,United Way, doesn't reach goal, 4-e ~~~ ~~ À LMAJ ~ I W Roughly $395 ,000 rai .sed, 2.6 pet- cent increase over 2002 By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Although the United Way of Milton raised more money rian ever before, the 200)3 campaign didn't quite reach ils goal. "We had expectations of grnwth hecause we knew new corporations were coening to town. We had to estimate what we thought we'd acheeve, ansd we were probably a bit too ambitious." said United Way of Milton execottive director Anne Eadie. But Ms Eadie said she's not going to complain, and is happy with the amount raised. For the 2003 campaign, $395,000 bas bren collected -a 2.6 per cent increase over the $380,000 raisrd for the 2002 crm- paign, which exceeded its $350,000 goal. 'Mis year's goal was $425,000. The three main fundraising events hosted by rie United Way of Milton were no doubt succesoful, Ms Eadie said. The annu- aI Mayor's Golf Toumrrament, held in September, raised $70,000. The Christmas House Tour raised $35,000, and a dimer auction held i October took in almost $20,000. Alriough the United Way's 2003 cam- paign doesn't technically finish until rie end of March, rie bulk of donations - par- ticularly from individuals - cornes i by the end of the calendar year. "People in Milton are always extremely generouo," Ms Eadie oaid. A major portion of the United Way's money cornes through its major employers initiative. Ms Eadie said an "intensive" effort was required 10 reach the new romn- panties amrving in tOwn. She said she's found that somne companties anticipate becoming donors in Use future, but want to1 get aettled in first. "Some weere too new. they wanted to wait," she said. Ms Eadie said a greater focus will be placed on gaining support from new large businessen next year. Jim McQueen, chair of the major employer committee, said it'll take a greater effort on thse parts of both the United Way of Milton and companies to mecrease thse fonda coming from corpora- tions. -We as the United Way can do a better job of marketing ourselves. And if we do, employers who haven't participated might take more timne hearing how to involve their employees," Mr. McQueen aaid. "There'n room for impmovemrenî on both sides." He added that Milton has a core group of loyal companies dedicated to rie organtiza- tion. 'Somne have been tremendously dedicat- ed looking out for their frllow citizeno through the United Way." Menitor Suspension Systems Co. is the United Way of Milton's largest corporate supporter, Ms Enadie said. The company has supported tIhe organJization since ils beginning daya more than two decades ago. Plant administrator Sue Comnforth oaid before thse United Way of Milton became ils chanity of choice, there were many dif- ferent orgaizations people wanted 10 donate t0. "Trhe United Way was a good umibrella bo capture the different agencies," Ma ÇCornforth said, atkiing il wasn't a difficult "We as the United Way can do a better job of marketing ourselves. And if we do, employers who haven't participated unight take more time hearing bow to involve their' employees. Tbere's room for improvement on both sides."1 chotce 10 make smnce the donations stay in the community. The company donated more tIsai $36,000 ten the United Way of Milîon's 2003 campaign Ibrough a company dona- tion, a sunion donation, payroll deducîjon and varmnus fundraising events. The events included a golf toumamnent, a gingerbread house raffle and a VIP parking raffle. "Wr have a lot of fun wtth il, Ms c' February 1 11, Milton Sentor drink akho Tickets are avails g-p ý -fly.or Comforri said. Currently, the United Way of Milton is in the process of going through funding appli cations and allocating dollars. There are 24 agencies it funds now, and more may be added. Groups it supports include Big Brothers of Halton, the Canadjan Mental Health Association, Milton Community Resource Centre and Halton Recovery House. It's important the amnount raised by the United Way of Milton increase year aller year because requests for funding are becoming more numerous as the commua- nity grows, Ms Eadie said. ',This is our best campaign ever," she said. "I'd love to have made our goal, but l'm not disappointed. l'tr very apprecia- tive to, ail the volunteers we couldn't do without." Stephanie T/eiessen cani be r-eached at sthiessen@miltoncanadianchampion.com. The Canadiani Champion, Tuesday, February 10,'2004-9 Qualiy Educational Toys, Games &Atvte *Puppets *Videos 9- PV1?S~ -ln2 -ono The Bose AMI / Sony STRDE595 Home Theatre Package (1002697510020381) wss advertised with incorrect sav- mîts information in or Febroary t flyer The actua noise ni the tavings o tie customer os $300. The retaîl price n Co.rrect as advertioed. MILTON PLAYERS THEATRE GROUP Presento imes of the Hffart By Beth Henley 2, 13, & 14 (SOLD OUT), 2004 ' s Activity Centre, 500 Child's Drive ible at Delacourt's (CASH/CHEQUE ONLY) by calling 905-875-0629 The R.R.S.P. 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