24-The Canstian Champion, Tusay, January 20, 2004 on CLASSIFIED HOTLINE: 905.875.3300 C hai~ M l' 011 0 eQ-On < ClCass ified l n. Plu-s 1 bedroora bangeioc CuStora kdtcien, windows, pool ant more 900-693- 3567. - NO AGENTS. DISTRESS SALES Bank Forectosunes. Free liaI ot Foreciosare properties in Minon, Oakville,Georgetown Baitingtoni area. Receise e fise cemput- elie pnintaat. Vivît Halissroredosaras.nom or 1-881!-266-3496 ID411042 Remas Blue Springs PROPERTIES. Bay, veif, tant. Post inciadîng piratas for ires. no costalf commis- siona. www.nacre.cam 416-736-9115. Abaaiatep frea. Handreita ta cirose tram. 1390+ square leel af office apace eseifebie Febrary t, 2004. Cen be disided ia 642 leet and 750 leet. Frime downtown Milton lo- cation. Promt $1200 pet montir. Cvii Kart Revoty Management Lt. (905) 876-0407. 880 50. FT eseifabie cera- plaIe cir diaplay space, prisete office, ceairroora, $800.00. par moniti pls liseit & irytro. Contact Wayne Cason ta siec 905-878-7777. S-YR @4.95% Al eqa ty moigege programas te- gardiesa ai inceme an crait- il. Cvii Chia O 1-800-328-1 7887, enil. 321 or viait u aa www.sincliricockbum.cem BUSINESS Finance Spe- craliat. Business foana lot ail perova Frara Prime + 1%. 905-690-6675. CALL SCFS 905-844-1245 1-yr 3.65, 5-yr 5.26, ARM 3.8. Af o eqaity martgage progras reaaiteva ai incemeor credit *WINTER Speciar Mil fite Tacera 82 Mil farde Drive. 1&2 Bedroara Apts. Clave ta Downtown. Bs stop et Front Dovr 905-876- 1249 ww.realstar.ce 1-BEDROOM epeitment eseifebie in Acton imme- dealy Cvii 518-853-0867. t-BEDROOM apeflmerlen neer GO. Very dlean, paitk-1 ing, atiiitiea inciadent. Hi- speed internet, lot bcd-l mont civandecr, nec ep- piiencea $875/montS. Cai 416-543-5187. 1-Oeirovra bassinant vyt for tant Fait 1, 2004. Sait- abie for single pemaon, non- smoking, aiiies, iaantty and cabi e incisteit. $650/mantir. (905)878- 0410. ACCEPTING applicatioos for a 2-Ixion api. aneilabie MarcS 15/04 rate of $925/mth. adalt fiov doge. For appsintrrnv ceif 906-699-1390. GEORGETOWN amail - bedroora apartment $495/month plan irydra. Anaaiibe immediaviy No pets. Cal 90-7-M. cAUlun one bedroorai, newiy renosatent in quiet building, central, parking, $580/montr plas rytro. Ocrer pays heal & caler. Fîrst/lasI and reinrences. Asaîlabîs Febrsary ltI/Match lot. 519-837- 0760. ACTON, t-bedroora Aveit- abie immediately. Frîdge, stose, utililles inciaded. No pets, tirsAifast, reterences reqaîred Cail 519-853- 3877. ACTON: 2 bedrour tns- seteit basement epestmenv cîtir separete antIenne, parking ard foar eppliarc- es. $725/mantr pluo irydra. Firso/iar and relerences. Wîii conaîter short terra renta. Asaîfebie Febmery. Cvii feigi Whitn Re/Max 1-888-833-1945. OOWNTOWN 2-bedroora 6850/montS, t -bedroara bacirefor 6600/mantr indlu- aine. Fril relferercev, parking. No daga. Aveit- able February ItI 905-877- 7461. DOWNTOWN Milton t bail- ruera apestment lot lent, esailabie immediael. tr- dadaes lnidge/slose art ail sîrilivres. 5850/mIS. Cvii Scotn Prior Rema Bflue Spnings (905)878-7777. GEORGETOWN 2-bed- raom basement apeetment, brigirt lirsngroora, val-in- kilehen. 5886/montS rn- clading utliitiea, parking & uaa of beckyerd. Nan- amuker. 416-418-4224. GEORGETOWN Park Dia- Ilic - Nec Ialr 2-bait- raam aparvmenl. Large open cencept kftcirer/iing- rasm. Centrai air, iaandr, parking, cable TV. Ail nec appirances. No pets, no smoking. Ideel lot single or quiet ceuple, 6850/montS plus atfrl Avaiiebfe ira- meite. Relerences te- qeiret. Ceil 905-702-7644. GEORGETOWN saif t- beitraom epervment $495/manlir plus hytra. Aseilviofe immeitly. No pets. Cvii 905-873-3355. MILTON 1-hetroom oery dlean, newiy renooatet basement eparnent. 