/HSS ranks among top facilities in GTA in patient satisfaction Patient satisfaction for Halton Healtbcare Services (HHS) - whicb includes Milton District andI Oakville-Trafalgar Memoriai hospîtais - bas been ranked higbest asnong Halton andI Peel hos- pitals for 2003, placing it in the top five facitities in the GTA. 'We are pleased with the resuits of the Hospital Reports as tbey relate to Milton District Hospital and Oakville-Trafalgar Memonial Hospital," said HHS President and CEO John Oliver. The results of the Hospital Report Series 2003 were released late last month by the Ontario Hospital Association snd Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. This year, the Hospital Report Series mncludes system level and hospital-specific results for Acute Care, Emergency Department Care andI Complex Continuing Care. Also included is a system level report on rehabilitation. The Acute Care Report provides bospital-specific balanced scorecards that examine four equally imsportant areas of hospital performance - namnely patient care, finances, patient satisfaction andI how well hospitals are preparing for the future. "Wr are slso very excited about the above average ratings we received, wbich are reflective of some of our strategic initiatives," said Mr. Oliver. 'These excellent ratings in the Acute Care Report acknowl- edged our efforts in managing patients requiring Altemate Level of Care (ALC), the collection, dissemination and bench-marking of clinicat outcomes and the total number of days that patients who had s bysterectomy stayed in thse bospital." For the first time, bospital-specific results for emergency and complex continuing care alto identified areas of strengths, includ- PITON IN ~~CANADA TOUOUINDI COI» WfLi AUTOMATIC DELIVERY 0F FURNACE & STOVE <M3L SERVING H1ALTON & PEEL REGIONS Give as a cati today.. Expert ence the differencef JOHNSTON PETROLEUMS ing satisfaction witb tbe emergency department facilities andI tbe reduced use of physical restraints andI maintaining bladder conti- nence witbin tbe chromec care patient population. T'Me Emergency Department Care report identified an opportu- mty to reduce the proportion of patients receiving x-rays for anide injury. "This is a very comprebensive series of reports. fIn the days andI weeks to corne we will be reviewing Use technical report, our spe- cific ratings and Use indicators to ensure we bave an understanding of aIl our scores." Mr. Oliver noted. That, he stressed, can help 1HUIS1 move into Use future. "These results are positive and encouraging andI perhaps more importantly, they provide us with valuable inifonssation -whicb will belp us enhance patient case and direct quality improvements." The Canadien Champion, Tuoaday, February 10, 2004--15 With so many options available, it's easy to make a mistake. This RRSP season do what is right for you. Cai now and request our free report on thse most common RRSP investment mistakes people make! M Douglas Riding BA, CFP Certified Financial Planner 905-876-2400 www.ridingteam.ca Ii*mettt Pfmnz« C=ewtd TINANCIAL PLANNING PROFESSIONALS