6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 20, 2004 *comment Wrong message sent It's flot news that youth crime has the ministry of chîldren is so we cari 'B, increased in recent years. Younger and younger. ebjîdren are being charged with violent criminal acts as gangs and guns become more prevalent. Some youngsters - even at the ten- der age of 16 or 17 - have becomne career criminals. That saidr one cari only wonder what the provincial Liberals were thinking when they announced recent- ly that they intended to transfer responsibility for violent young offenders fromn the corrections min- istry to the newly-created children's ministiy. Despite the fact police officiaIs - the ones who have to deal with these kids first-hand - denounced the move, Children Services Minister Marie Bountrogianni defended the switch. "The reason why the young offend- ers, as a program, is comning over to look at it more holistically." Well, that sounds warm and fuzzy doesn't it? We tend to agree with Toronto Police Association president Rick McIntosh who says the move sends the wrong message to violent young offenders that they will be treated in a more lenient way. "We want to see the system get tough on violent offenders," he said. 'Victims have a right to justice. If a 16-year-old shoots somebody the vic- tim is no less dead." Certainly, for young offenders who have minor brushes with the law the emphasis should be on rehabilitation, but for those who have shown a repeated predilection to violent crimi- nal behaviour punishmnent must come first. And punishment won't be found withmn the children's ministry. êOur Readers»«c. Write iakovr f grbqpOk.upg a bd Idm: ,mg« Reader says co-operatio is needed to find Dma Etlltor tractor s oue îs tippage - tille Charge at better solution to rural garbage collection 1i loow that 0101er rural resiclent have found much less voatly, yet responsaible, ways of disposinig of their garbage, but for many years I've had good service fwss a private contractor at a current rate of about $470 per year. As far as I ktsow, my contractor does- n't live un Rose"al, drive a Roils Royve or have a winiter homne in Spain. And yet tIse Regiois will tske over this service for ans average increase of $153 on rural taxes. But if it loolcs to0 good to be tue, it probablW isn't truc. As I understaid, a large part of a coin- die tanaifi site opratea Dy the oteglon. I irait oeily suppose that the Region fias- n't included tippage chargea in calculat- mng the tax incrase for rural garbage col- lectioiis, in which case these costs would have to be covered by a general increase in regional tax rates, So fur I've been unable to, flnd anyone un Miltion or with the Region who van, or will, provide deuails of this supposed sav- mng. I believe takover of rural garbage col- leetiortbythe Region is a bad iove. Gay EliYS RgoaalRoad 2 *The Canadian Chwgr*ampion Box 248, 191 Main St. E. The Canadien Champion, pubisited eveny Tuesday and Friday al 191 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St. E., Miltan, Ont., LgT 4N9 (Boa 248), is one of The Metroland Printing, Publishing & Distribubîng Ltd. graup of suburbain comparties which includes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, bîliston Herald/Courier, Barrie (905)8 8 -2 3 4 1 Advance, Bolten Enterprise, Brampton Guardian, Burbîngion Post, Burlîngton Shopping News, City Parent, City oi York Guardian, CollingwoodNasaga Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Cornection East York Mitron, Erin bdvocate/Countrp Boutes, Etobicoke Guardian, Plamborough Beview, Porever Young, Geongetown Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 IndepeideihbActon Free Press, Halton Business Times, Huronia Business Times, Lindsay This Week, Marlrham tconomist & Sun, MidlanttlPenetang- Classified: 905-875-3300 uishene Mîrror, Miton Shopping News, Mîssissauga Business limes, Mîssissauga News, Napanee Guide, Nassagaweya News, Newmarliet/urora Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ena-Banner, Nothumberland News, North Yank Mirror, Sakville Beaver, Sakoille Shopping Nes, Sîdtîmers Hockey News, Orillia Today, Ian Oliver PublliSher Sshawa(WhitbplClaringtonPot Penny This Weeli, Peterborough This Weeli, Pîcton County Guide, Richmond HillflhornihillNaughan Lîberal, Scarborough Neil Oliver Associate Pubtisher Mînnon, Stoufiville/Sebridge Tribune. Jili Davis Edieor-ie-Chnef bdvertising is uccepied on the condition thut, in the aeant of a typo- graphicul errai, that pomton ot the adueiiising space occupied by the erra- Karen Smillh Managiflg Editor neous item, togeilier wirS a reasonable ullamance for signature, wiii nat ho Wendy McNab Ads'ernisieg Director charged toi, but the balance of the aduertisement wîlI he paid for ai the appi- cable rate. The pablîsher resernes the, nîght ta cutegarîte uduedîisements or Tim Coles Production Maeager declîne. Charlene Hall Distribution Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Dear Editor: There's no doubî that there's a growing squabble in regard Io Milton council's decision to approve rural garbage pick-up. I believe a hueried decision was muade, for whatever reasons, and il was ruade without the opportunity to obtaits adequate rural public input. Few can now argue that there's a growing 'no versus yes' squabble situation happening, and it's close to, erupting. Proactive rural waste manage- ment practices are ait risk while taxes are projected to increase. Something's wrong with ihis situa- tion - don't you agee? Iru askiosg Milton council and al area residents to consider the con- cept thal within any squabble there are many truths. With the opportunity of improv- ing rural waste management prac- tices and/or implementing rural garbage pick-up, there are many opportune avenues to consider. We should hear theru aIl. Our rural garbage pick-up squab- hIe situation can be simply resolved if council allowed for Use revisiting and reviewmng of ail the truths, rural residents' desires and flot just those of the Region or the Town. Simply put, there should be no wîn/lose situation arriving ouI of the decision, but rather - as lIm sure council had mntended - a 'by Use people for Use people' palatable wîn/win solution. Council could activate a public taskforce to qualify and quantify aIl of the rural desires and then identi- fy palatable win/win solutions that are fair to ail, cosî effective to al and exceed environrental steward- ship requiremnents. Once rural public input- including ail views, desires and solutions - is thoroughly captured, council can make a much more informed and more effective wîn/win decision that would have the support of the rural masses. Let's give our counicil the support and timte needed to effectively resolve Unis situation. Bob Beyette Campbellvllle You cen have your say with a letter to the editor. Fax letters to (905) 878-4943, or e-mail to miltoned@&haltansearch.com. Pud by Steve Nease Tire Milone Canadien Champion se a %ecycablire Pindaci l ---J