2 ap- plianees , A/C, frepiace, sparate entrave No pets/smoking. Surtable tan quiet, mature indioituel. $850/at ulilities reclatet Match t st. (905)693-9389. MILTON large 1 bedroora basement apatment val[- abile rmmedrately. 2 ap- pliasses A/C no patv/ehiid- tan 6850/mîh otilieu in- cludet. (905)875-3418 h- 9pm. MILTON nec 2-bitos boml, Derry & Trudeau, parking, ceble, internaI, iaunitry, centrai sec. ahilivres oeciud et. 5885/avI (416)998- 3726. ONE betroor aspariment, dsownl lacation, suitahie lot single persan, no pela, nu smoking, A/C $700i/monh, flI art last requirent. aseifebie Janaary 1lsl/2004 cvii 905-878- 3575. ONE beitroora, $795 month plus hytro. Modem buitd- ing, centrai Milon, reverset parking, seeuty, slaae/nidge. NO PETS tirsAl/st, raierenees. 905- 878-8123. ONE Sedraora, Sacirefo aparvment. Aoalaole ira- raetiatley. No smoking, Nu pela. (905( 878-2953. TWO iaaurp necit elva et t-bitos eparvmenls. rn- Prisele entrasse, & parking, nan-amakers, ns pets $975/$1095. 905-878- 9861. UNIQUE epestment avenl- aSie immetietey in cenlarp home in tnwntown ale af Milon. 3 bsitraom, non smoking, suiabie lot aits. $1200/mth (905693-1901. VANTER SPECIAL CALL NOWII Frac cebie irosk up. 1&2 baitroara apestment eseileSie Noc ant Ion lavure. Fritga & Stose, fauntry lecif Oies, No toge 519-55-4374 open 7 teysiweek vers ay ep- GLEN EDEN APARTUENTS ACTON, 3 badmars, vtice 122 Brante Street aviacl, gev Sast. Avaifable SoutIr, Milton . Februery lat. $1050/mth + We ara now accepdrng 1utf ities. Cvii (519) 853- applications lot 5658. 2-1 Sadroors COSY counryi hume 10 Asril. FeS. 1 minutes N aI Mihton, cen- 1-1 bedroors senient Hep 25, 401. 2 Avarit Feb. 15 betrooma, gerage. $1100 1-2 Sadroors pls same util/ais, àae/able Ana/i. PaS. 15 rmmeaite. Jean Srow- 1-i Sedrovra dan, Ramas 905-878-7777. Ave/i. Match 15 1-2 Seitroors Avenl. Match 15 For mare informaion FIRST TIME anaprrto msisan BUYERS appoInmen, Whp ranI cher yau car Please catil 0cr with zero town? 906878-5375 Free frIs aI homes Building Managers aveaifeble Leanard à&Penny n rrpdc $1300/ranin M/hton, Oavifle Beitinglon LARGE 2 Settoars bave- a ment c/inepiaca. Milton, iit Suhtabie Ion single on quiet Seanalayvmng.om couple Anailable imme- on cai 1-888-266-3496 tiaey 5900/mentr + ahili- 6381901 tes 906478-M23 Semas Blue Springs Rent lt GEORGETOWN 3 Sait- today (n the mors bungalow. Top filr centnel location, parking, laesdryr, shopping. $1,285/montS inclasve. 905-877-9617. GEORGETOWN, 3-becd LOVING, intant/tattier cante rn narturnr stîraing ani- ronm, 2 Sathroums, nana noment Enstrience. ECE, CPS, ral 905-876-4596. valet, steps trom Main Stree, caln loGO, îaarnry WANTED: aller sehoaf cane ion 3 chidrer atiending OLV. huge teck, parking. No Ages 9 & 2 il year oints. Intelete appicants picase eal s ma o k i n g i p v v Suzanne, daptime 90"-67-3742. St ,nt0/monlh plus utîlîtica, Cal 905-877-4259. VILLAGE park cundo, 2 Sentroora. 2 batths, 2 park ing sp. lidoon pool, coar- dise mnt, sînnage roors tics, anailabie Paiutngaplre & ail St 350/rath. 905-875-0878.i aSie Match 1, 2004 $1400/atr plus utirtîna Cal John 905-827-2612, FOR sale ornrenit 3-bdnn cr16 lirepîe, nec in Hawthorne Village. Caîl 905-331-7450. LARGE, recty renosatet 263 Sedroara, lirepiece (3bntrm(, 4 applianees, harount hlors, parking in- efuitet Aseifebie rame- tiatly/ Dec. 1/Jar. 1. Close lu vil emenitres, parl like setting. Aitinglan Blant., Burlinglan. 