34-The Canadien Champion, Tuesdlay, February 10, 2004 sX you nave any questions these professionals can answer, please write toe c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax tn, R7R-&44; YHALTON HILLs SPEECH CENTRE ÉMN A 1,T 0 NC 0MF7àÏÎ Northview Centre i flaofci 17 Wisn AvREnu 211 Guelph St., Suite 5 Co..Franco.ergtw Alfilialed with N.F. Insurance Agency Ine. PHYSIOTHERAPISTS (corner of Wilson & Main) (905) 873-8400 Teli: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 LuMigan MA, CFP, RH Q.I ecnîywo aPhsi ai. 'm8 ote6 cty1 ue5 ha15' www.haltonspeech.com 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1P9 for or what 1 should do with it. Can yoo give me some Q: 1 read to ,y pre-school child every day. What else Q: 1 osed my RRSP to buy our new home. Do I have to pay advice? cnIdf0peaehmfreangtoeaansel>it back? can doto repae hm fr lernig t rea an spll? A. Many people horrow from teir RRSPs to purchase their A. Physio halls are sometîmes referred to as stability balîs. They A: Recent literature has linkcd developmcnî of early firsi home. This helps with the home purchase but it harts are one of a nunher of pieces of equipment that were tradition- rcading skilîs to a child's oral language ability. One parlic- the value growing in their RRSP. Canada Revenue Agency ally found only in hospitals and physiotherapy clinics to be used ular oral language skill which impacts reading develop- wiIi advise when repaymenî must hegîn. Generatly thts wii in rehabilitation that have moved ou nt m ain streann fitness. ment is the child's-phonological awareness. Phonological lue two *years after horrowing front your RRSP. You cao go to many gyms, community centers, yoga or pilotes awareness is the awarcness of sounds that make up words. It is important that you repay your RRSP loan. The sonner studios that incorporate the use of the hall into exercise pro- For example, bcing able 10 idenîify the sound Ihat begins or you repay it. the sooner your retirement assets witi stant gramns. While you have probahly just started te, see Physio coagrowing agatn. Wen you took the money from your RRSP Rais i thseseting inIh laIfw ear. pysithrapatsha e nd a word, knowing that two words rhyme, being able te, as a HomeBuyers Loan, there was no tas paid. Now, you Bals i tesesetins i th lst ewyeas, hyioteraiss hve produce rhymes, and recognizing the oumber of words in a must pay back at least 1/15 each year untît the boan is paid been asing them and have hemn aware of Useir benetîts for many sentence or syllables in a word. tn fuit. There is no interest due on the bnani; however, if you years now. fat to make your payment, the amount wilI be added to yoar Parents cao do a number of thioga to develop their child's incomne for the year and taxed ut yoar htghest marginal rate. Your Physio ball cao provtde whole body beneftts for you by phonological awareoess. Story time cao be used 10 hi is sot necessary to repay the HomeBayers Loan back to allowiog you to performn s wide range of exercises. Most exer- enhasice souod awareness by reading rhymes, poems and the saine ftnancial institution that you took it from. Yoa are cites are designed to, help stabilize or strengîhen the core muscles simple pattern arory books. You cao have your child com- free to make the reptyment into, any RRSP that you have. of your trunir and will improve your balance; however, you cao plete a familiar phrase using rhymmng words e.g. "Jack and Many people simple set up a monthly paymens program into proma number of flexibility exercises, upper body or lower JilI - Went up the _". You cari also have your child cîap their RRSPs vo, that their Homeboyers Iran is repaid simply boC ____h xriesuigth al and easiiy. Topping up ihis amount for your cenent year's hod stengs eercsesusig Ue hll.along wiîh chants and songa using one clap for each word. new RRSP contribution is a good idea ton. It's raster to Yqt hae aoumer f otios i tems f wereto tar. ~ While playing Use gante "I Spy' ask your child to find make 12 smaller payments than one huge one. bave have a n revo pos ins ensalyb ofhr oec ijuries Ifyo hings that begin with certain sounds (c.g. look for words Need help figuring oui what to do about repaying your hav woud an reomnsen cnjurcesg alocall hysiothrp ncoin.uriese that begin with the 'sh' sourd). Most imporlantly, make RRSP Home Bayers Loan? Money Concepts bas GICs pbytoteraistcaogie yu istrctins s 0 hw t PC0O thUe lime enjoyable. You know that he's lcrnting, hie thinks mutuel funds and segregated fonds 10, meet your RRSP some starter exercises safely. If you're injury free, you cao alto heus having funed.Clu a 0 8604 consider going bo one of your local gyms, communily cenlers, or The Halton Hi//s Speech Centre offers programs throughot the exercise studios 10, gel a one on one bail session or 10 join a bal. yeur t/tut focas on increa.ting phono/ogical awureness. If you _.cass. Whatever you choose, Fim sure you'il gel nget hert- wou/d /ikefurther information about these pragrams or have fuir- Dealer Services efit and have a lot of fun. rtee aaesrçi-n.s n/pne feel fl- , *BARROW FAMILY î 180 Ontario St. S. Milton(905) 878-4994 a, AnO. s,, Fax:(905) 875-4485 J Email: drebarrowg@sympetico.ca HOW CAN 1 BE SICK AND NOT HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS? Your definition about health might be incomplete. JusI because you don't feel sick or have uny symptoms doesn'î necessusily mcmn you are healtlsy. How muny tusses have you heard of a person who died suddenly of a heurt attack? His/her family members are shocked. "He wus always s0 healUsy", Usey