26-Tho Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 20, 2004 As~UUi~ I ~ È~A<A~9L~ l.L~n4eS <Puer /iooeej Cuardian Fibergîces, a tecdeng masctactcner at tebengtass enecîcoion, s cccepleng applecatenne fer c Part Time Acocuntin Payable Cterk for the place c Eren, Octcnio. This ponitica innolons cil tanks assccicted wilh processicg invoices tcn payennt. Respcasibilitien c- clude preparation et purchane neQuisitinas, posting A/P notices, analyzing composer reports ced mis cellaneous aftce duties. Computer kncwledge ccd presieus accouats payable espeniecce o requiret. Applications are being accepted: Monday to Friday 7:3Oam - 4:3Opm until January 30, 2004 hernie Reusurcos Dept. Guardian Fibengiasa 300 Mats Street Erlo, Ontarlo NOB CTO (30 minutes eau! 0f Cuee~uh oa iluccj. 24/Cauntaj Raad 124> Emalle katkluuea*gaardlaa.eem Fax: 519-833-9749 No Oedephone oeils paeane. Occly nOvai sexnoled for ca mnexeaiece cerit ho oonrooxed. COMINO SON Gakilîls Prlce Ch~~~r 2501 Ililol Un. (@D.adas .,> Gakillia We reqoire eothcsiastic individoals whx are passion ste aboot helping others & prooiding ooceptional cos tomer service If you bave exceltent oterpersonal & commcnicatisn skitts R a strxng commitment b pro vidiog tciendtp ccstomec service, sere lookîng toc toc. Pari-Clia. - Day & Esonîn, Shitta ~Most Be available o eork weekend shiffo * Srucury* Meat * Bull! Baksry * Produce* Cadilors We 080e competîtive saînet and paid traînîng program. If pou bave tht skîtls wece seekîng, please fax pose cesome te Kata Stewart .t 1-905-071-5071 We thnnk aIt applicanto, however onît those seiected for an interview set) be cxntacted US~ Logustics AZ/DZ COMPANY DRIVERS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY * Exoettent Hounly Pay * Annuat Satety Bonuses * Company Benetit Ptan * Dedicated Equipment * Uniform Plan We are currently seeking experienced AZIDZ professionals te support our dedicated city transportation contracîs, in tht Mississauga, Bramplon and Mitton area. yoa possess a vatid AZ/OZ drivers ticense, dean driving record, 2 years venifiable eoperience, aod desire (o excel n a team envirosment, ptease torward yoer resame te: CDNpareerstaustloglstics.com Or by Fax 905470-2262 No phone oeils please We appreceare att respoose.e, teoweier; net>' snceessfent camededates witl ho eooxacxed DIRECTOR 0F CARE The Bonnett Health Care Centre, a non-profit Long Term Care Facility Chat ix home ta 66 rosidents, invites s- terexted Regixtered Nurses with a background n long term care to app)y. As Director 0f Gare, you witl be re- sponsible for tho over-atI leaderxhip 0f Che Nursing Department. If you are in- Cerested n being a part 0f this fine or- ganization, please send your resume by January 24, 2004 to: Tho Admînlatrator Bonnots Hoalth Coco Contra i Prîncosa Anno Dnîvo Goorgotown, ON L7G 299 hnnontnhnaoheaneeenrnc ce emari: ocneea@beonnaeeeoeoaneeecroe.ca PAX: 905-573-1403 Expenenced Cooks Reqonred Fuît and part tîme Appît Ce person The Coach & Four 2432 Lakeshore Rd. West., Oakville. 905-825-8940 FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. Sohool Bus Drivers Wanted Cail 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunîty Company MotL&o~ ~ HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTRE LIFEGUARD Soîtable for siodent w/h pool evperîence, Bronze Croso md C PR I Fîrst Aid cedîficates Aqoatît eoporîence asassel. Mosi Be avaîlable to work March break. Plama. appîy ta Haman Roacarces aah224Ih@whgca.coaî orfax 905-333-0477 No phaaa caîls pîaaaol Lookinu for an ExcitinU Camer Change in 2001 wIth Ihe Mosi Tnsted Name 10 Water? ceeccen, Oce ce/rie ceaire exerce me bonne carne ce onvacdica ire ennedecceai naine rocce r cho Oeneîecncn maeiene oea croc accarc, noir-axer cd acOrnoor ccd ceocre errer c en axorcon caine iccemo cr0 h cuvoan ove yoe * bncee , pecerer plan ccd nocopeixexi cemmînneer * ceai ced