12-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, January 23, 2004 Cash from Mohawk siots just keeps on coming in IN-SHOP AREA CARPET CLEANING, AND IN-HOME UPHOLSTERY CLEANING... We Clean Area Carpets From Around the World! Oriental and specialty rugs can differ greatly in iheir construction, dying methods and fibre content. We at Roto-Static understand these differences, assuring a sale and thorough in-plant cleaning of your specialty rugs. Wbatever your rug's origin, you cao trust ils cleaning and care to the professionals at Roto-Static. Voted by Milton as... FAVOURITE CARPET &P UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Speciai Care For Your Fine Furnishings!. Trust the experts to provide the best care possible for your specialty fabrics and leathers. [~Localiy Owned and Operated SProudly Serving Milton & Camnpheliville SQuality Cleaning Services for Carpets & Upholstery Bob Rushton [~Best Value h! Townl Owner G U R N l E D AY S À& Ir10 Miton has received $1.7 million In totat, OLGC has issued more for hosting siots ai Mohawk ihan $17 mittion in third-quarter Racetrack. The payment. trorn Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLGC), was for Mition's ihird- quarter share of the slts revenue (Ociober 10 December 2003). To date, Mitton has received more than $27 mittion in non-tax gaming revenue. Payments are made on a quarterty basis accord- ing to the govemmnent's fiscat year, which runs Aprilto1 the end of Match. Stots ai Mohawk opened on Augusi 10, 1999. Since then, il has attracted more ihan 6.2 miltion vis- itors, averaging spproximstety 3,900 patrons daity. non-tax gaming revenue payments 10 21 hosi communilies of siots ai racetracks and charity casinos. Each slts-ai-racetrack hosi municipatity receives 5 per cent of the facitity's gross stot machine revenue for the Oirsi 450 machines and 2 per cent for any machines ahove that number. Funda are used ai the discretion of the municipati- ty. Race tracks and their horse peo- pte atso share the revenue generat- cd by the stots program, with 20 per cent of gross stot machine rev- enue sptit eventy hetween the two groups. Since the taunch of the programi in t1998, more ihan $t bitiion has been shared equally between race- irack owners and their horse peo- pte. Revenue from OLGC supports $t00 million annuatly for the province's charities. The money is distribuied 10 char- ities through the Ontario Triltium Foundation. A portion of the annuat gross stot revenue from siot facitities ai race- tracks and charity casinos goes 10 the Ministry of Health and Long- term Care for probtemr gambtmng research, treaiment, prevention and pubtic swareness. Stots ai Mohawk Racetrack are operated and managed by the OLGC. 'Some tickets left for fundraising fashion show and dinner event Limited tickets remain for the North Hatton Red Resort. Tickets cosi $30. Cross's Fundraising Fashion Shows -but not for There witt atso bc a fashion show and tunch tong. February 8, but il's sotd oui. The fashion show snd dinner events witt be hetd Proceeds from the events wil go to the North Hatton Fehruary 8 and 9 at 6:30 p.m. both days ai Pasqualno's Red Cross, which offers community programns in Cafe and Bistro on Main Street. Mitton and Hatton Hills inctuding transportation serv- Debbie Gtover of Studio 49 in Georgetown witt sup- ices for seniors, home health equipment, emergency pty att the ctothes for the event and Mition's Salon services, personat disaster services, international Group and Body and Sout witt provide hair snd make- devetopment, Oirsi aid and injury prevention. up. Tickets cari be purchased ai the North Hatton Red Prizes t0 he won include skiing ai Horseshoe Valley Cross by catting (905) 875-1459. Curhae In.0 60 Months on