14-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 6, 2004 WeA XJ5 005-875-000 # 9 ONYTARIO ST N. MILTON Sriowboard & Ski* y une-Up Speciai Base repair may be extra (reg. up ANY SKI OR TUNE-UP AND WAX. 20M LP UIEBMIUOU9U35S ww.spokssoe.c0rn FLOWER a O5FT $HOP S222 Main St. E. Milton 1 ny With Marna Domenicos Tears of Joy, Domenico would like to invite ail his Valentines for an extravaganzs at Trattoria, featuring lunch and dinner Ssrurday, Feb. 14.2004. PS. Chef Domenic has every day Tesrs of Joy fc;r the suc- cess of the New yesrs Eve Gala. We thank the old neigh- bours and also the heautiful new neighhours. However, although a pound and a half of Royal Alaskan King Crah was a tremnendous success at New Yeats, we mnust cut back a half pound due to the slow down in the economy in order to provide you with a reduced price. Reservations for catering and fine dinein please phone (905) 876-O4 550 Ontario St., Milton, 0 . Y c~t'e ~&te~ uit~% ~ The day wlll begin wl/h a massage, thie ails used have a hint of chacolate aromna follawed by a persanal facial, pedicure, manicure and a llght lunch. 31/2 hauts. . .$145.00 Let hlm escape wl/ a 1/2 hr. bock massage, 1 hr. naurlshing facial, pedicure and manicure Iigh/ lunch. 3 hours..$110.00 Rece/ve a sumptuous chacalate splash pedicure wfth a decadent chacate paraffin dip, whlle lndulglng in chacolafe cavereti sfrawberles. l-1 /2 haurs .... $45.00 Men/ yaur stress away wl/h a 1 hr parafanga bady wrap (Includes body pallsh wlth paraflln& mud) fallawed by a 1 hr relaxlng body massage. 2 hours..$120.00J \tgÎCerti#ate& oluadabrk - Cudanwzeyaur azumn 6pa packge~ ýM aAil your painting needs e Free Dellvory II Expert Advice a Contracdors lic e + Proudly Canadian 905-87S-774 M0 SUerUs Ave. E. Mm-Wd7lm-fl h f 10m-710meSt-Om-fl A~ Valerhtineqs 93eciaI îYrom us ta you) Februarjy 2004! 2 months and a bit! StIX Going Strong! Start your Dinner seiti a ing distance white in tise back- Shrinsp Bisque ut on/y $5.95 or ground you wi// heur te rnaybe one order with two sowsds of 'Lloyd" - our one spoons and then nsaybe move man band p/aying to the wormn on to a Mescalon Sa/ad wits and cozy Bananas, Mandarins, Cashews There are other* goodies on aur and a Strawberry Vinaigrette specia/ /ist. Stay as /ong as you for on/y $7.95. lik b~».. ut n/lvP conte toiav Throw uway the diet book and try tise Chateaubriand for Two witb Rofini Demi-Giaze whi/e Fish Aficionados shou/d try our Seafood Pfer for Two wits Lobster Td/Is in drawn butter lilopia Fi/et in a Fuzzy Navel Cream Sauce, but ai/ specio/s are up ta you. 0f course they corne with your choice of potatoes or rice and a nsediey of fress vegetab/es fol- your evening! We are fui/y booked front 6:OOpm unti/ c/osing on Saturday t/se 2lst opf February, so pieuse dont cornte sas/ess you want ta, just Visit our Bar Area. Mus/&Osr l owea by ourfabulous selectson By popuadendwe thse $45.95 £$49.95 respectivey. ofDesserts. Blues Driver Band coming in lThere ta other strange, if you just want to eut then soy on thse 7/s (tMis Saturday) fions suffr yor" aïr regu/ar dinner menu. 3pnt 'lt 7prn. Rensensber temns esng fo sucsa Evertsing is there front t/se Thse Janis Joplimn d Rockin' Reti sCn s , ijust hungey to ,jIwant to, Stuiff Ifs a Satssday wsts Fsgs and be a lie silly" grouping. Nste! Give thens Apricors in a Grande Its greatfood, a/il sitsin walk- anotser go! Visut our Web site at Istip:11216.123.69.1lO8lfrieesds/cluaersl White Oaks Plaza, (90) 693-0523 329 BrOnte St. S., Un it 9, N1o *1 S- -M