nareenal adee5inino neppot * ccc alixacoco Y1~ une eiiilafl aur nec vue ceocarnnd aueoac ucene rua/cv9 trjey doclena wOO poupin? Lehn le ho ecceracd foc toue penserai errons0 Ceea caronraich ccîîîger n uer Or oppenueery yeu'ne bore enhînO cor Fera percerai irceceoc piecen cnreacc PueCiao larguaI ar 5 Mauntalnuluo 54.9. tuergatanen 170 413 POsa: 19051 871-0242 DpIiorn8l Waat a F111 10h! FHIENDLY atmaaphoro! AVALOH BAR Burlioglons mont unique Entedaîrmert Club & Sports Bar JOB FAIR.... Sat. Jan. 2411 ffpm & Ma.. Jaa.M Nîrial FalI ~Part-tIms *Soraona *Line Cooka *Dîahwashors *Hastjesses *Iartondors ~The Job FalrheldaUlhe Beot Western HoteT 002412 Oueensway Or Buelîngton (Guvlph Li/OEW) CUP PRINTING TECH COORDINATOR Ibis s a newly crested lexdershîp colt cepertîng lu tht Plant Manager respoosîble for atl aspects et cep neronrene rueeeieroeroocerurooOreo rioacroiiant - - New Eleetrit Enter~iriswv I ,ljov9eaa t J OakvIIIo, ON L6M 414 Industrial Electricians 41h and 5th vear Apprentices Needed by an innovative, groatA sriented electrical companp * Licensed electrîcean mosi have valid CON 309 A electrîcal license * Proof 0f registered drivers license * Excellent personal okilis * Speak English flvently * M est have experience with industrial installation Escellent wages inclsding fou benef if package. Work fer the bent please tan or e mail resome 10, Fao; 905 827 9594 E ma evono st@newelect c on ca <i - - w ïEcuucumu Roqulrod for service ond installatIons. Applîcane mcor have a vaiid GO vii bamer license (cembencreon GO sas/en cense wxald be an caser). rndividaai musC be selt-morrecred and abre re erechre sheor, repair, and incrair oit eqaipmenr. 9009e cemmencurare wirh experience Fan resame: Rass Kidd (900f 078-559r BAILEY HEATCNO ANO COOUNG LTD. MILTON EXPERIENCE OIE MAKER EXPERIENCED MACHINE BUUEII EXPEIIIENCE SERVICE TECH APPRENTICE AISO MUST HAVE OWN 1001.5 Fv W ndow ndasrry O gan zen Ab e ro work wrrh mn mcm Sapeas en Benef Cosertnoy Parle and Tomkon Phono (905) 795-2709 Sam-2pm or Fax (905) 796-2708 - SUPERCUTS HAIRSTYLISTS * PI1EMIUM PAY Startîag ,@ $Sibr + CommIssIon Sonusas Esc benefîts package * Apprentices enelcome o Eqvip pnsvrded a Oppertunities for adoancement * Caîl ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Fuli-time position, requered immediately for a fast paced company n the Acton area. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE *Accounts Receivabte -Accounts Payable. -Invoicing -Job Costing- *Administrative (Exoer, Wmrd) Must be welt-organized & have good accounting & communication skitls. AccPac experience an asset. Salary commensurate with experience. Good benefits package. Please fax resume 00: Andrea 519-853-2792 or e-maer te: apm@apmhome.com BOOKKEEPER REQUIRED FOR 2 DAYS A WEEK N OAKVILLE MYOB EXPERIENCE PREFERRED FAX (905) 878-9646 Body Shop ~rswthoppxrtenity foc an operater tamilian with Van As a leader r temporeet administrative stafhng, We are conrentit eeceeîtîng for. trcck coîrîsîxe Polytypu or Kase machines Officeleam can offer a aide arrat et asoigoments. faclîty n Oakv le eqe an nope encert ni~mca*rmui.~MoNrJ CROUP Modical Transcriptions Paîntara E mail rîchtorraymond@on aIbn.com FaIm Modîcal Coders/ Billets aod Proppurs or Fax 905465 3793 Ctean wo k env nonnent Emaîl a ance nt@ sympalcoca ~>C CLASSIFIED HOURS Ph 905-331 0456 * Fn 905 319 2095 Fax 905,3~9~0~9, ~ n~n~ ~>Ma~~ ~y<~m 8c~epm ~ ~c~i) g~oe~uqp~cgcq Y)~!J) Ettlc)t~c)eçoVi > XCCOITNTING AN XI.YST oeaeloehîgirpevomîaepnoeoe.rrnri erngîeharproeerraod pnoeeoeorhoîoieaeeneilcol upon eehech modem Coder0 deponde ennoyehece tnom eroncte neneele ro manne ennoie, tam ou pepehoon ro ecaren ced meereecaren pipeemen, tena elceeee ehar mono eueS an oaeenpooareon equepmenr. ce veenen ehar do noe, eeke mcacrpae. endusmel, mereecen ccd coeeeneulcompeexee.Ocneoeeecgseennoetteoeeneehareleeyeaeeeereeallydoubeeoe mepre rhe