12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Fobruary 3, 2004 "Corne and celebrate our 1 gear anniversary with us" rj4/tI every fiair service, receive a chance to in one of two fiair caregift baskts! 295 Main St. E., Unit 2 905-876.4500 Open Tues-Wed 9-6, Thurs-Fri 9-8, Sat 9-4 'A purr-fect alternative to kennels Photo by GRAH-AM PAINE Ruff 'n Purr pet cars services' Gale Bock stops ta give Ciso a treat as the two go for a walk on a snowy day this past wssksnd. By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Gale Beck has seen many a dog that just doesn't cope well in a kennel when its owners are on vacation. A primie exaniple of this is one of ber clients saiti ber pooch hati to be put on Prozac aller retumiung froni the kennet. "He got so stresseti out," Ms Beck saiti, adding that aithougli she isn'r one to pur down kennels, theire are some animais that just require more personal attention than they cari usually offer. "Dogs get stresseti, especially if ifs an only chilt flot useti to being with other tiogs." Ms Beck said she realizeti this berseif when ber family went away on vacation and their dogs were left at a kennel. They retumeti home with more than they lefi with - a severe case of flees. T'hat's wben Ms Beck, who was living ini Kitchener ar the rime, said the lighr bulb went off in ber bead and sbe decideti to start Ruif 'n Purr Pet Sitting Services two years ago. When sbe movet o Milton in August, sbe said sbe realized how much sbe'd miss the business if sbe didn't start it back Up. So one month later, thats exactly what sbe did. "I love what 1 do," she said simply. '1he business's motto, 'We take care of your pet when you can't', pretty much sumns it up. Ms Beck visits pets in their own homes when their owners are away - cither for the day or for as extend- ed time - and gives themn the care and attention riiey need, wbether it's a romp in tbe backyarti or an accident that needs ro be cleaneti up. Sbe services Milton and Camphellville. Somie of the dogs on ber clientele list receive up to four visits each day. Aithougli Ms Beck bas tome rather unusual and amazing strins to ber credit - like tbe time ber company cared for a python- sbe said she sticks prirnarily to cats and dogs. Ms Beck, who bas taken pet first-ald.training, saiti most pets prefer to stay in their own bornes wbere tbey're familiar with tbe siglits, ameils anti tourits. Thar way, they can also maintain their regular sleeping anti tiietary moutines. Besides visiting thie animais, Ms Beck alto walks dogs, atimin- isters medication if neetiet anti even offert a pet taxi service to (lie vet or groonier. TIhe services, which are avaitable seven days a wcek inelutiing staturory hotidays, making for a busy -yet fun - moutine for Ms Beck. Some days begin with tiog or car visits at 7 a.m. and miglit not end until alinoat mitiniglit aller abe's matie a mound of 'gond- nigit' viaits. An added benefit of ber service is rhat clients' homes have a 'lived-in' look with tbe mail and newspapers bmoughr in anti liglits and blinda aitemated wben tbey're away for several days. Some of ber clients are busy people who can't be there for their animais -or fur-kids, as Ms Beck catis tbemn - as much as they'd like. Others simply work regular days but their animais - partic- ularly puppies anti older tiogs -don't have sufficierit blatider con- tmol to make it thmough the day witbout accidents. An introductory vrsit is offerei lfor free. This important visit sHlows Ms Beck to obrain pertinent ver information anti make sure there's gond chemistry betwcen ber anti the pet. "They (the owners) have ro be comfortable anti ttsirk. 'Okay, this perton witl be wontierful for my pet."' Ms Bck's husband, Rick, bandles ru business side of rhings, tike maintairiing (lie Web site, so Ms Beck is free to make (lie bouse calls. Ruff 'n Pure is a member of (lie Canadian Pet Sitters Association anti tbe Canadian Dog Walkers Association. For more information, you cari catI (905) 876-4304 or e-mail inquinies@ruffnpur.com. You cari alto vîsir www.ruffnpur.com. Stephanie Thiessen cari be reached at sthiessen@miloncanadi- anchampion.com. -p1ý ,0 *IEMMCV10 1hkàe.uwdqL 6Nk.wsmqhgvào for lie (titre fournsi yu toii:L/~~a' k~~~4 Arts Milton presents... Eecive Grant Applications An educational semînar for Arts Milton memrbers and members of the public Leamn how to prepare meanirgful grant applications andtfindout about a vanely of a vailable Canadian sources for fund[ng Presentations Door prizes The "How To's" for SuccessrJIGranitApplicalofla Free advertisement in The Can The Ontario Tnlliumn Foundalion (Gilmar Militar) Champion Town of Miton, Mitton Community Funti (Joy Andierson) -Two hours of free onsultation s Quàestion-And-Answer Session oerti5ed fundraiser Date: Sunday, February 29,2004 hnyot ursnoi lime: 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tak~ut u pno Place. Miltron Seniors' Actvity Centre for this worlcshop... 500 Chikis Drive ESO OR (opposte Milton Mal> ElPOSR FREE for Arts Milton menibersl Zb Caba Cbampi (2 membera per gIroup) Memnbers of the public are also welcome: RoyBC n $25 for adufts Rylak $10 for seniors or as.sociate members of Arts MitronR SUPPORTING SPONSO Advancs registration, only, by February 17,2004. The Harrop Restaurant Please caI 905-875-1328 to reserve your spot Tumnbul - Thoropson or send an e-mail to hcailin@creaivequitt.on.ca adian ,ith a M RS r 11lfflý