Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Feb 2004, p. 12

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12-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 6, 2004 Who we are makes a difference A teacher decided to honour hier graduating bigb scbool students by tellmng thena the dif- ference tbey made in bier life. She called eacb student to tbe front of tbe class, one at time, and presented tbem witb a blue ribbon imprinted witb gold letters, wbicb read, "Wbo I Am Makes A Difference!" Afterwards, she commissionied, a class proj- ect to belp bier students see the significant impact that recognition cao bave on a comn- munity. She gave eacb student tbree more ribbons and instructed tbemr to go out and replicate tbis acknowledgement ceremony witb someone else wbo in tumn would flnd anotber person to bonour and so on. Tbey were te follow up on tbe results, to sec wbo, bonoured wbom and report back to tbe clasa in a week. One boy went te a junior executive in a nearby company and bonoured bina for belp- ing bina witb bis career planning. He pre- sented bim wvitb a blue ribbon and put it on bis sbirt. Then, bie gave bim tbe two extra ribbons and said, "Wc are doing a class proj- ect.on tbe significance of recognition, and I would like you to go out, find someone to bonour, present tbem witb a blue ribbon and give tbem tbe extra blue ribbon so tbat tbcy can acknowledge a tbird person to keep tbis acknowledgement ceremony going. Please report back to me and tell me wbat bap- pened." CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Brîlannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 amn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm rtOB64lOrsn 1 m. f4»àe vie#§*g Asals>tantflWorship Mr&. Esther Ilessier Youth/Oustreaca Mr. Vins Stevens 9 a. m. - Early Worship Service 9:30 arn. - Sunday School for Al/Ages 10:45 a.mi. -Second Worship Servie ENCOURAOINO WORE? f'Ol'v 6:30 p. m. - Sunday Night Worship MI55ED OPI'ORMTlJfE5 Supervised Nursery & Oynamic ChiIdrens Programs availabie during ail services! Cc TOIN RVIE O Later tbat day, thse junior executive went in to sce bis boss, wbo, bad a reputation as being a groucb. He sat bis boss down and told bina tbat bie deeply admired bim in bis creative genius. The boss was very surprised and bonoured. Tbe junior executive presented bis boss witb tbe blue ribbon and placcd it on bis boss's jacket directly above bis beart. He aiso gave bina tbe last extra ribbon and asked "Would you do me a favour? Would you take tbis extra ribbon and bonour some- one else witb it? The young boy wbo, initial- ly presented me witb tbe ribbons is doing a school project and is seeking tu determine tbe signifficance of tbis recognition." TIsen tbe boss wcnt borne tbat nigbt, bie found bis fourteen year old son and at bina down. He said, "The most incredible thing bappened to me today! I was in my office and one of tbe junior executives came in and told me bie admired me and gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius. Imagine! Me ... a creative genius! Tben, bie put a blue ribbon on my lapel that reads "Wbo I Amn Makes A Difference!" He aiso gave me an extra ribbon and asked me to fmd someone cisc to bonour. As 1 was driving borne, I started tbinking about whom 1 would bonour and 1 tbougbt about you. 1 want t0 bonour you! My days arc often bec- tic and wben 1 come home t don't always psy much, attention t0 you. Sometimes, 1 screarn You're lnvited to... i Milton Bible Church! V Sundays @ Milton District High School 395 Williams Ave, aI Commercial St. 10:30 AM Coffee & Conversation 11:00 AM Worship Service Children's program running concurrentiy www. Milton BibleChu rch.ca Look to the 200 Main St. Openingl 905-876-3586 at you for not getting top marks in scbool and for lcaving your bedroomn a mess, but tonigbt, 1 decided to let you know tbat you do make a différence to me. You arc a great kid and ( love you!" The startlcd boy broke down and cried. His wbole body sbook as bie sobbed. He looked up at bis father and said tbrough bis tears. "Dad, tonigbt 1 was going t0 commit suicide wbile you and Mom were asleep. 