i 0-The Canadian Champion, Tunuday, February 10, 2004 M OMM "THE ROYAL REPORT' Preston MacNeul Liana-Darla Presnsé DISHGP REDINO 118 SCIGOL Afier two weeks of studying, prepaning, and ftnally wrtting exams, the students of Bisbop Reding are back and geared up for the new seme5ter. The semester began with students greeting their friends and having scbedule changes made left and right; now il seems that everyone is settled and ready to work hard for yet aotiser semester. As well, this week Bishop Reding held grade level assembîtes in which the students received many words of * ments frteucmn r were mach appreciated, and helped everyone get our B.R. spirits back. Bishop Reding athletics also came back wtth a bang this week witis many bard fougbt battles. The senior girls volleyball team started off their week with an excruciating game, where they lost their third set with a score of 14 to 16. Tise coacbes are extreme- ly proud of tbe girls and tbeir efforts in tbis game. Tbe junior girls also made il to tise tisird set, isowever were defeated after a long struggle. Similarly, tbe boys basketball teatns had quite the event- fui week. The senior boys played Aldersisot after a îwo and a haîf week lay off, and won their ganse by an astounding tbirty five points. For that reason, ibis was nauned tise "Ganse of tbe Week" at B.R. 'Me juniors were close 10 victory during their ganse, util Aldersisot scored ait the buzzer. Mr. Jarus wouid like to mnake a sisout out to Niali Clark wbo was tbe leading scorer of tise ganse. Overaîl. it was a successful and vigorous week in Bîsbop Reding Atlethtcs. We would like to congratulate ail wbo played and we are glad to sec you back! The Sears drama students arr ail geared up for their perform- ance. These students have bren working extrenseix hard iti tise moraings and during exams in order to niafe their performance a succeiss Ther, wiîi he compeiic on Februars I Xii as the Seai s Drania Festival. Wr ai the Rosyai Roar wish ihin ilie het osf Iliî5f and fnois the\ wiii do ail aniazing, jloh. Anoliser group ofi students mvies aie womrfiisv partieularîr bai i. arihe iîîevîheiý ofi the Danie ieii ai Bislîep Redîing iý is thei liasve aiss iinivlîrd iheii riiutinie for ieuc periomiasie onî April 1:1ith. Studeisi -,overnîiiet has heeti hîisy ibis mv ef as ihey pepare 1l iti the coming oi Valentines, Da\, amit weef. Matchmnafer furfis have bren collecird iront ail classes. aind îheî Avill be availahie vent week iii the Piazza for only îwv dollars. Vue encourage emery.- vise iv pick up iheirs. and issayhr rien fînd the love of youe life: imîprobable but not impossible. As weli. roses are ors sale durîîsg lunches for ihai speciai one. They wiil he delivered iv firsi perîvd classes ibis consîng Friday. Overaîl. il vas a week of happy endiiigs and aew begîanîîsgs. We would like iv take ilsis tinse iv congraîniate evervoîse on fin- îshîng semesier i. and hesi of aucf during the apcomîing nsonîhs. Quotation of the Week: "What we cal! the beginning is aften the end. And to make an end is ta make a beginning. The end lis where we startfram." -1.S. Ehiîî The One. Th a l YOUNG DRIVERS is the one you've heard amnazingI Here's why: 1. Our copyrighted program teaches nothing less thi and skills of lifetime collision-free driving. 2. We teach our life-saving emergency maneuvers Ile wheel, flot just in a classroom. 3. We're the Canadian standard of excellence. 