The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 3, 2004- 25 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Milon forward Jonathan Omnelas (Ieft) and defenceman Ryan Bernard! keep an oye on Burllngton'a Spencer Churchill whlle IceHawks goaltender Jamie Flury walches the play durlng Milton's 7-3 vlctory over the Cougars Sunday aftemnoon et Memorlal Arena. The IceHawka aia edged Brampton 5-4 In avertime Frlday evenlng and have loat only once on home Ice since mid-November. I'ceHawks continue home-ice supremacy By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion Two more borne gamnes, two more victories. Milton's juniors continued tbeir success aI Memorial Arena Ibis past weekend, knocking off a couple of Iower-ecbelon opponents - one witb a littie overlimne draina, tbe otber in dominant fasbion. Having bast juat once in their own bamn since miti-Novemnber, tbe lceHawks kicked Ibinga off witb a 5-4 sufiden deatb win over Brampton Friday evening. Brett Robinson provided tbe beroîca, deflecting a Mike DeMarebi sbot past Capitals cager Ryan Dickie 2:10 into tbe extra session to punctuate a tbree-goal nigbt. Fellow Bramnalea Biue-turned-IceHawk Adamn Pileggi tallied twice and drew an assiat on goal number four. 'Iheir combined efforts heiped Milton prevail on a night wben structural defects - particulariy evi- dent in die defensive zone - allowed ie visitors 10 crase a pair of two-goal deficits and steai a point for tbe overtisne boss. Steadily-improving blue- lier Ryan Bemnardi picked up a couple of belpers in thse N narrow win, wbicb lacked * f any kind of pbysicality or a . pbayoff-iike intensity. In net for tbe win was Thomas Lee. Dump Cougars I Tavo days later, fise IceHawks offered their family day fans somneting a littie more up to par in toppling the Buriington Cougars 7-3. Retuming from a sbort hiatus, Jamie Flury was a bit nssty between the pipes early on, but was gen- erally steady in eanuing tise victory. Brad Snetsinger capped an impressive weekend witb two goals, wbie cbipping in singles were Bemnardi, Dean Strong, Ryan McInemey, Julian Sarraino and Jonatban n Ornelas - wbose teani- leading goal total now stands aI 35. Milton cougbed up an eariy lead witb some lesa- tban-stellar play, but quickly fortified ils efforts to tum, back tbe Tbe IceHawks are now set 10 face tbe Mississauga Cbargers - led by former Milton skipper Rick Bince - in first-round play, starting Ibis weekend. Before tbat tbey'll close out the regular season tonigbt in Streetsville. By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The news just gets worse for tbe IceHawks. First bead coacb/general manager George Dupont was suspended eight games tor eariy-season hazing rituals be maintains were no different tban the annu- ai rookie initiation that's gone on with the team for many years. Now tbe Provincial Jr. A League bas doubled bis time in tbe stands, since Dupont coacbed tbree gaines into bis orig- inal sentence - believing tbat an appeal afforded bim a stay of suspension. Ontario Hockey Association President Brent Ladds said Friday momning tbat ignorance of tbe appeai process is not an excuse, tbat Milton's skipper "sbould bave been cognizant of tbe miles." In addition to tbe IceHawks iosing tbeir coacb for anotber eigbt gamnes - unlesa a Saturday appeai bearing changes things - tbey also, lose one point for their overtime bass to Mississauga January 16. Tbal was tbe first gamne Dupont coacbed wbile under suspension. Aitbougb be coacbed tbe next two nigbts, points for wins over Buffalo and Oakville won't be taken away - since Buffalo didn't file a proper protest and Oakviiie declined 10 file one altogether. Further disappointed by thse extended suspension, Dupont could now be out until tbe West Conference final - assuming Milton makes it tbat far. Stiil believing tbe league "maipulated tbe facts to, support tbeir decision", be expressed littie opti- mism tbat tbe appeal bearing wili reduce thue suspension. "Odds are it'll be dufficuit," said Dupont, wbosc teain will finisb fourth in tbe division. Hoping tbat tbe issue docsn't become bigger tban tbe team, be re-empbasized the fact tbat Milton bas tbe best on-ice record since tbe miidway mark of tbe season - and is clearly tbe most improved club since tbe start of tbe year. "We've got a no-excuse policy bere," stressed Dupont, wbose bead coacbing reigna bave been temporarily tumed over 10 assistant Rob Wilson. "We can't start fmnding reasons 10 lose."