905-681-0070, ww.pmonline.com MILTON 3 & 4 Seitraomvs asaleSie immatiatfy, please cetf 905-876-2581. MILTON- 3-Stnm tact- irouse, garage. 61250/mantr + utlirtreu. 905-878-136 NEW Milon evecalîse locrirause esaifebie Feb 1,' 2004. Onet 1600 aq St, ecrove streel Iror park. 5 apinees, 3 beitraos, 2 1/2 bath, garage, A/C, large windows, brigirI, clean, ai nec $1500/rat plus saities. Cvii Rick or Ftanev 905-854-3435. TOWNHOUSE lot tant PaS 1, 2004, 5 appliancea. Ail nec ceal gev lirepiace, garage, lenceit yard. Cvil i Carafe 905-878-8101 $1300. pan monlir. FURNISHED betraom cir ase of katcien, liiving, leur-1 dry and parinvg. $110 pet week (905)>878-M8. GENTLEMAN prelanrait, 6395 uliila includet. M/f- lan 906-78-363 MILTON mors $400/montS, pets rn lire irousa. Cafl i (95876-3168. AFTER aciroof evre re-1 quiret (3:3-5:00) lut 7 and 10 peen oid oser Sam Sher- raIl 905-876-0723. DAYCARE aseifabie rn e ioarng, sea erairorment, lunchres art sacks proard- adt. Excellent relferencea, neceiplu vaiieble. Cvii Lad 905-875-1405. FULLT1ME lise in rien- nie/iroavekeepen carIit rn Milton ares ta, cers Ion 9611 peer aId. Bapeniene art legef, min/mm cage. Cvii 906-876-3381 & tese mes- sage LOTS oI Ian, fearsing, art iosing cars. Exellent relen- encea. Foi c/CS chrecks. Home inspechions Sp Heeflir/Fite Depani- ments. Receipts pranideit. Cirda Drive. Leede 905- 875-2262. ATRILL - Steve and Nancyi are praad Ia anroance thre birth of theirfirsf child Benjamin Ryan, bom Jnu ary 4, 2004, weighing 7f ba 5oz. Tire fir grandchild ta Ron ard Linda Atril, and Jerry and Dorathy Wela, yod lirst rephew ta Chistine ard Karer. FLETCHER -Scott and Kimm (nes Polrier) are thrffled ta arnoance the sea arrrvai of their lI chifd Keldon John bom December 2, 2003 weigiring tifbs fez. Praad grandparerta are Keith and Marlyn Pairi- er af Aelon, Tari Ffletcher of Marirham ardth1e fate John Fletcher. A aa defighted are great-grandpererts Ear arnd Jean Freemerai al tram Markham. 00e woufd fifre ta fhanik Or. Morrow anrd Chrastine ard the reat ai the narsea et OTl JOHNSON - Stuart and Tracy (os Bamwegen> are happy ta arnoance the sale arorivai ofa san Jacobs Mark Jenaary 13, 2004 aI 8:14 ara, weighirg 71bs 5az. Prua grandparentv Caraf and Eddie Johnsan, and Betty ard Rienk Barweger, and wefcvmed by ail hia aarla anclea and ceavina. Specief thanka ta ai tire narsing safai at St. Javephas Hoapital in Hamiltan, and thre Hamilon midl na Anaa.uucayour bunuia of Joy in the. Cau.dian Champnp a - - CRISCI: Maria (nie Volpe) Peacefley, attre Tarants Gerera Hospital an Sun- day, Jaay 18, 2004 et 9:50 AM, Maria Criaci in lirer 84tr yeer. Marie wii Se rememberet by Aitonsv Criv- ci. Laaing mather of Johnr (Winnie( Crivci, Cennefine (Jae( Sedta, Jae (Pet) Cnvsci, Seam (Maria) Crfvci, Genry Cilci Angef a (Sentira) Criaci and George (Ter- ea) Crivci. Sarviset by irer grandoiriren Marco, Jo- vie (Tanyl Greci, Menae, Igrna, Jonathaen, Mevirew, Davlit, Alexander, Vanesae, Brin and Maria Branefe. Great-grandmatrer ai Angefa, Giaveppe, Giovanni and Cannelina Siater ai Giovanni (Antanietta) Vaipe. Friendv wiii be receioed et tire J. SCOTT EARLY FU- NERAL HOME, 21 James St., Mlhan (905) 878-2669 an Taevdey, January 20th iram 2-4 & 7-9 PM and on Wedneaday, January 2lat tram 2-4 & 7-9 PM. igil prayers cii be recit et 8:30 PM on Wednesay. A Fanerai Masa ii take place