900,0< 4>YOUNG DRIVER Yorlicence to survive. m95.875480 Ask us how Dri veFit Computer Based Training will help iîou pass z»eumow vour road test e-arnuc rcs, TO Rg n se f Educain There s only one YD. Starts Mareh l5th (9:30 arn - 4:15 pm) APRIL 2004 4 WEEK COURSE Starts April 6th Tues. & Thurs. (6:00Opm -9: 15 m) I -'~ .. . .. . J--- w -------------------------------------------------------iw . LMI.UY Udauîvd aura rerguiûii MILTON DISTRICT HUMR SCRGOL "1MUSTANGm MESSENGER"' Students at Milton District can finally kick back and relax after a continuous cycle of stress. From preparing for the holidays and handing in aIl those late papers tol bravely retumning in order to face the semester's end, iî's been a heck of a ride. Needless 10 say, the students haven't been the only ones on edge. MD teachers have been known to file a complaint or two. Too many papers to mark, flot enough time, it just goes on and on! But we ask: where is the sympathy for the stu- dents? Flooded with homework. extra-curricular activities, pant-lime jobs, volunteer work and barely enough time for a social life. where us the compassion'? H-ave our teachers and parents goîten so far- from their youth that they have forgotten whai il's like Ici be a student? Sci isaavhe ihiat was, a stilit ei.aggc'raidli but niorc iupiottaiil\, the final sei osf' exatîîss VXLis cuasîpleîtle îsd s îics.j We t Cc' I, f'reigs fîfidcilis ti-ii tlae buidea flencless schocilwork. Exaîin relfîrns were fltslriCfle the lcollowiîîe, da10 anyorîe w ith the will power bo gel îcî school and receive theni. Nevertheless. for the most of you. who spent Thursday morning sleeping in, unfortunately it's t00 late to obtain them. We hope your semester at M.D was a good one, and wish you the best in the inonths ahead. Alicia Visconti John Peterson E.C. DRURY HMON SCEGOL3 The Process of Writing an Article Wîî/î IP anîd Alicia i Monday: 8:20 arn Alicia noves a frîendly hello iv YF as tbey rater scisoot. A quick discassion formaity takes place rrgarding lise misere- abouts ni ibeir nexi wniîang adveaîare. Laier in lise day, Alicia approacises JP wiîis aews front ber vannaus soarces. For exampie. ECD's aaauai semi formai wîli be iseld ia lise gym on Feh. 13th. This is lise firsi lime ibis eveni wili be iseld on scisoot prolsert. 'Ibesday: 1:20 a.m. Alicia o0cr agaîn waves bello 10 iF as tisey make tiseir way iv ihuir tockrrs. Tbey rrnsind racs other t0 muet in tise library ai lOan 10 begîn wriîîng ibis wrrk's article. John explaîns 10 Alicia tisai they nerd 10 remumber 10 mention the anoual Nighî of Jazz whiuis will bu iseld Tisarsday Fris 26ts ai Milton District. Tise bell rings, and on t0 class îhey go. As 10:010 a.m. approaches, tise îwo israd dowa iv lise liirary as agrerd apon. Aller initial writrr's bslock subsides, the imo gel siartrd. Once the article is finished iisry make liseir way ibrougs lise resi of tiseir day waîîîag for lise inevitahie meeting wish liseir ediiors tise amit day. Wednesday: JF and Alicia finish ibrîr owa edîlîne and lofe lise loag trek iv lise Anars 10 vîsîl lise 'wizard' lise ivress edîtor la the land. Eacs nverf hey arr dîsiracîrd hy mnsiy oibstacles aiong the msay. Juil lasi ee nerf iierîsiured a terrniblersso siîrai. Evrîî so. lises pressed on iveard lise Annes dooues The uîîîd sîhîpyd fiircriy and cailued ibrîr esîpi of lise arlicir hlioismg it it ile sîsomi Alicia, iuugrd l'ir i bai slîpped oii ce. Ilmme oui aî paîlîful vrlp. Eveiîiualiî JF caglil uip \vils lise minai bus\t aricle. and lîrlprd Alirisi up ss bheCo ldcninue dieu lililrse ii lie Aisies. iuîllissuli dlie îpî mu1 noissei anid ilîreible. ilslesiI rîsîveis liriuîd ,ii lii lie ui irds liiii tiluelilia edrI 5i il ,ii, \,.u c in lier i sî ill ecsiiil lIseo 1 11. il oii.ii o1 il k.sil ic lnie osc, i ll s l e alici \îsii litii lub,îi iI I l' [lci Dli..1: ils d iliils iiid (lie\ ulil . o ii t u i plt 1ýai îsîeîîîîîsîîte Res elsii llielil i about I il li e i J1 ai o \er i' il i iie . ,cdî 1îsî î,\îl [ lie s i nd i icd lus , ir Ilse Ch lipîi iiîiaI li ' plîîeujsl linI eli a \ l o e ee i aile 11 Mi Ilîîlîre\ rîî 1,1 crIa e ii i e lii vom uearri ief hdzlilise lih til ii eîsîs. Illse Raîd re sillino lîeir (lls Fhrida TIs presur an A lad' iia iIF > ss helo'hia\ Iinror ies l'ierkriid ii iefir incrag iiî. ltIsesaies lui the. rvlraid tIseecre aihri he rîir mhaina,,i H,îl., u or iprvec e f' Mai,.Eht teek qacrian rvualrs, lliM dîîl IsC ueii lIse to s' Ans ar: Ceprsns (iluilli sfî irlîs ciin ýr\&ls Thzi n'e& 's quîestion: Wiîclsplris he diCD havclel leilie 8s ielet lftis vrai. tom