32-The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 23, 2004 How to Beat Bitterness It breaks up homes, estrang- ing husbands and wives. It alienates parents and chul- dren. It causes confliet in the workplace. It interferes with unity in the church. What is this cuiprit? Bitterness. Bitterness is unresolved anger. It resuits in feelings of resentmnent. It involves an attitude that says, "I will not forgive! 1 will flot be recon- ciled!" Harboring unresolved anger carnies somne serious ramifi- cations: relationally, physi- cally, spiritually and emo- tionally. Bittemess will exact a heavy toil on a person's life. It dimmnishes the poten- tial for greatness that every individual possesses. Positive, creative thoughts are replaced by negative, destructive ones. Good- hearted individuals become vindictive as swallow a bitter putl. Sadly, many are living with bitterness. The good news is that there is a cure! As Jesus Christ bore the weight of the world upon His shoulders and was dying upon the Cross of Calvary, He was offered wine mixed with gaîl. That bitter drink contained a mmnor sedative, and would have numbed the pamn that Christ was experi- encing. Although it would have helped to medicate his torture, Jesus spit out the bit- ter liquid after tasting it and recognizing it for what it was. He refused to, go to the grave with any bittemness in his life. Instead, the Saviour spoke the liberating words: "Father, forgive them..." He knew that forgiveness brings heal- ing. It brings health. It brings wholeness. Is there someone that you need to for give? Don't be like the woman who was bit by a rabid dog many years ago. It was before they had antidotes against rabies and it meant certain death. When she was mnformed that the dog that bit her was rabid, the woman immediately got out a piece of paper and began to compile a list of people's names. Whfen asked about her list, the woman replied, "These are the peo- pie 1 plan to bite before 1 die! " How many people like that do we know? Individuals who have been destroyed by bittemess? Beat bittemness! Spit it out and release blessing. Forgive one another and allow heal- ing to flow through your life. you may say, "It will take a miracle!" The Lord can sill work miracles! A relation- ship with Jesus does make a difference! Consider visiting a local church this week, and take the first step towards whole- ness! Make an appointment to speak with the Pastor ... he is there to help you! Submitted by Reverend Dain Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Church, Milton. To Advertise in thie Church Directory please cali Colleen Gorman at 905-878-2341 ext. 228 9 a.m. - Early Worship Servie 9:30 arn. - Sunday School for AllAges 10:45 a.rn. - Second Worship Service YOU 'IL' fr 710 ME! 6:30 p. m. - Sunday Nght LIVE WHEN 000V V7EE05 WO 0AI Supervised Nursery & Dynamic Children's Programs available during ail services! You're Invited to...m Milton Bible qI Church! 14i Sundays @ Milton District High School 395 Williams Ave, ait Commercial St. 10:30 AM Cotfee & Conversation 11:00OAM Worship Service Children's program running concurrently www.MiltonBibleChurch.ca Look to the 200 Main St. Openingl 905-876-3586 -4jj 4j Mîin Ba iâsi1 Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 - Sunday School 9:45 arn Worship Service il1:00 arn Message: "Revenge is for Fools" eooe4 Wcke ~ê/m Rev. Gîrag Mw"uly - B.A., M.Div kMILTON SEVENTH-DAY A5VN~ ML CHURCH Invites yen ceeoue weekly Sabbath services ut Hagli Fanter Hall, 43 Brown St. Miltoa Sac. 9:30 e. m, Sabbuch Scheel Sat. 11:00 a.m.- Divine Service FEE BIBLE SCHOOL Dscoeeethe armazing Bible anses ce life's perplexieg questiens, and thce secret ce a happy life. Fer FREE BIBLE LESSONS, wrie P0. Box 23012, 55 Oncario St., Milton, Ont., L9T 5B4. On the INTERNET, http:/w.vop.em aen cd ce'r.aeoazingfacts.erglbibleclcel/scheelmaie.ap PASTOR: Ai DeCesca 519-835-8301 For mere information abeout out ervice and pcegrae, please cll. 2850 Derry Rd E KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PO Box 332, MILTON GOSPEL HALL WELCOMES YOU a Milton, On L9T 49-87 905-878-5664 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-37 170 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 Fax: 905-878-6676 Coemmunil Church ofce@southsidemiltoflor 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper Minister - Rev. Joseph Gray Director of Music & Children's Ministries - 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sohool Sonja van de Hoef 9.30a un "he Climb" Cildrewa'aLà Groupa 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 9:30 arn Aduit Bible Su*d - Bock of judges Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Nursery 10:30Oam Worship Servce- Paaeor jack Nnaber Prayer and Bible Study Youth Class Grades 7-12: 9:30 a.m. "How ta L-9p elephact off your air hmu" - Sunday School Age 3 - Grade 6: 10:30 a.m. Nehemiah 4-6 "In the beginning ws the Word, "CaIled to Serve thee Lord" Igouthoide Yorith Ministriffl: and the Word was with God, Tceiadaej - Safai (graea 6-8) 0 6-z0 Pmu and the Word was God/" Wheelchair access and washrooms provided FI so that ail may corne and worship. wednMeda - Icmèa vadu9-12) - lS Pr. John 1.1 9 cesofMr t GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH We weOlcome YOU to.. ÇRACEWAY GBAPTIST CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main St. E., Milton ST. PAU L'S Rev. Dr. Mairk the Church on the Hill UNITED CHURCH 103 Martin Street McDermott 905878-2411 12 anS.EMlo '#i 905-878-1629 Rev. Amy Cousmneau 9 2\aiJt EMltn / * Pastor Walter H. Isaak Rev. Carole Langlot Sun. Jan. 25, 10:30 a.m. 1:0an udySho 8a*gS~ra...1lIIIT CELEBRATION 0F BAPTISM 11:00 arn. - Morning Service Services MUl Worship supported by music from the St. Pool's Choir 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Sun. 8:00 - 11oiy Communion Heaven s Gate Church School & Tusa 10:00 - Sung Eucharist fllowed Nursery available for babies & todders af 10:30 arn. 7:00 ThurBileSda y & bycoffee hour Sot. Jan, 31, 7:45 pm Card-A-Rama Bridge & Euobre pm il td Thurs. 10:00 HoIy Communion Tickets $ 10 at church office (ryr ageins 6-1w 2) hide followed by Tea and Sharing Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter ae6-2 Wheelchair Access Through Parking Church office: (905) 878-8895 "You'il always find a friend ai Graceway" www.gracechurchmilton.com www.stpaulsmilton.org www.gracewaybaptist.org CAPTIONING PROVIDED FOR DEAF/HARO OF HEARING EVERY SUNDAY AT 10:45 AM som»mmwml PARiry Milton's Largest - *111orts ait 6 p.m. 84»U% FehMu" 1 Alcobl-fm, fw bp mm, WM MON ff dub style, $5-all-yo*cveW phn tickob adiable, dm prizes & me! 1 $2J persan - cevu charge m Website: www.newlife-mil, & "ENLARGE YOUR CIRCLE OF LOVE