers will have the chance to purchase space to show and sell their producis. is addition to everything for the home and garden. Showcase Milton includes suppli- crs of travel. enîertainment. automobiles, fttness. real estate. insurance and more. "Showcase is an excellent way for new and current residents 10 see what their îown and community bas to otier," said Dawn Case, Showcase chair. -With aIl the new homes in the area, many people may riol reahize what Milton bas to offer in commu- nity activities. businesses and stores. 'There have also been many new busi- nesses siariing up in Milton sirîce Showcase 2002. 'his gives themn a fabu- bous opportunity to introduce themselves to Milton consumners.- She added that the show is more than a home and leisure show. Booth sales will take place ai the Milton Sports Centre on Derry Road. Wehave already had a lot of interest about the show frorn ness atîd returning exhibitors," said Walter Sokil, chair of booth sales. -We've introduced a new early bird discount for the firsi two weeks of sales, su 1 know booths will go fast." The show's new location will provide doîuble the exhibît space ot the last show. -We're realty excited about the chance to move in t0 such a great new facility this year." said Sandy Martin, executive direc- tor of the Milton Chamber of Commerce. "The Sports Centre is much targer and will altow us to feature more vendors and those- with large products." As in pasi years, there will be various activities and prizes planned for Showcase visitors, organizers say. Exhibitors wiIl be holding draws at their hooths and several grand prizes will be won. A family barbecue witl be hetd May 29. For more information about Showcase Milton, cati Allison Mang ai the Chamber office ai f905) 878-0581 or e-mail show- case@ chansber.milîton.on.ca. Featuring: Countr and tormal antique turnîshîngs' (î.e, harvest tables, dry sînk, jam cup1board, etc.) architectural items, advertising items, toys, primitives, decoratives, etc. For Fuil Usting, Go To www.auctionsfind.com/medl«v Teîms: Cash, Cheque, Visa, Interac No Reserves, No Buyeris Premium For Sale info. by fax or phone: Jon Medley Auctioneer 905-878-2647 àe. The Ontario Fire Code Instli $ohe ari:requires that ev:ry home ~o wcotagotody' LIVING HEALTHY"T EPT O R A IN A series of "H AH OT E TN eeut MENTAL ILLNESS" seminars presented by Thursday, February 19, 2004 6:30 pm Displays & Refreshments 7:00 pm Program Halton Heaithcare Milton District High School www.haltonhealthcre.corn 396 Williamis Ave., Miilton Presente,î in Free Parking -arhî with: ~~ Dr. Nadim Zamar, M.D., FARC.P (C) Made possibhle Psychiatrist edliiotiaii OakvilIe Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 'grani filone yeth7 To register and for information WyethcaIl 905-338-4379 apprciti to ASI Interpreter Services available Miton District Hospital only if booked by February 13: For more EmaiI:cpopp@hatonhealthcare.on.ca information o a:958809 or to reserve Fr o a:958809 your seat cal Frmore information on mental health issues contact: 905-338-4379 Canadian Mental Health Association or email cpspp@ 1-800-875-6213 haltonhealthcaretn.ca ww.ontarIo.cmha.ca IT TAKES VISION TO SEE THE FUTURE Perhaps you'd like to set up a fishing camp somewhere in the interior of B.C. Perhaps you'd rather have a horse farm outside of Rockwood. Maybe you just want to spend a couple of weeks somewhere sunny to recharge your batteries each winter, and spend the rest of the year spoil- ing your grandchildren. We ail have a vision of what we'd like our future to hold. 1 can help you develop a plan to make it happen for you, and it doesn't need to be complicated. IT TAÂKS THE RIGHT PARTNER TO MAKE IT BRIGHTER 1 arn a Certif led Planner committed to helping my clients achieve their goals. Working together, we can determine your immediate goals as well as your long term goals, and then develop a plan that will help you meet each of them. Take some time out this winter s0 that your future can be one long, sunny summer. Caîl Jackie now to book your initial consultation. 1 look forward to meeting with you. i BIcK FINANCIAL a.~SECURITY CORPORATION 575 Ontario Street South, Milton (905) 875-1000 www.bickfinancial.com Red tn sprspcusan cnul yurivetmntpofssonibetore inveing MutlfuIds are nolgaraneed. thi auscag rqefyadpatpdrac a o erpa Invetos illayr maagemnt tees ay pay comsss ana mayexpree agwae,-iss C. .P. '~, t t t,