I 32-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Februanj 6, 2004 AI Gordon Food Service, mie ksew whal familles cas accomplish lageiher. Weie a lamily- awned North American food service distributor with a 100-year history and a bright future befare us. Our cornerstane values cull lite yau up as an individual and reward yaur per- formance. You can be a part of aur gracing famif y as an... Gris, Selector - Part liIIIIII m esai fer College/Ihnlversity studeuts) Currently looking for warehouse selectars fa join aur affernoon and weekend warehouse feam. Openings currently exist on Sunday/Manday/Wednesday/fhursday any ane da, 1:OOpm-11:OOpm. Combînied with openings an Friday 1:OOpm -9:00pm or SaturdayfSunday 6:OOam-4:OOpm. A combination of afly 2 shifts is required (ie. Safurday 6:00am-4:OOpm plus Thursday 1:OOpm-11:OOpm) Rate of pay sfarfls above $13.00/hour, leading ta $15.00 plus/hour coupled with hourly praductivity/accuracy incentives wifh full f me summer hours. Ref #2004A Order Selector - Fuil tîne Sunday through Thursday, fuili time, permanent, 9:OOpm-5:OOam night shift. Rate of p8Y sfarts af $15,00 plus/hour, this leads ta $1 6.00 plus/hour with productivify/accuracy hourly incentiveý. Ref #2004B AZ Driver - FullIltUre Fuli time Monday ta Friday and/or Sunday to Thursday affernoon. This is City delivery wark thaf is very rewarding and satisfying. We affer very competitive compensation incfuding benef ifs, bonus opportunities and a great environment in which ta work. The opportunîties currentfy availabi e are based ouf at our Milfon Disfributian Facility. Ref #2004C Ciastoian - Full tirne Sunday ta Thursday, fullI thre, permanent pasitian 12:00 am - 8:00 am shift. Self starter, able and cil ling ta work without supervisian. Shauld passess very good arganizatian and communicatian SkIS. Dut les invalve general cleaning af affice and warehause areas, cal- f ect and remove garbage, maintain warehause cleanliness ta set standards and pertarm fa established standards csf efficiency. Ref #2004D A seff-motivated and results-driven team player who communicafes easily with others, you'l meet and exceed the service requirements of aur custamers. We affer a productive environment and an attractive compensation package including campetifive benef ifs and incentives. Please respond ta... Hunon ItléemrcesgoD Grdon Fosis Service FW & I Fax: (950 093-3610 Apply on-lins ut www.gft.cs. We thank ail applicanl, hacever, previatus applicants wiît nte be re-considered;any candidafes tei be interviews wil f be csntacted. Please quote reference flamber when apptying. Fant groWlng IS0 Reglstemed cI.enin d maintenance companry eeelng FRNT UNE CLEANERS 3 ShNi avaitanie $9.0Cobr te saen Failt ime, anifeerms Fax resumne ta 51005432m ad quota job ameher 6187 Purlty Lite Heaith Products Llmlted Calgary - Tor-onto - Montreai t-tt if eath Producta is Canrda teading provider ot naturai health prod- udlis. We have deveioped aur indluatry through understanding innovation, a rue commiliment to excellence and the belief in empowering people ta create welt-being in their tives. We are currently looking for: Material Handier - Day Shift In this rote, you wil lioad, untoad and move materials within the facility. You virt be required to use RF scanners. Succeastut candidates cull have a vatid DZ ticense, reach trucko certification, ability ta lfit SOlbs and accurate math akilis. This position is scheduied from 7:OOam to 3:3opm, Monday to Friday ai our Roctewood toca- io.Please appiy toi: Fax: (519)853-466 Emnui :obs@purtyIle.com Mail: 6 Commerce Crescent, Action, ON L7J 2X3 LOCAL MANUFACTURER Has an opening for a FULL-TIME MACHINE OPýlRATrOR This position cull suit an individuel with a good mechanical aptitude, who si re - fiable, physicatly fit and able f0 work eshiftls. Training wilI be provided Fax resume to: 905-873-3980 FREE TRAINING lDrive 4 Us. School Bus Driver's Wanted Cal 905i-877--4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company Whofesaie Distributor iooking for a (Fr/El Minimum 2 yrs. ep. in Costomer Service Fiooring background a defînîfe asset Please fan resumes ta: waynem@me*lmart.com COUNTRYCLUB3 Requires one ntght tîme secunity guard. Nei. fax s'esufme l oi(905)5319-998 SEARS CARRIERS Reliabte indMduala