Thse Canadian Champion, Friday, February 6, 2004-9 'Lack of awareness' surrounding Tutoring available. inmate's cet nus ee1 efrom MAPLEHURST on page 1 On November 27, while being trans- ferred back and forth from Maplehurst to the courthouse, Mr. Padda was no different. Witnesses testified that hie continued shak- mng, but nothing was done to help him. While in an escort van on November 28, bie was in a state of delirium, which escort officers thougjst might be claustrojhobia. Since hie was speaking Punjabi, they didn't know what hie was saylng, Ms Borsanyi said.- When his delirium continued into, the night, it was decided hie should be exgm- ined by a nurse at Msplehurst. By this time, hie waa "out of control" and hallucinating, Ms Borsanyi said, son he was taken to the segregation area mnstead to be restrained. "Mre solution would have beep to, send hlm to the hospitai, but they didn't see it that way. There was a lack of awareness," In a ceil, Mr. Padda was lefi alone in what's called a prone position - on bis stomach with bis bands behind hlm. That's when hie stopped breathisg. "Suddenly hie wasn'î moving," Ms Borsanyl said, adding Mapiehursi staff thoughtt he was simply exhausted after fightmng against being restrained. A nurse who was then on the scene became worried when MW. Padda contmn- ued to be still and she lried to put hlm in a different position. "But she realized too late. His eyes were roiling up," Ms Borsanyi said. Mr. Padda was taken to, Milton District Hospitai where hie was pmonounced dead at 7:40 p.m. The jury found bis deails to be a resutt of ROB FARRANT JANUARY 2004 SAL aE FOR UNOL A faiilin f alu &rs tSne16 65MIN STET AT the restraissing position hie was put inm that M[r. Parida had dled from positional asphyxia. "It's very unfortunate," Ms Borsanyi said of bis death. Victoria Broughton, Ontario Corrections Ministry spokesperson, said investigations were launched by the Ministry and Halton Regional Police after the incident, but she declined commentisg specificaliy on fmnd- ings of the Ministry's investigation. The jury's recommendations - made with Peel Reglon Police, Peel escort offi- cers, Maplehurst conrectionai officers and Maplehurst medical staff - focused on giving proper training on recognlizing and dealing with alcohol withdrawal symptoms and delirium, as well as traming on the proper use of restraint so0 vital functions aren't isnpaired. Traininsg would be for anynne the prison- ers comne in contact with including medical staff, jail guards and police, Ms Borsanyi said. Also, it was recommended that a more effective method of monitoring Use dcliv- ery of health services in the correctional systemn be devised and that when someone is admitted into Mapiehurst, a "compre- hensive medical assessment" be per- fonssed. Milton resident Basil Savoy was on the jury. He said hie feels good about Use rec- ommendations decided upon. "Mhe recommendations camne easy. We were ail unanimous. The big focus is train- ing because there's a lack of training in the system," M. Savoy said. He added Usat alcohol problema are corn- mon i correctional facilities, and have to, be recognlzed and deait wiUs properly. 'Hopefully Usey'll accept tome of Use recommendations - because Usey don't have to, accept Usem. If Usey accept Usemt, maybe this won't happen in Use future - Usey (alcoholics) won't fail Usrougls Use cracks." 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