Sports celebrity event raises 'tfram HULL on page 4 wards," McBean quipped during ber brief address witb thse Fan 590%s Gord Stellick, who emceed thse event. Sharing the spotlight with Hulli ai least fromt a popularity and sheer recognition standpoint - was beloved former Maple Leaf Wendel Clark. Toronto's ex-captain certainly didn't shy away [rom the joviality of the nigbt, but also took time to provide a serious point of view about Canada's sport of choice. "Let your kida play soccer and baseballinh the sum- mer," Clark stressed, addressing the ever-increaaing trend to turm yciungsters into hockey machines with year-round competition. "The wors$ fallacy is that you falI bebind if you go a month or two without playing. Fact is most kids wbo play 12 months a year get burned, out by Christmnas. "Andi when you tbink Uiat only .3 per cent of kitis go on to Uic NHL, parents should neyer expect Uieir kids to make it. It sbould be a fun âime, not a stressful one." Completing Uie celebrity cast were baeness racing great Lue Ouellette and Toronto Argonaut veterans Mike O'Shea andi Mike Morreale. An boue-long autograps session precedetheUi dinner andi auction, wbicb once again benefiteti the Chamber's scbolarsbip prograin. An estinuteti $10,000 waa raiset Uis year, matcbing Uic 2003 total. "Things went tremendously well. I was very impressed wiUi ail Uie celebrifles, their willingness to interact wiUi Uic public and just enjoy Uic event. Anti our sponsors deserve a lot of credit. WiUiout Uiem, this evening wouldn't be possible," saiti Chamber execu- Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Olympien Mamnie McBean signa autographe. tive director Sandy Martin. Among those in attendance were inembers of the Milton Jr. A hockey club, witb owner Maio Forgione once again acting as tihe platirnuim sponsor. Steve LeBlanc con be reached at sleblanc@halton- A , 't 4 i .~7 É f/ *e Fresh stock arrives weekly, over 4,000 items including: f *a 200 types of candies, chocolates, gummies and sugarless sweetsr * Baking supplies - raisins, prunes, dried fruits, sugars,'P mixes, nids, spicea, specialty flours0 *u Snacks - over 100 of your favourites, snacking nuts and mixes *s Herbai Supplements, Health Foode and Organic Products Canada's iargest bulk lood retaîter & more now 75 ICtuv51 îw Franchise locations available in Ontarîn andi Atlanttc Canada<tcil 118 iù *Must provîde valid ideîtilication toc)ue svpecas & gift ce4572 as. MSîe supple 10ast On advarfiset items 021 60011611te nght o limil quantifies, Milton - Mail s Ontarlo st. (.905)693-9207 -ukm. The Canadian Champion, Fndcay Janluary 23, 2004-5 2004 Corolla CE LAEFOR $2190 2004 Camry LE LEASE FOR $2890 2004 Echo Hatchback LEASE FOR $ 1792 2004 Matrîx LEASE FOR $229- Id. 12:M M 3. Over 150 New & Used Vehicles in Stock. 400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 Ali the information you couid possibiy want is ait Visi aur newiy redssigned websiie <0201.. ooiogIî.,,îqplans t,,,,n Toyo îinoooial Services. O.A.C. 2ffert v.iî0 en n 2004 CorolIa/Co,'y/Ec0. ......- iiolohoock/M.lIo. Lsoooo, îqlslîolion tees, liosîooc anld taxes extr. 1utte inoIoA02 boitla and6 9..E. colt eIt b $,0$110SAIS10FmloIoAl Eood 602,oloded iuR. 02 d 2,0ms waOO lkaooy bous ratof,4.1100o Ocoo Holtb0ac (Model J1123MA or J112292). Baied ,,n2,,8 mo.I2olty lassrat el0 5.A% on CîoIto/0am5/60051o (600020 02EMB or B82EPE209 PA or BE389PAI2R32EMBor K662090) Dowo paument of S2,433/$4,1121$1331$3,245 orîtalle eq02,aotl îoquired. Fini p0ayment and securiy depolit doe o, dollooy. Securiy deout.. el $2751435006r03754$2204$275 1 0300 due un Caoloa/Com1y/Ec06 HalcAb.ok/Moîi. Total lasse obigati.on 01 $1204510 ar $13.040.01/1,114.27 o, $1i.3A 2304$10.072.8i or $11.6261.71$14,227.39 o, $14,$32.72 and poiooos option 61,56 o 021 $ 26 or 08,041 $11 0.60 or1012.021ý50/0i57.:00l2l000,77.049.22 OOoî$5601.62 booo 5 ,aximu 1 916.000 AMI (120,002 eMS9for ch 0560025062). AOcua,/ol KM charge 0f $07/1, 0107 drape i001e MSAP ni $17,40 or 010.420/$400 o26,2.050412.90, $3 5,420o $204.-Fncexmp: $2041 aN 3ti a anmaut $58 59pa mothfur3 eis ..l a 1,25,4 rattlolgaino 2,22. .%n ii ecea iacn o men0 h 0$p2pavlisai 2,oIpt2 th.00IOI 2 00 $4 oHlbakT@ea@uriu ieofr ltesc orpriiagTyt Dealer0 fo colts detailo flo mrafiieaoî ,las j