The Canadien Champion, Tuosday, Februry 3, 2004-11 Smoke Out participants trying different methods Ms Gorman said she's rnostly a social simoker. She doesn't smoke at ail during tbe day, but enjoys a cigarette with a good book ai nigbt. If she's witb other people wbo are smoking, tbaï's when she smokes tbe moat, she said. She spends about $53 each montb on a carton of cigarettes, and said she's Iooking forward Jo having that money to spend on tome- tbsng cîse. FortunateJy, Ms Gorman said she bas the support of family and friends - particularly ber parents, wbo were botb beavy smokers whcn Ms Gonnan was a cbild, but quis later in life. Sean Miller Iwas a visit Jo bis family doctor that caused Sean Miller Jo, ticcide be wanted Jo n'y Zyban, a prescription dnsg designed Jo reduce cigarette eravinga. "I was talking Jo my tioctor and be said it was the most effective way Jo quit. He said it's 70 per cent effective," Mr. Miller said. Zyban is a pill thats meant Jo, be taken for l0Oto 14 days before a targcted quit date. Last Wednesday was wben Mr. Miler kissed bis cigarettes goodbye. Sirice higb scbooJ, Mrn Miller bas beén smoking first a full pack ani then a haif pack of cigarettes daily - mostly when be's tisiv- ing, Mr. Miller saiti, H1e wants Jo quit because societys attitude towarti smoking bas changeti drastically mu the past fcw years, hie saiti. "My main desire Jo, quit is because its no Jonger socialJy accept- ed,'hle said. Wbcn Mr Miller first sarteti taking Zyban, he saiti he aetually began smoking more titan usuaJ because of insomnia anti increaseti anxicty - side effecta that are expecteti. Before bis quite date, bie sait ibe aiready noticeti dea cigarettes didn't taste as gooti as Jhcy once did. "Ifs less satisfying," bie saiti. Diarne Wolstenhohine Diane Wolstenholme hat matie up ber mindti o quit smoking January 1. So when fIce Champion was lookig for participants for ita Smokeout Challenge, she jumpcd ai the opportunity. She proudly announceti she's heen smoke-free since December 31 with the belp of the Life Brand Nicotine Patch. "Fnon the seven milligramn patch, which is the lowest, becauae been surprisingly easy. J fet none of the side ellects because tt's a Jow dose.' When she bas heen on tbe patch for three weeks, Ms Wolstenbolme said sbeIl begmn taking tbe patch off - starting a few bours hefore bcd and tben taking it off earlier and earlier in tbe day. Ms Wolstenbolme said sbe's going Jo take tbe quitling process slow and easy. Sbe's attempted to quit several trnes hefore. In fact, sbe once managed Jo quit for two years and tben started again. Her nine-year-old daugbter bas heen tbe motvating factor, she said, because she bas been learning about the dangers of smoking in sehool. "Her grandpa died of empbysemia, and she always ays, 'l don't want you to be Jike grandpa."' Elizabeth Williams Elizabeth Williamns said she bas aJways been interested in hyp- nosis and since other metbods of quittng smoking baven't been succeasful for bier, sbe was willing Jo, give it a n'y. Her sessions will take place as Positive Changes in Georgetown. "I tried cold turkey, but that didn't work. It was only for two or tbree days. 1 was so gumpy." She aaid she aJso trieti a nicotine gum but tidtn't like iL Ms Williams saiti she's nervous that ail of Milton wiII be able to watch wbethcr or not she managea to quit. ffMILTON PLAYERS THEATRE GROUP Presents CdrimeS Of lb. Heart By fleth Henley February 6, 7, 12, 13, & 14 (SOLD OUJT), 2004 Mfilton Senior's Activity Centre, 500 ChiId's Drive Tickets are available at Delacourt's (CASHCHEQUE ONLY) or by calling 905-875-0629 don't want to let myself or others down. Failing in the face of rnany would be hiard." She said she wanted to try hypnosis hecause there are no side effects, and she's looking forward Jo the extra money sheil have in lier pocket once she quits. Sbe currently smokes balf-a-pack a day. Sbe said she also looks forward Jo baving more energy, espe- cially smnce she's a mom of two ejildren aged 4 and 7 years. Notice of Liquor Licence Application Ontario The foJlowing establishment bas applied Jo the Alcobol and Gamning Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence untier the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Matt's Rib Houas 500 Laurier Avenue Unit #15, Milton Any resident of thc municipality may make a wntten submission as Jo, wbethcr thse issuance of the licence is in thc publie intereat having regard Jo thc neetis anti wishes of dic resitienta. Subhmissions must be received no later than March 1, 2004. Please inclutie your name, atidress and telephone number. Ifsa petition is subnuttet o the Commission, please identify thc designateti contact person. Note: Ile AGCO gives thc applicant copies of any objections. Submaissions Jo, bc sent Jo: Licensing and Registration Departinent Aleohol and Gaining Commission of Ontario 20 Dondas St. W, 7- Floor Toronto, ON M.5G 2N6 Fax: 416-326-5555 E-mail: C/>REGOa TO Il175o <4-NOW AS LOW AS rc $499 BELTS &TUES 2b PRICE