The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, February 10, 2004-33 Il you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 Msn tna "Providing a Natural Way to Better Health and Wellness" i have tried juat about evory diet In the lest titres years, and i can't serm to kaep my weight off. Why sa Unat? A: The anawer is really quite simple: dicta don't workl Untortunately, thore are a lot of "quick fix" promises, rang- ing fmom ufat-eating" pilla ta ail-protein diets ta muscle stimulation inatead of exorcise. The common denomninator among these is that they offer short-tomr solutions ta a long-terni weight probieni. Most make unproven dlaims of "Iweight losa", and can be potontialiy dangorous ta your heatth! At Herbai Magic, wes understand that achioving long-torm weight loss reaulta requirea focus on the underlying cause of woight gain: poor oating habitaI Thore must be a change in the way one approaches food on a DAILY basia. With this in mind, Herbai Magic bas designed a sensible, well-baianced oating plan that uses oniy your own grocey store bought fooda (no shakos or pre-packaged mals). Safo, ail naturel herbai auppiementa are used ta heip con- trai appetite and boost motabolic rate, making it easier ta adapt ta a heaithier, eating lifestylo. The trainod health counsolors et Herbai Magic know how harl it is ta, break aid habits, sa, one-on-one counseiing and guidance is provided each and every visit. For more information, stop by or call us atl: Herbai Magia, 15 Martin Street (Carrlage Square) 693-9594. Mastina Stanley ha# a && In Socloiog andl en &.1. In Social Weont 8h. huit work.d wfb ie Nh erbai Magie programt for ovar 71Iu and la a train.d nutritionai counaaiior. YQMIINTERIORS I1 Carpet e Vinyl e Ceramics * Hardwood e Paint 9 Wallcovenings Shwroomr RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Garaldine Heakai $45 Mai. Si. M. MIII.. 878-4280 What, Why and When... These are tise 3 questions asked wisen purcisasing a oew floue. Be prepueed to, ask lots ot questions and listen to lots of udvice. Stay off Che internet us il oi confuse tise hest of us, as clients end Up knowing more tison sce do andi thsaïs flot gound. 0k, su off we go.. flask. sandwiches. kidu. dong. grandira, youlil ise gose foe aut 2 dys. sufeed ie cat Seeiously tisougis. visis tise store flesi. Mont peuple are suipeise i uthtie cisuices aid vaeying prce points. I ill hiilelp immensely lu have on idea misen we conte & measure misat your misises ure. Meaueng mush nu cisoice cneont sisits galore and esenytising mineuet differenty. Il con ta quise daonting for you & US. Weil w/sat about this, oh coyhe tisas or you knoo' whai could J.1 AHHHH! Su.. see tiestiy misuis oui ihere. Aesn yourself wiCh samnples su take home wiCh prices in mind anti life foe an ill iie good. ise Visit: OOisis..e tis heme! Linst fquestions, floue soonpies as isand and taen les Che expeet do isis Ching. A gond salespenson aid installer miii advise you wisy il mould ta goot u contider cerarnies oser ninyl, is new plymouti requireti, oli honeisords sisuuld ta replaceti. yose fluor is ans lenel se click flooring cap o heua goond cheice. Yen. vinyl moutti really suit yoe neetis and budget ut conrse, isuning as i say, yonr cheices aid requiremtenta helps su rnucis anti tan it yon neet 5 revinit tise store, yon knoo misai ta cisainel ino aid Ctha sohen me con cisouse tie look aid culour. Installation: Genernlly, me tep se hune ai lite upset as possihle. But aiy renuvation con ta rneasy depeaiding on type. If tipping ant is su, ta doue. mood instalieti. eeamics iuvolning cernent, nrnsing. cutting. loping. gruuting. Su he'll ta there for breakfust aid lunch! Oh.. Dune, Mike aid Trenor love saup. Carpet in a scoutitor ride bt staien miC enins in ai ast su uppreciose Che limer aid effort a qualifird intaller taket miCh ail tie essec aid touchs of rnutcising paiterns, cutting ditticuit nreo, etc. Wisen: Plan yu rennation uheal of tins for cisooning. Lots ut flooeing nm corntes freen Che U.S., su ticie for delivery aid aliom for hachonlees, alan Chere are lots of oCher peuple ton! Su 24 hottes in a bit mach. Yon are spending al1oi of coney an cisonse ilumiy. caretuly aid metH cake Ciejob casier. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. Sc., D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST I CHIROPODIST ~D I 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T1 P6 1A Princesa Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 B . Lwe.,.c (905) 702-1611 B.S. .C. Member of the Ontario Society of Chlropodlate and The Ontario Collage of Chiropodlt Q.My cbild bas painful red swollen spots on bis feet that were recently diagnosed as Chilblains, wbat is chilblains? A. Chilblains commonly occur in young aduits, espe- cially with a bistory of cool limbs. The symptoms are only seen in cold damp climnates and thse incidence has Dr. Markc CroR MTooth T-9i k Towne Dental Group Mark Cross Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 Not As Often As I Should Whenever 1 do an initial exanination on a patient, I ask how often they fioss. 1 always smile when 1 hear thse classic answer 'flot as often as I should." For sone this may nean evesy other day, where- as for others it means once a nonth. Why don't more people fions every day? Here are thse four most comnon reasons: t. 1 don't have thse time. iciet witu cte auvenît us cetîtO tteottg. We make time for what's important to us.Thlere are acouple of tricks Chilblains represent an abnormal vascular reaction 10 ta fiossing quickly ansd yet thorougsly. Ask your dentist or isygienist cold. They may be produced on re-warming by thse 10 help you. Wiseu you know hom 10 do it, il only takes about two more rapid dilation of thse constricted arterioles than tise minutes. drainmng venules. This is thougist to lead to, tse exuda- 2. My guns always bleed. lion of fiuid in the tissues. Don't ignore bleeding guns. Il means something is wrong. You Chilisiains occur St any age but are moat common inl wouldn't ignore il if your amn bled every tint you nibbed il. If children. They start in early winter, but outdoor workers you're fiossing properly and daily, your guns shouldo't bleed. may develop them in the spring. Itching and red lesions 3. Tise fions always sttreds or breaks. are followed by swelling of the suiscutaneous tissues on atcnb eynoig!Mfvureflsi ald Gdead thse top of the toes, on the heels and fingers, especially a a evr nois!M aoct in scle Gie n sigeormliplR n sal usd inVE WIIH VOO PET e A:n Acrdsing to tie Harvar Heal Letenlbrk blshed crain te end i rwe aske isetise atshute t smedaitnse ravtîi un of as year, tise to telng helts tonbe arje rrpae.Akyu au aceafso. (et bsity is ch o vi ewdal.rvnal seli ikb otr Sheat pet tsa fîu n appron cbaiercsotiesrae is tisyga e a4d ises toganiatin. Oeiyic mknkls caboluto of on etain aihie routes iTis iein toherc.Lrer (2)e ~agi ofer ao gnowod tea oisii moerly isp s n dein iutis Tisearowae ntihd of tise pln te co atind is Teere iei tiscts i se fr e nn nbtenyu Tees anu n preet sevieb tiem rig tharigst lt esur (n ) t etbtinplsy oinconsidreatl tsiis te mot pefferie. treat tat tisy ar conoale, dand ae acss muer met fociet attaclhpk. e ortehan ushat Witis ~ 55 read 0sdtOn tr isi couret out, ito sen pet isudgt b7o pressure. adere racis Photie (ai5e 87itis 8 nuoetsee0"ed7ui&.(5 eia Gieiesaefo awy 92 oe ypofsin cletms AnIbi exactL preicet OUpo arrva aiý is : (6) rin Qijo e aare d getting yon er.Wtis muledica dhes asd deliatn iske hter a pufetn soe ee of an tavee n aton o f mlas al tse socia end hecooies surtoe sea:aga tis sedcat. (1ci) siseil mas uble towe asn n neterinurian andt ins tisec endl Use do as fiin Thred crier u n tsscoutime havel n thci ond et perniats. sesaingtc y, ie oearls. morse, ati In arn eraina a are ofaes, isa oth haveisai argit (2) HAoonersag Rep acn Th e sohpuifen ae setbak petsemuest Dvli h ag eto.emegngtia ets u in wmen ot mourep.cmt ife cro absoutinet teudo tise ae s beetisey jomeynd ospeyl. iottn tahsidct ipoeeti egs a n prerie tisoe set fo Useupetisu tisai c cinth colih I nsve (ia ALi pl.l eigh contrl osidered ammna efeged eaur ra one Use ecton, nte naeyo licse isne watiberve ayrc- 9)mnstrationt oltrooe a iesrgnfra veaeo tionUa cy1hv rccur. ain 2. rbby f1 ol vi l 4 Newr Blotdrfvessuer of tamien etenent ruses se Myer otisernoedis aavr e mouldtace tr on cieckot tis etaine an r xerecie re oban aincr h iftya pereant.fpeenigh mon taesi Geatcfaion frteseaiewt o e s to seir excrtols 5 eia udlnsaentawy olwdb rfsinl on cisupp ve avro. Yaoust eettauose about re anIhd a an0d1 isifltos t ail soh ing into Usie pg~).E uereu deigstntin , i.e , ws ispern te you et o nc ad hve rcisd tu weuaatinl teisial and oieconomc suesrt bavde taeraeolve renitis ossesineT of ier at cisc dhvebe in.h bleor e Usat dooris the n. ckb fv yas