needed for dooir 10 door catalogue detîver in Milton. Cali 905-873-0103 Leave mesaage with nante, phone and address. Fiperied Cok Iwantedl cin Athunr (905) 691-0523 i chaersBaramdGfM aton1 lemi P~AY taUnbeaabe benef ifs te Equip. proeided :.aAdvnced Training *Apprentices celcome *Oppurtunitien for adoancement *Burtingter & Oaksitle FIRST CHOICE HAIRCUTTERS Georgetown Requires full or part-time stylist for buay salon. Please calit Sharon or Kim 905-873-1339 or 905-877-7850 LANDSCAPE PERSONNEL Requiref for colt estabiished landscape firm. We reqaire eaperionce inividuan fer the fattacing. Landscape Forepersons & Labourers Landscape Stone Mailans Landscape Equip. Operators .mIhuc. Landscape Maintenance Forepersons Landacape Maintenance Labourers Pesticide Applîcatars Sages & borefmfn ta cammensarate cith osperience Pt oase snor anan remmo or toiler of appication fa. Aldershnl Laedscape ConIntar: 166 FIai nnad, Berlinaton, ON UR1 3X5 ras 905-689-5172 No Phone Cas/s Plusse General HeIp Wanted Machine Shop Apply at 873 Nippissing Rd. Milton (905) 878-4200 BURLINGTON GM DEALERSHIP APPOINTMENT COORDINýATOR Run compter based apointment/follow up system communîcate via phore, mail & email make appoiniments for cou-in costnmers cai earranty customers & ensure complete satisfaction Auto dealer exo. on Reynolds Svsem oreferred Hours: 3-8pm Mnn-Wed, 4-ftpm or Thons, t hpm Fi + every 3rd Saf. 8-3pm Cai Steve Wesley, Service Manager @ 905-632-4141 Estl. 145 or aurait @ stevewesey@hoIlan4chev.com RECEPTIONISTIPAYABLES CLERK/ GOFER required by a Software Hous Iucafed rn Soufhwest Mississaoga, who is a hard-wsrkirg, personable indi- vîdoal with solid English communication skillts Assisfing the Accounitant, you wîll be resporsible for sanisus reception and accunting doties, and varîosn other tasks. Ptease umail resome, indicatiro salary ex- pectatisos f0. FcrasnS oits waffied Wr caedis m ail cessess excelieffi OngOsh sWIev am a flaniro fashole, reat expaerce an ams nse a minigaaiae PIln di nif meue te1 re at 11*1. ptnt eant 2M3 Tri lla o AtI.: rLotI CLASSIFIED HOURS Monday to Fndcay 9 amn f05 pmn 8eyour unuMe M ufin ouhodtesan cdtday MUSIC for ~1CHILDREN® TEACHING OPPORTUNITIES This acciaimod canadian music pragramme far chitdron ages 3 & ap is training flOW toachers far the Buriingfea & Miltan aroas. Minimum Requirements:. GRADE VIII PIANO * GRADE Il THEORY EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH CHILDREN Sentira Posaiton (Soutirn Ontaria Cuordinator) col186843 Ineristiona s sfer hreyu foEaven & ekn) wt!h Theria ottege , oforld! Trafalgar Campus Cal8 -24 To register for the Cai8 -24 Open Mauve, for details on Feb. lOtir 7n.m. Cali how to 11st 1-88-26-612 your baby wwwINTcolegot annouincement CLEANING Lady han Cee openiries avaitabie, commencing the week af Febraary th. Cai 905-691-8467. MARLY MAID hoase cilig erend, shopping, ehatev- er required. Cai Mariy 416-453-4201. MOTIIER & daaghter team ciii dean yoar home, retiahie, reterences avaiaate. 519-853-2151 MODUY MMIU Peeides aful resdenial Ileaning sece Oe tme Cleans a adlable. Lat os ake caeof al yourcleaning eeds For a nocost nohbigaton, inhome estimate please cal] 905-8"77 3443 More affordubte Chas yoa Chietri aSblck 90530 wte1 pic our casid in 0efalala 9085-1300-2364 t f UPF7R OR 11, OVF WORK0 f quirun a SALES REP Cor Mion onaugo, Oubvie, Milton and Atliiton. Suies cuis are ta? direct industriel uccounts and our dis- tributor netwr Preference Mii be given to experienced suies people who are wveii or- ganized, have good communication abutas, are self starters and sun wvork wdih tite su- pervision. Base suiary, commission, com- pani car usd expenses. Wie miii oni0 contact those of interent. Mil, fax or emtaii your resume ta: SUPERIOR GLOVE WORKS LIMITED 36 Vimy Street ActonON L7J 1Si Fax: 519-853-4496 emai: aies@supeeiorgtove.com No telophone calta ploesel ENIISI BUTOI 0111: & Home DecerI Oakviiie requires . Mdss Manfaier *Sales- Floor Superviser Fax/email resumes engisbulle '1- Cali 905-815-3217 - Fax: 905-878-1301 E c -- > .a Wn e CD aes--u5 e-W la mEe E ,<* tue~ ~ o ït 0. tr lUes a Cà e-.- .a lUewi to -te " G mti -t m o re ore ? " avn ay O Esalsigaane business Pleas calu Cma (el om -id 90E84 56 Dons 903249 Eliz 90>63 31 LaGeties 90arr78-012