1 bave already writtcn a letter explainmng wby I would kilI myscîf and asking you t0 forgive me. 1 didn't tbink tbat you cared. The letter is upstairs. I don't tbink 1 need il anymore!" His fatber raccd upstairs, and found a letter of desperation addressed te Mom and Dad. It containcd expressions of bis son's anguisb and private pain. The boss wvenî back t0 work a cbanged man. He was no longer a groucb. From. that day forward, lac was dctcnnincd t0 let ail bis cmployees know that they made a difference. A good fricnd, Joanne Anderson, e-mailcd me Ibis beart-wvrencbing talc that recmpba- sizes the significance of recognition to me. 1 trust tIsaI il may enable eacb person t0 realize tbe impact tIsat encouragement can bave on a teenager or cbild. Parent's, peers, or persons of influence must recognize tbe difference tIsat tbcy can make in someone else's life and must seize eacb day and opportunity t0 make a difference! MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 a. m. -Su nday Schooi 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesdlay 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Sludy "For the Son of man is corne to seek and to save that which was iost." Luke 19.10 Jeanne is part of a team of dedicated persons committed to making a difference in the deaf/bard of bearing world by providing live captions of spoken words in wcekly worship services. Like hier, your life can make a dif- ference! Begin by finding a need and filling i- finding a burt and bealing it! To leano more about bow you can make a difference in tbe world, let me encourage you to visit a local church this week! Please consuit the Religious Directory below for service times and locations! Submiited by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Lîfe Church, Milton S Milton Baplsl Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 Sunday School 9:45 arn Worship Service 11:00 arn ,message: "When discourage- ment strikes the soul" MILTON SEVE-NTH-DAY ÀOFM CHURCH Inoies you ms nun oeekiy Sabbalx serviices an Huga Fomtr Hall, 43 Bron St Miltan Sas. 9:30 a. m'. - Sabbiih Schxol Sai. 11:00 as'.- Divine Service FRtEE BIBLE SCHOOL Discsove ths aminig Bible axses ts lis spleig qsestisns, and the secret ix a htappy hife. For FREE BIBLE LESSONS, wreue: PO. Box 23012, 55 Ontario Sn., Miltxn, Oxt., L9T 5B4. On the INTERNET, hiip://wwwsop.com' and wwws.amiazingfacts.org/bibleschool/schoolm'ai.asp PASTOR: Aj DaCosta 519-835-831 Foi more informaion about sousexrice and program, pleaxe cali. ./ 2850 Derry Rd. E. P0 Box 332, Knox Presbyterzan Church is pleased to present EL'2UU L~JAI Milton, On LOT 4Y9 905-878-5664 ouhsdeFa: 0587-676Managing God's Money a i nly ch , b oiiiceesosthsidemilton.org A Chinvh of The Christian and Missionaiv Alliance of Canada You are invited and encou, aged to invest 6 hours Date: Satrday, Februaiy 28, 2004 9-.30 amn Ta Ci mb" Wiere chddren ach nsrba het dw * ofyour valuable urne with Michael Bell, author of Tome: 9:00 arn to 4:O0pni the bible!"Managing God s Money" The sen inar %Il pro- (coffee and registration at 8:30am) 9:30amn Adi ieidy -Bokdes ith Bra Sider vide you with a cleai Biblical understanding of Location: Know Presbyterian Church, 10:3taun Worship service. Patoe Binooe Nehemiah 13:3-3 1. Christian stewardship principles. It offers practi- 170 Main Street East, Milton "Paesrnece - Haajrng In When Yoo FMi Like 5.ronn 0" cal, hands-on guidance for the effective control Cost: $20 person or $35 per couple payable Neis Sundat at Iff0 amn- F/dhae Corn LIsal and management of the financial resources that at the door by cheque or cash ikndmE nSaLF.4a7Bpriaaandonusf $eaaeoet God has entrusted toi your safe-keeping. Lunch: Will be provided Oua Nightc5ag l f sog r oKm*aca Lmu Soog and pay TM couples Garn. 1_______________ gouthoide Youth Minlatris; For Further information or to register please cail 905-878-5340 Toaodey - sai vga"a s-s) a eso Pm or email - sarchibal@cogeco.ca weamdm - aaagIsi(a"o-2) a7.00 Pm Please beassured thas nhis eveni s ifor ynur henefit only and there is no snhiiaion forfinancia produits nr sevit-es. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH We welcome you to.. Clergy 317 Main St. E., Milton ST. PAUL'S g RACEWAY 'BAPTST CHURH Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hi UN ITED CHURCH - )10MainSre McDermott 905-878-2411 13MiStE.Mltn905-878-1629 Rev. Amy Cousmceau aPastor Walter H. Isaak Rev. Carole Langlotz ST. Sun. Fsb 8, 10:30 arn 10:00 arn. - Sunday School lamS.PALUS ANNUAL MEETING 11:00 arn. - Morning Service Services Worship is supported by music from the St. 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Sun. 8:00 - HoIy Communion Poul's Choir Thursday 10:00.- Sung Eucharist followed Heaven'sGate hurch School & 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & by coffee hour tiury avouiable for babies & ioddeis ai 70.:30 ar. m r.ratinsCrwfrC de Thurs. 10:00 HoIy Communion Corne Woiship Wiih Us! (ryr ageins 6-1w 2) hide followed by Tea and Sharing * Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofetetter ae6-2 Wheelchair Access Throsgh Parking Church office: (905) 878-8895 "You'II always find a friend ait Graceway" EI!www.gracechurchmilton.com - ý www.stpaulsmilton.org www.gracewaybaptist.org

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