Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jan 2004, p. 30

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3O-The Canadien Champion, Friday January 23, 2004 i itîe laeaelaît luancer Soeciety, Milton, Branch, is seeking Council Members The Conodian Cancer Society, Milton Bronch, os oeeking cooncîl members to previde leadership aend a051f on erganizisg vert cserdieotisg octrives, Eoch position regoices sleong orgocizatiocol aod communication skiffs. The commilment for these vefunteer positixns inesîves opprooimotely 3-4 houes! msnlh. If you are reliohie, eeergelic, and have excellent leader- ship and tundraisieg skilis, ou sili tird these positios recardirg and chai Ierging. O rientaiie training and staff support ciii be pîoilel If yxe wish lx volueteer toc fhe Miltes tronch or reqsîre more informa- Fuit Cime errond apsition for te right career minde nivide or 0 em ain SIi@ t.lEsyI.o matur olliecctencome BICYCL MCAIC PRoesaaires denr ai bean n service Ful Oine e roandsai ine rth Leh uicaeer mn iyoudieamnenee Fax e se ail 905-87 3 -44 7 MOe atrime lan s th nhbl UMeisupport - A Division of Oeil Pllar.alcy Comrpression Garment Fitter Requirel part-Cime (15 hours/meek). Train- ing provideld. Candidates mîith a medical backgrosnd preferred. Some travef mvithin Borfington reqoirel. Fax rasurne with cover latter: 905-637-4119 Need a Job? Areoyoul16-24 Fahroocssvetants nvndtmo years old? candi iOpssa eelntOr WE CAN HELP! Bralieh shdls nda larlof tussortet speence an Cai assut raininsg availalvî JOB CONNECT pt... en aietscua at SHERIDAN l MMN et 905-878-4956 Optutiuliu 1935iaiL a JOBS AVAIL Fxrkiift Operators sn the $13-$15/ir. Ail shift Fax resamnei HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1- ABLE MILTON ares. available. ix: 888-411-1660 Permanent full urne tanning salon in Milton Hîrîng cehiable, personabte, and oatgoîng inlîvîdual. Days, evnsngs and weekexîs. Fox resue to 905-319-S955 EXPERIENCE DIE MAKER EXPERIENCED MACHINE BUILDER EXPERIENCE SERVICE TECH APPRENTICE ALSO MUST HAVE OWN TOOLS Fer Window lndasb, Orgeerrel. Able to work wrh minimum Supervision, Benaft Coarna Park end Teuskan Phoe (f0 79&-27019 Sans-2pu or Fax (905> 796-2708 RECEP1UISTISWITCM8ADD Towne Chevroiet Oidsmobile, o froisse in tht Oakville commushty for oe 30 yeocs, is seekvng a permanent fuli-lime ReceptiocisllSwitchboadrso.Rso sibilities ciii isclude ceicoming ince ph...e colis with an upbeat and positive demeonor. Yo ace a pecoon cho con crelte a positive ficsf impression on the phone and toke pride ie the impcrtance ni fhe Re- ceptionisVScitchbsoed position. You shoul ofss be cemiorloble working with Microsoft Office appfica- lioes aed cscsider ynur peopfe skiffs 10 be one of yeec beot ossets se yor resume. Emoil your resume to pauft@tscnecheo.csm or drop by in peesse cil h ysur fesmme & ask 15 sen Pool Trimble, T.chmucaI Sales Rep Industri proceas heating equipment. We are iooking for a motivated individoal with a technica sales background, to present Oor eqoipment tc, a wide range of indua- tries. Some inside salea reoponosibilitiea, biiingoai <Frencfe/Engioh) an aaset. Travel nSoathem Ontario. Saiary and commis- sin ihautomoble provided. Miail resurne to: P.O. Box 68M, Oakviile, ON L6J 5C1 Fax: 905-849-0001 E-mil: gposchmaen@synarlcea.ca BATH/ Kitchon Designer/ Sales; Established Bath and Kitchen company seeko qoafified designer witn salea akiils. Most be self motivated. Fuiti Part lime. For interview cali Eric 905-639-7876 or Fax heume: 905-639-22066 Opal Baths and Kitchena RPN'S NEEDED Needed for Borloak (CPL) LTC Centre (New) iocated in