lefo oxpeeeenoy of ehe noncruan ehey parecr. Ceneedien oneeend ccd opeeaeed. me eompereonrheaoredsraeeavhmeernuccoen Madenone nonney creaeed Accoccrag Aeeaeynr ponecon mil soin oce Ac~ounri*ne Teca Reponene ro rien Aeconnr~e0 Meeeaeee. ehe ~nc~enstnC candedare mde be mnpocseble ton enenne cee rien ennenar eedeee, aconcerecreon ccd coclynie, eceoccen pepebre eneon ccd dnheenemeeeeneloeegmedeoehen genence aecoceeeeeeedceuee. Requieme aie: *l2eecronn:ocneneeepooen:epe-efeenbieoeehencaceecfcneceeno eneeeocaeoe *Eeero5edcodooek:ogeoear-doaeen~e-edvednneocneenodeeegnneon *Serongnnaleeeniccdeofnn'aoeeteiio.pnr-eeclaei~eeîei .Eareiieoeînee-epeeooociceednomaceeeceoootello Then ponereocoffene cleareenge andeine oppoocniey ton innoinemece eccnenieey ot neconne ce enepoceeheiunne 90e otten c compaheneene compeneareon ccd lenonfee peokage et yen cee pannonare choce ednccceng yoceccrnnnmieh an mdescy enaden, peeanetonneced yocc eeecme ccd conne eneene endedeng eclany nepeerareone ce Madisca Cheminai Industries lac. Aren. Mccngen Heman Renocn~en, 490 MeGenchen Oece. Mdeon, ON LOT 3Y5 Fan: 1905) 070-1449 e mcii: hduimedeeoneleemecci ena 0,/i i,&~,,,i,,,,C fil cvrircrrî:fe: r/or ,roor,',r o Mcdeo COoeenci cren,,-,- e ci/e oenn hO c fi RECEPTIGNIST/SWITCHBGARD Toane Chevrotel Oldomobile, o tiotore in tht Oakville commonity for sver 30 vears, o seeking n permanent fol) time Recepiioeisi/Switchboard person Reoponsibilities ail) scInde welcoming incomirg phono caîts euh an opheai md positive demeanor Ose are a person ehs cao credo n ponelîvo licol improonion or the phoxo anri take prîde n ho importance 0f Ihe ReceplmonisllSwitcbboard position fou shootd also be comfortabte workîeg aith Micrssofr Office applîcntions and consider yoor people okilto s be one 0f ynvr beot asseis on yovr resome Emaîl voor reseme o pnolt@townechev com or drsp by n person eith yoor resome & ask insee Pao) Tremble. CUSTOMER SERVICE! SALES ASSISTANT Locat manutactoning company reqaires an eoperienced cestomer service I satts assistant. Working dirtctty for tht Sales Matager this positios iscludes cas- tomer service, sates support aod admisistratios and tiaise with productios et detivery aod customer service issaes. Meot be proticient n Eocet and Word. Have a protebsionat tetephose maxeer. Resemes ta: Box 6427, Qabvitte Boaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakvilte, ON L6K 354 CHERYL CRAIG CAREERS Bilingual Accounting Clerk (FrenchlEnglish> Local Boclington Compant has an immedînte need toc a fou-lime Accxunting Clerk Pose secondant edeca- tien in accounting and a good sndeestanding et tht accoentîng cycle ceqeîred. Aili be responoible for bank ceconcilîxtions, monthit journol eniries, account anatysis, totonsive repsrting, etc Peot experience in tht ou orges indostet as et)) as bilingoalisce woeld be an esset Ideal candidate ail) be detall-erlent- cd, aealytlcal, extremel, proflcleat with Excel & Qulck&oeks. Please sent resome wîth salary expectatîsns 10 lnto@chervlcralacaraors.cnm or celi 901-332-1000 and aak for Kelly RETAIL/INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY Lookîng ton energenîc, cootîdent bard aerker ton droerae ensede onies position Muse have eocetienl compater nkrtto Mon-Fn Bam-Spm Benetîts Please fax resume ta 905-338-0412 Clmavley Fitzwlsisleey's Now hiring fulI-time une cooks and part-timo dishwashors. Apply miehîn. MOTIIER & dacgheen Coca eociiahie ro eteen paco home, ecpereecce, celer- ences, relichie. 1519t 853- OC 51. I a I I-i - I I. I I I I * I CIassRieds are continued on Page 22 55 Onta,,. SL N, MENt.,, ~ Make a Difference n a Child's Life ECE TEACHERS * SUPPLY STAFF * (00K Fîrst Aid! CPR reqeîred, EGF Diploma Melti tocateon cnmpany and room tee growth Apply hp rexame oith caver loUer la: 4144 Soalh Sorvico Raad, Barlinaton ON LiL 4X5 Fax ta: 905-639-2043 E-mail la: aeekahoakid5@hotmait.com - -~- m