The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 10, 2004-23 %pDoSp4 &p Tub$4J W1ube Sa mnkxur.. Double Spa Tub Session 1/2 Hor asag for Two Double Spa Pedleures Wîr» or Chamipagne 1/2 Heur Massage for Two fw Ctm 1 1#eWIne or Champagne SI125 PER~ COUPLE Cheese Piaffer .f SMSNLE(d $50 for 1 Hour Massages) (add SZfr1Hu asg)$85 SINGLE Pielow 2 1»Houirs- (adc5 $25 for 1 Hour Massage) *Peosgw~ 21/2 Hours w Chikenor Ywhri»p '?csto Double Spa Tub S ession -z4o nm Q 43 Orchoice t-hicken or £,rimp tossed wilh 1,?e~m qe Double Spa Manicures l <- r OeHour Massage or Bodly Wrap vnefor Two Spa Tub Session j0xýaéstick. or ChapagneRt$ Matemify Massage Cheese Piaffer Spa Pedieufe $240 PER COUPLE S paI Manieur. V(hire $125 SINGLE >~pa Sr0M £/fl ?I.v4%VIf CJhitJpI4 *Please allow 4 Hours* $145 IL W ~~~~~~~~~Pease afow31/ 2Hours w2gtectaenIrwinw a Our services in lde H styling+ ehetics, RMT and Hot Stone <mr crcamy~ aifw4r V Massage, Spa Tub Sessions and Fitness Classes including Yoga & Pilofes. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK vA" 9 MILL STREET EAST, ACTON PP 1-5-892 r W% ef-- ; v Q~aid&e, Cer1e ePa (S Start with soup or garden salad, Chicken quarter entree served with a freshly baked roll, dipping sauce & your choice of one side order, and finish with your choice of any slice of pie. For on ly $1 0.99 (plus tax) per dinner dine un only IV RO0TI1S S ERI1E & G RIL L 50 Market Dr. 905-876-3313