6-The Canadian Champion, Fnday, February 6, 2004 Il i Man charged in police chase piace ear y Sunday nmoiing. A Halton Regional police officer was conductmng spot checks for the RIDE program aI Regional Road 25 and Guelph Line when a stoppcd car sped away after the driver was asked for his licence. Police pursued the vehicle and the driver lost control while negoti- ating a turm, landing in a snowbank in the ares of Mohawk Trail and Second Line. A 47-year-old Burlington man was charged with escape by flight, drivmng witli a suspended licence, flight from police and failing to comply with an undertaking. Man fails through roof A 57-year-old Hamilton man was injured last weck wben he felI through thse roof of a Milton com- pany. The incident took place January 28 St 8:30 p.m. at Moncy's Mushroom's on Guelphs Line. The man was walking across the snow- covered roof when he felI through Pol ice Blotter a plastic skylight onto a conveyor belt below. He was taken to Milton District Hospital with serious but non-life threatening head and back injuries and then transferred to Hamilton General Hospital. The Minisniy of Labour is investigating. Collision resuits in charges Police laid an impaired driving charge Tuesday. A citizen callcd police after watching a vehicle spin out of control and hit another vehi- dle at Commercial Street and Williams Avenue juat after 2:30 p.m. A 55-year-old man of Ontario Street North seas charged with imnpaired drivmng and having over the legal limit of alcohol ini his blood. Stolen car recovered A car stolen ovemight January was recovered laI I-siclay in Pleei Region. Unknown suspects had stolen thse blue, 1998 four-door Dodge from a Milîside Drive apartmcnt building parking lot. It's valued at $4,000. At thse same address and date, sus- pects attemptcd to, steal a 1997 Honda. Its steering coluron had $500 worth of damnage. Snowmobiles stolen Two snowmobilcs wcrc stolen ovcmnight January 29 from an unlockcd storage shed on Derry Road East. One snowmobilc seas a black 1993 Polaris, valued at $3,500, thse other was a black 1989 Polaris, valued at $2,500. Police are investigating. Vehicle vandalized A vehicle parked at No. 3 Sideroad was damnaged with paint ovemight last Friday. Unknown suspects threw pink paint at thse front of thc 1999 Dodge Caravan, causmng $1 ,000 worth of damage. Police seek suspect in break-in Halton Regional Police is investigating a residen- in this or any other matter you may be eligible for a tial break and enter. cash reward. You wiIl neyer have ta give your name Sometimne between January 23 and 25, suspecta or testify in court. Crime Stoppers of Halton does forced their way through the door of a home on flot subscribe to cali display. Please cali 1-800-222- Prneview Trait. After ransacking several rooms, the TIPS (1-800-222-8477) or check out Crime thieves stole a quantity of jewehy and $1,500 cash. Stoppers' Web site at If you have any information that leads to an arrest www.haltoncrimestoppers.com.