Borlington. Part-time positions avaifabie immediately. Please fax or emaif resumne to: 905-639-7259 genera.burloak@colodges.com or oeil Judy ai 905-639-6389, x224 j Needed immediatly for the * V * BeHagton Regian - BrigoGeorgetown, CAM-PLUZ and Milton ares Paedlatric Physlotheraplats For "THE SCHOOL CARE PROGRAM" - Excellent pay rates " Flexible schedutes - Paid travel espenses We carichange lvea ln tlhe cm ufyJrthe bettei Cali Manine at (905) 306-0202 or fax restunfie ta (905) 306-1709 1 IRS&SPORTS BAR q risv ue Entena imeni Club & Sprts Bar N IrIng Fulit Pari-tint *Sentiers *Lae Cuele*Dlsiuwahe *Hest/ese *Barteaiera Ibo Job Fair beld &t'The Besi Western Hotel' on 2412 Queenscoy Dr Burlcgeen (Guelph Li/OEW) Iýo ý_ icnc,iii- vi oîit i.f i iv1iltoîe You muse have a srrong working knowledge of small engines, electrical and hydraulics. You will also have a good sense of prevenrive equipmenn maintenance. You musc provide a valid driver's license and your own basic set of tris. Please forward Resumes ru David Wyllie Fax (905) 693-9035 or E-mail: dwyltîe@clublink.ca CLU3LINC MORE GOLF Forklift TechnicianS Required For busy shop. Mehaeîcs of otite trades consilerel. Top cages and henef il package. Cie wxrking eroîronment. 44 hosr weeks. App y te. MNul Uift ibol lac 1054 Sol9 SonIes Bd Eut, GaIrila, Ont L6J 2X7 Tel: 905-849-5855 Fax: 905-849-3515 Ernail: lnfoOhalton-Ilft.com K r~ Pc,ý (Registered) FI & PTifor Burliegton or Oakville clîcicso Greaf job opporturlity & henef ils Why commute if yos car work dloser f0 home! Fax rasumo te: 90-336-9596 TUTOR specal animaaion tea cher wih 7 years espenience, available te tuior durne esenîngs. Cal Paul f905) 878- 7089. TEACH ERS Required to work with students nr a sapportive atmosphere Current Pari Tirne Positions Elementary and Secondary ln ail Subject Areas 6-24 Hrs. per week Soptember Full Turne Positions Secondary Poaitions In Ail Subject Areas 12 atudenta per ciasa Summer School Elementary and Secondary ln ail SUb*8ct Areas 6-24 Hrs. per week Appiy with detaiied resame 10: CHISHOLM CENTRE 1484 Cornwall Rd. Oakviiia, ON L6J 7W5 Email: woricforchlaholm@aol.com Fax: 905- 844-7321 We regret that we cannol acccept phone colis and n!y ihose short-lisled ciii be contacie CARRIERS NEEDED FOR DOOR TO DOOR DELIVERY TUESDAYS &L FRIDAYS ON THE FOLLOWING E DNTIAL STREETS! Edwards / Alexander Feathel3tone Rd. lu, I ~ Petigoew TraiI Cavellst./ Hume Way Stevenson SU- Lancastr BNvd. Chambers Place tK BancIey Cir/ Wallbmook Cres. Ledwitti Dri Poplar Rd. MaIick St. Centennial Forest Cooper Ave./Yates Dr. Huthinson Ave. OthaP aluas ap Cali Sandy tsday! 8 05-878-5847 ARE tisa Moorng vs? Mon- i09 out? Need hnlp? No imn to citas! Cai J.C.'o Cleasios Service sonded & Retiabta. Asailable 24 iheure Monlay te Saisrday 416-697-9610. LOOKING for somese Brait ciii carterto yoar speeif- c wseeds and budget. Cai Joyce et JOC.'s Cftaling 4168-697-9610/905-7x2- 1675. Excellent reterasces anailebie spcn request. PROFESSIONAL hoase cleaning availeble. Rtai- able, affordeable. Piesse cal i Joanna for estimate 905-875-2284. Dong Be , i &,ar! Don forge thI ea. tis w~ ,LCOME* AGOýN -New àn town? Getting married in 3 months or more? - Having a baby? -Eotabhishing a new business? Please cai us Comat Weîcam Lieds 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elint 905-693-0313 Baby Waîcam Michelle 905-332-8634 Bridâi Wsîcom Loode 905-878-0126 B.wprof. Wsîco.e Lourie 905-878-0126 UICENSED plamber avai- abile for home renovations er sew tisiare installations. Ca f Shows Keller ai f905) 87-3404.

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