say. Was he? If he wa healthy wiUs a atrong and healthy heurt and a good nerve supply, wouîd he have hadua heurt attack and died? Usually, in such canes, Use per- son is not healthy - junt healUsy looking. Mont bodiîy funictions go on aIl the liante withouî you cver bemng aware of Usemn. You normally aren't conscious of when your orguns are workiusg correctly and you may nor know it when Usey aren't - until it's 100 hate. Remnember when you first learned, back in grade school, tIhe Earth was spinning around ut un incredible speed. If you were like most kids, you went out int Use schoolyard and stood stilh and tried to feel Use EarUs spinning. How couhd it possibhy be happening if you didn't feel il? 0f course the scientific evidence was so, ovcrwhelming Usat Uscre couhd be no room for doubt Usat titis unbelievable phenomnenon was truc. None of us toduy, an adults, doubt for a second that thse Earth is spinning - even if we cun't fei il undenfoot. Yet, sce have trouble belicving interference in our nervous sys- cmn casa cause'hcahth problenis iin thse rest of the body, or hat wc cari be very unhealîhy and flot show uny symptoms -desoite thse overwhelmino evidence& 75 Main St., Ste. 10 Milton Medical Buildings 905-878-0800 Jitain Suart Wendy Cook CatlAi,. Mclaiaah Agan Wêaver (Hou.)e B. Sc., lUVT AMi RUT 11.8c., RMTf TENSION HEADACHES Tension headaches are described as pain associaîed wiih the base of Use skuli or any other part of Use head and face. They are differenti- ated fromt vascular (migraine) headaches and are patients' most fre- quently made complaints. Due to the many eauses of headaches, a case historye mast be carefsliy considered to raie nus organic disease and 50 ascertain the cause and type of head5che. Common causes of tension headaches include trigger poins referral, muscle spasm. cervical sub- luxation, postural stress, and envirosmental stress. Symptoms toclude a stiff and tender neck, and achtng or vice-like pais in ose or more areas of Use head. 'Me patient may also espertence ringing of Use cars, reduced attention, and photosensîtiviy. Refe-red pain in Use head moss commonly occurs as a resait of trig- ger points in the neck and shosider region. For instance, the apper trapezius (shoulder muscle) is the muscle cossidered most likely lu develop trigger points which refers pain behind Use ear into Use temple. Trigger points in the splenii muscles (base of the sksll) refer pain upward t0 casse a deep-seated headache Usai coscentrates behind Use eye and ofien entends to the top of the head. Additionalty, stemoclei- domastoid (V-shaped muscles in Use front of the ne.k) tigeer points sot osly refer pain to the ear. temple. and aroand the eye. bai may also casse dizziness, disorientatios. and the symptoms of trîgemîsal ses- ralgia. Treaiment of tension headaches wîlt inclsde thorough assessment, tigeer point therapy, and bydrotherapy to reduce pain and muscle spasîn. and mneuse circulation to compromîsed tissue. 'Me therapisi wîll streîch shortened muscles and enicourage the patient to be aware of and minimize contnibating lacions. Pleaae eail Ryas or Jillian uitihe Mitas Therapeuiic Massage c'lait. if cou huce asYp questians canecaine massage therapy or eastd ike ta book an, appoiatmnent. Cic Hmu: Mu.-Frl. 8-8 e gât. 10-2 a Chnud gmiav Elayne M. Tanner B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., Olp. SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotherapy in Milton (905) 854-0801 Elayne M. Tanner www.tasolutlons.com Q: What do yon see as the asti ingredient of a good rela*ioaship? A: 1 helieve the most important overul componeent for any gond relu- lionship is respect. Gond Iisîening skills, communication and compalibil- ity aie ail only relevant if you have retpect for yoarself and each ter. Wiîhouî respect, yon will sol boiser lu listes or conninnicale effecîively. Osly ose of you wrill have goals met and there will ha no positive regard for the other. As a soeiely, sur media tends In sot promate respect for ose unother. Tise lyrirs of matie, movies and vident freqaesîly encourage vio- lence, and dioregard for nîhers. Cossider Use reent incident where tise front of Janet Jackson's osîfit wus tom off. The fats Ihut ensued was ail about the fuel thutliher breast was exposed os national lelevision. No ose seemed to cure about lise fuel tisat rippisg a womus's clotes off is lise ulti- mule portrayal of violence agais womes us tisis represesîs tape. Tisis is exlremely ditrespecîfal Io ail women as vieil as 10 mes who do sol uceepi this beisuvinur. In cisagisg sur views, we must leurs 10 ha mare of isow nar bhavinurs impact upos otisers. In relulionsisip coansellisg, wr leurs isow 10 listes effeclively so tisat we hacome atue of lise impact of nue words aid actions If we are workisg on parestiog skills, parets are ugisî iow 10 speak and hahave îowards their chiliren st tisaI tise chili learas isow toise respecîful and how 10 act accordisgly. lsdividual coanselling teuches self- respect and isow 10 recognize abusive patterns occurrisg aid change îhcm. Some people focas on anger management in ordr 10 trest sîhers more respcîfully. If yoa are willing 10 accept disrespecîful behavinur because of your own poor self-esteem. yoa are likcly lo be treaîrd poorly und pos- sibly trcal olisers in tise saine way. Gond rclaîionships are those Ihat enhance eanis otiser and make tise feel brîter shoot tiscrselves. Tbis Valentine's Day. treal yoarself aid your relaîionship to agift of love by leaming how 10 respect and be respcîei. Cali Elsyne Tanner ani sec lîow ber qualifications cas meel your nceds.