SHORTT: Gordon Rouseil (Segeanit, OP.P retired) 75th year, beioved husband of Bernico Short. Sadly mîssed by his son Dog (Janet) of Milton, bis daustiters Gadl of Etobicolse and Brenda (Darpi) of Brantford. Sur- vived by fus grandchildren Jocelyn, Crystal, and Ste- phen Shortt and Dakuota, Dustin and Damon Bakalar, his brothers Jack (Judy) of St. Cattierines, Bruce (Ter- ty) of Windsor, siser Donna ut Londoni and sister-in-law Dureen ut Glencue, and many loving nieces and nephews. Predeceased by bis parents Rlussell (1987> and Maddie (1994) and brottier Bob (2002). Funera serv ices f0 be held at MoClelater Funerai lHorse ln Brantford on Thursdlay, January 22, 2004 ut 12:00 pin. In lieu ut flowers, donations to the Alzbeimers Society ut Brant or Canudian Cancer Society would be uppreciot- ed by the family. ZAWACKI: Michael "Mlle" Suddenly, on Sunday, January 18, 2004. Mike Zawaci of Milton iv bis 4iot year. Predeceosed tiy hio parents Daniel and Delores Zuwacv. Tubes t0v soon and greatly misoed by bis siblingu, Howard (Colleev), Diana Zawacbi and Terry (Ano). Predeceased bp bis brottier Daniel. Greatly missed by his sîster-iv-law ValsaI. Mibe will Se miosedt by bis nieces and neptiews, Apol, Lisa, Amber, Terrance, Lee-Ann and Rpan. Mike tonved hnendsbips and toucbed the lises of ail the staff and vol- unteers hos assisted hum with bis needo ut Commuvîty Living - North Habson. He reilI ha eopecially remem- bered by bis fniend Dr Ricti Edwards and bio r00m- mates Scott, Louise and Joanne. Friendo were re- ceived et tbe J. Scott Estyt Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milon (905> 878-2669 on Tbumsday, January 22nd from 12:00 pm unfil the time of tbe Funeral Service at f:00 pm beld from the Funeesl Home Obapel. Inter- ment followed at Pine HuIs CemeteV, Scarbomouti. Donations may ha madie to Commanity Living - North Hailton or to the cbanty of one's choice. In lotng memoryo5f Hérold Fergum (Foliole) Hasband, FaJoan aand Poppe Who passed asy Jeassay 23, 2001 Thse Canadien Chamivoss Friday Januarv 23, 2004-29 1HUNT 1v:h Iâý,à 1ýe Purchaae or lease that saw Zolou cac or It . 5N0 Bronte St. S. 905-876-2580 Make it RICHARDSON] CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lrase or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S.u aDrry Rd. 905-878-2393 - 905-878-8877r collent condition, oniy 21,000 houa. $2,000 obo. Calt Gond at 416-95-90 1 wisb fo offar thanks f0 ail thss. famitpy and friands tilet altended mp »Ot birtbday patty December 28, 2003 et tbe Lagion in Miltos. i oas satpnised and ovemloslmed by evetysue that came sut and made the day so aste- ciel. Speciai tbasks f0 my family for mabing mhe party sucb a sarprise snd a buge succeso. l'm troly biessed f0 bave sucti wonderfui famiip and friends. i love pas ail. Tbank ysu Smncerey, Marion Ferrier Tbe Bsrsln-Labracque Famillea reist to express tbeir tbanks for ai tbe cards, masses, floral tribates, and sup- pot iv many ways, eotended to our families duning tbe time of Aggie's ilineso & et tbe tîme of ber pasoing. A special thanks to tbe Knot-A-Breaot Dragnboat team in Hamilton for tbeir cure & covcervos & McKemsie-Kocti- er Fonera Home of Million. CASH paîd for antiques and coilectibies, china, fig- urnnes, jeweiiety, fumîtore, coins, etc. 900-878-3145 coel: 905-876-7950. LABRADOR poppies pur- ebred, 5 oeeks olti, lot shots, set cbecked, de-1 wormed. Cai 905-335- 6746, PUREBRED oeil trained checelata lab in neeti of :oving home. Loves to pIay and makes a great cern- pesion. Cal for datais905t- 878-9950. 1991 Hyundai Excel 2 door halcbback, auto, 140,000.kmo. 905-693- 124f as is, beat offar. 1958 Cbev. Sierra 1500, 5L, V8, 2 obsol drive, au- tomatic, cop/hitch, f 39,000kms, certffied/a- testeti, $10,900. (905)877- 5449. 2003 Honda Cîvic LX Spot A/C, power iecbslandaws, moonrouf and aiamivum wbeels. Cati 519-853- 2902. SALE LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE Afaiesl b"aass vtl fanguy "aies E-m-m -Lu LIMIESTICEf1N OF OI1811MLTI 80575-27 1995 Ford F-150 XL. 2 ownems metl maintained B foot bnCox f0 tas boCes. 50000 o00e Cal 647-222- 0265. il Acia SEIUVA RAI, FMi il ir0n otu e niI ke u [oc rg toa ies (a ri Voit M e 1; t yourelfI tte Usf stua i Yao Witi Fini Out About Wh As stiuld consider re sais (Cand euoshuould nso) *Proisnsia icsnsing course R Oysi LsPage triningu, personal drveloprnn anS suppot *OoiOii aoimmeynuîvmorne 1TedeI JMM 2MI M on -m amG - hile fl CUl eiapmm hw Ssvîing evied, catinow te renrvna sil Million 905-878-8101 ROYLL IG Georgetown 905-77-8282 Maadawvala 805-821-3200 AZ DRIVERS Dedicoted outomotive non, Pick up Milton, Ont. toi Clevelandi, OH. No weokends, home nigblly. Clean abstract, 1 year experiesce. Col (519) 852-0947 i International Careets TEACHING ENGLISH A rea1 oppÏtLir,-4, for advent111ý, mm"r nftew lobs m 1 outil The Col of ied Appl Linguistiles is offering a 5-day TESOL Alb. 25th-M E ve^i^ Cert . fioute Course ings & weekend) ai Sheridan Col*, Trafalgar Campus Tio reqýe-er for the Open Hotu, Jan. 