w- The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 10, 2004-7 We believe... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Local resident Ab Martens and condominium superintendents Carol and Derek Snow want something dons about the snow and Ice-covered bridge used by many seniors. icy bridge subject of concern, complaints By JASON MISNER The Champion A small bridge that stretches across a sec- tion of thc Sixteen Mile Creek east of Martin Street - a popular crossing for res- idents living in nearby condominiums - bas sparked safety conceros because it's ful of snow. Carol Snow, a superintendent of the con- dominium ait 100 Millside Dr., said thc bridge is regularly used by tenanta, many of them seniors, as a way to get to Carnage Square and to the downtown. She's upset because a lot of snow bas accumulated on it and aaid it's become dangeroua to, cross. Also, she said, it's impossible for those witb electric scooters to use, and abe wants to know why dic Town hasn't cleared the snow. "This bridge bas been like this ail monUi long in January," a frustrated Ma Snow said. "Wbat are they going to do, wait until thc Uiaw?" Paul Cripps, Milton's director of engi- neering, said Uic bridge is Town property, but it's flot part of thc Town's public walk- way system and isn't designated for main- tenance. Town counicil approves sidewalk routes for plowing. This year, 27 km of walkways and sidewalks have bren designated for plowing, snd Uic bridge isn't mncluded, said Doug Thompson, Milton's manager of operations in engineering services. tJltimatcly it's up to counicil to decide wbat sidewalks/walcways arc to br plowcd, he said. AnoUier obstacle the Town faces is Uic bridge abuta two private propesties. The Town can't get access to il wiUiout permis- sion from at least one of Uic landowncrs, Mr. Cripps said. But lac said Town Hall has fîelded a cou- ple of cails from residents concemcd about Uic condition of Uic bridge and will ask Uic owncr of Carnage Square Uiis wcek for permission to gain access to Uic bridge to, bave Uic snow removcd. What could bappen, Mr. Cripps said, is aftcr Uic snow bas been removed signs could br put up inmcediately to alcrt resi- dents to Uic fset thc bridge isn't maintained in Uic winter and residents should use it at Uieir own risk. Jantice Rowe, a resident of 101 Milîside Dr., said clearly Uic bridge must br clearcd of Uic mounting pile of snow. "Everynne would like to sec somcUiing donc, I'mi not Uic only one," she said.- Ward 4 Councillor Mike Boughton, whose ward includes Uic downtown core, bais reccived cails from. concemed residents about Uic bridge, and bas also, visitcd it. 11t is bad,"~ he sald. Mr. Bouglaton said lac will approach Town staff about Uic bridge bing plowed. 'WiUi Uic numbrr of residents Uiat use it, I would like to sec it kept clear regularly.. or shut it down in Uic winter'~ an people don't risk getting huai. Tbere's not much bistory available about Uic bridge, exccpt Uiat it was originaily built by a private landowner in Uic '50s or '60s and was kept in place whcn Sixteen Mile Creek was re-cbanneled for flood control reaannis in Uic '70s, sald Gary Hutton, Conservation Halton's communi- cations director. Jason Misner can be reached at jrmis- ner@miltoncanadianchampion.com. ( -E*B IL A I~i1U ) al 4 ']W:ilc Rartùgers & Soliditors 64 Ontario St. N., Milton, Ontaio 905-878-8123 182 Queen St. W, Brampton, Ontario 905-450-9050 CLUB MEMBERS SAVE mlv'.1 OFF OUR REOULAR PRICIES ON6 OUR IIIfllMR0 no. PMIIIIICID IN-STORE FASHION FAURIC & SIWINO NOTIONS MMbortliIp Pays! Jois now and save through Aug. 31/04 Nse Moembers - $15 GST incIud Renseals, Seniors (65+) & Students (with valid ID) - $12.50 GST IMtroducilsg Our Spedtacular New Line of '(jeu"..' DECORATIVE TRIMMINOS Cords, tasseis, tiebacks, fringes & brods. Avsaabe inoavarety of decorator colours, I.ruidoy Offert Som-Munbors ue 30% Off Ow Ie. Prke Sewim. g Club MeH ta eit 1 WUIK ONLY. - IRUAIT 9.15à Entire In-Store Stock!l NEW LOOK PATTERNS - ONLY 1.99 IAL Offervalid Feb9-15/5 whilequarites lest. Not valdwith aiystheisounts. SALE STARTS FEBRUARY 9th! 1