Junior kindergarten giving youngsters a kcg Up: report A year-Iong evaluation of its smallest pupils within the board bas convinced Hahton officiais that junior kindergarten is clearly a ben- efit to tbose youngsters. The Early Development Instrument, a study that is part of the School Readiness to Leam Project, bas concluded tbat stu- dents wbo took JK or pre-school were more ready to Ieam than those wbo didn't experience one or die other. Between February 2002 and Februa-y 2003 senior kindergarten teachers at botb Halton school boards filled out a lengthy ques- tionnaire to detensune young stu- dents' degree of readineas for grade I. About 4,300 SK students in ai - 2,700 of them frons tbe Halton public school board - were assessed. Among tbe fmndings reported by the public boards research analysis were tha cbildoen who attended JX scored significantly bigber dma those who clidn't. 'Me conclusion validates tbe Halton board's approval of full implementation of JK a few years ago for its 70 or so elementary schools. "We made a very good decision implementmng (junior) kindergarten in Halton. This bas justified our action,' said Halton Hills trustee Ethel Gardiner, recali- ing that gyms were packed with concemed parents during public meetings wbere the fuil implemen- tation of JK was discussed. The majority of Halton public board kindergarten students attend school on an alternative-day, ail- day basis, with the others going half-days every day. The year-long study also found that the average age of thse cbildren being assessed was 5.63 years, with those bomn earlier ini e caïen- dar year scoring better tban those boni later. Perbaps not surprisingly, chil- dren whose firat language is not English and those with learrung or bebavioural issues scored lower, The facets considered for each student in the analysis were physi- cal healtb and weil being, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive develop- ment and communication and gen- eral knowledge. No individual information was compiled, but rather just trends and statisties at tbe board and sehool levels. Its tbe provocation of the ques- tions and a number of other data that lets us help the kids, and use good data cffectively," sald super- intendent of education Gary Sadier. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Fobruary 3,20- Quick Lube Servie~ We use Qeuaker State -OÙ and Fram Oil Filters VOUR CAR REQUIRES ES Safety O,.cks E Hiddei Hi**, ES Drakas E xAust Fg 214 MOWe. Aliqnent ES ScusPensn sevice ES COWMîg.5ystei Servie S «ire Rotation & aîancng ES engine [9 Generai Tires ESoa"«e Statu Oil. Liée a E »unsm a Servc ONTAI' Fre i 1 F trs ES Electic ddl SCoopute Analysis E Air CondIltioning Accedited Test* U reai I u1 it