'ego nh 7 91.11 .erles a d W.cur Draei 901 are8-115 PAY OFF TIOSE t-EAUN EXTRA Run pout swv business wlth eutip morning delioery 0f neospupers in ButIinosn Esc. commissions. 7-dupys/w. RCliuble vehicle tequired Cuit Barie --333-4977 reqoires Fuli-timo Partiurne HaIp Midnighfs We offer Benehîts and compelîlîvo s(arling woges! 2355 Trafalgar Rd. Cmii 905-257-1294 Program Manager Hamiltion/Halton You will be responsibte for marketing and seltissg th0e beneftls of our services tC heatlcare referrat sources within hospitats anod consunity agencies.Your soui sales Crack record speako foc itiset as yoa are a self-starter who enjoys worsisg lndependently in a feot-paerd environsnment.Ans effective coniurniscator, you wdtl budd collaborative reltoonstsîps withis tise healtocare commuansuty. A saniversity graduate who aspires so CItheIsigisest standards of effectiveness, your entrepreneurial spirit and focus on service excellence drive your succeso You execute plans on timte and louve a proven abilty Co adapt Cou changing environnent. ldeally, or Programo Managers are a part of tIhe cossnnnity Cloey wi5 service. Wr offer a competitive salary and annuel incentive bonus. PIeuse apply, clearly lndicuting Ref. HS124, in confidence, to0: Humais Resources Lifeline SysCens Canada ise. T C 95 Barber Greense Road, SulCe 005 Norts York, ON M3C 3E9 TeL (416) 441-5799 Fax. (416) 445-1918 fe Toit Freet 1-800-387-8120 ex 5799 Persovai Onspovsn and ae-mals cmoriTs*lfineascotI Support Services RNNis âag1 -R1 -P1 1HA SIldr Aides/ I * Ie Irving Porsonal Care Limited marksu thse creation ofia ee company and a new produerline wnts tise construaction ofie 150,00uquare foote baby diaper and traininsg paint manufacturing facilit>' in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, W. have imrnadiata openinga for training opotunilias. Silo preparatlon and consruction is snderay wtith dise nticipated stae-up of lthe facili>' ueisedsed for Jase 2W04. Irving Pessosal Caro Limitntd witl b. lise an>e manufacturersof baby diapers and training pens in Canada. Irving Personat Care Limltel iu rieu looking Ca recrsit experieneed: High Speed Diaper Production Machine Operators Qualifications: We Offer. ___ * CaP) tie- orti in aienpiis:"ieîîeertsdteuon aniîph're * (ue'rroîiîu iîiiiîtiainii0'vppoiifaestie. ltssce1Ienipaî plan anidgtrîsrauý r vssht. PRODUCTION & WAREHOUSE WORKERS Hayward, a leading manufacturer of swîmming pool accassory oqstpmenl, ha seasonal positions (6-8mos) for Production Assemblers and Warehouse Workers - $9/hr. Hoors 8:3Oam-5:00pm Apply in person: 2880 Pl~Wiut Drive, Oakvllle SEARS CARRIERS Reliable individuals needed for door to door catalogue deliver in Milton. Call 905-873-0103 Leave message with name, phone and address. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK (Part Time) Cuardias Fibergaso, a leading manufacturer of tibergiaso insolation, is accepting upplicutions for a Port Tirve Accoants Payable Clerk for the plant sn Ern, Ontario. This position iovolves ail tasks associated wîth processing iovoices for payovent. Responsibîtîties in- clade preparatiso of purchase requisîtivos, postisg A/P inoices, aoalyzing compoter reports and mis- celtaneous office duties. Comoputer knowledge asd presmoos accoonst payable esperiesce is required. Apptlicatios are beiog accepted: Monday to Friday 7:30am - 4:3Opm until January 30, 2004 Humasn Resources DepI. Guardian Fiberglasa 300 Main Street En, Ontario 1908 ITO f30 minutes et af Cuelpis as liai. 24ICouatt Roud 124) Email: kalknsaa@guardla.em Fax: 519-833-9749 No tetephone colts pieuse Ontp those oetected for an interview aili Se contacted. FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Driver's Wanted Cali 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company Custrnir Service Representative A cortot sppstioniy, for tht person wo soppos ort- ing dîretl with customoîs, supplinro and oulsidt soies repu. Tht perso selecttd for this position oil huase a proteosionol attitude, o gsod oking tintai edge of Microsoft Office & Bosiness Violon 32. Global Medical Producs, a dis) rîbufor of medical equipmevt for ose in hospitalo fhroophoot Canada. Pluase ferairdt moane ta: Global Modical Praducts lac. 5230 South Service Rd. *urlingtoe, ON L7L 5K2 Cah: if. Applications triay be niaiied tu: 100 Midiand Diive Dieppe. M& Canada ElA 6X4. Please quote (Yoiir nane - Oakville) in the subject fine.