front tire Haiy Roaay Ro- man Cetirsiic Cirarcr on Tirrday, Jenluery 22nd et 11 AM. Entarabment ta follow et Gien Oaks Mamani- ai Gariten. In liuof aIfilw donatios ta tire Cana- dien Cancer Society artie parcirave of v Mass Catit waaid ire epprecietet by tire lamriy. Regi, Vers Grace Peacl et irome on Satarday, Jenary 1710 2004. Vere Grace Regia, bailne cite ai Murray D. Regia. Sady miaaed Sp Set brather Robert and hiv rife Ma- ara Winters ant thir lamiiy elvo niecea Carol Mii ett and lirer irvabenit Lenry and Lorraine Howarit and Set iraabenld Lenry and tIr aitmilles. Famiy anid frsenda vsateit et tire Millin Gospel Hall 306 Ontario St. N. Milos on Msnday. Tire Satteai service cUll be file et tire Miftan Gospel Hall an Taesay, Janaary 20th 2004 et 11:00 ara. Av expresionsa af aympatry, mail itonaions ta, Betvany Ladge or Elira Homes cosit be appreciatet. Arrangements entrantet ta tire McKERSIE-KOCHER FIJNERAL HOME, 114 Main St Miltaon 905-878-4452 "Absent traln tire body, Prissent mIlr lthe Lard' In foving merorv of a wonderfaf son Jay Poole wfno passed away Janaary 20, 1996. The Lord works in nysterious ways Jan and for some oaknown reason ro aay of as Se needed a ployer fîke vou on his ieam and he serf for you. You are ,îfwavs in our ffroughfs we miiss y(iu. Love forever Mom & Roa miii tae. place an THURSOAY, JANUARY 29, 2004 At 8:00 p.m. In # 1 Hall At thre MILTON FAIRGROUNDS 112 pnice or i evv Nikken Magnetic Praducts 'Magvtepv" Magnetic i nsoles $35.00 each, Gaer Mattresa Pad $650.00, Twin Mareas Pad $350.00, Demo 29» Mattreva Pet $250.00, Prlaca (Soir & Firm) $35.00 vacr, Trasel Pif- fow/lttlnket $80.00, plus Weider "Ab Siraper' $25,00. Please Cati 878«681 CARPET i haese vera 1,000 yrdv. aI new Steinmavter & 100% nylan carpet. Wii do Iisingrasm & irallfor $389. n.i clades carpet, ped & installation f30 yards) Steoe, 905-639- MURRAY vrawblawer 8 HP, aveit ance $800.00 abs. (905)693-0924 ater 6pra. NEW Year Sale. Castam aphvivtening. 00e pay tire taxes. Soas w/lebric fram $788.- Na GST ar PST Cirairs w/leS- ric tram $249.- Ny GSTl Fields Famitare & lebric 9-9 daiy. 905-875-4427 BLUE HERON WOODWORKS January Furniture BIOW Out Sale Sait. Jan. 248h., Ilaam - 5 pmon 11998 Wlnston Churchill Blvd., Georgetowen, 1 1/2 Mlles N. oft MayfleId Rd./RIver Dr., Georgetown 1 Naew ready 10 finish handcnaltetd lumilara: Dressers, nigra tables, armoire, cartnobes, TV stand, tielks dressing valiy deacon banches, hutch & buffet, corner cabinet, china cabinet, bookoases, dry sink. jeily cab- iraIs, coifra & art tables, washslands, plant stands, panlry, harvest tabla, sole ta- bles, quit rackrs, jars cupboard, cnd mach, mach more. Dringsa TRtUCK and te. lit wlth yeut Orderra weleeme. $5656 WANTEO -Al China, Silser, Crysta, Tee Cupa, Roy- a Dasiton, Scenoski, Giesa. Jewa0lery, 0fit topa, Coifeci- b as, Estetes Cvii Joirnftrap, 905-331-2477. 1976 Oldamoble 98. Ail pocer, Albeita cet Most pers are nec. 455 cabic inchr angine. 04,500. Cvii 416-562-7997. 1988 Fard Ranger, dey., Sispd., rans ccii, good con- dition, badinirre, cep, tecent e-teated. $1500 080 (805)877-1298. JOBS AVAILABLE Forklft Opeatoro in the MILTON ara. $13$1S/ir. Af) sfts1 aseifable. Fax revamo vo: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 reqoires Full-lime Part-time HoIp Midnl g las We ai Per tnefts and compet (((ve sfadting wages! 2355 Trafalgpar Rd. Cali 905-257-1294 PAY OFF 1H08 HUIRAY BIIJ. EAURN EXTRA *c CA $H e Run pour ocn busineoss c116 earfy raornng de fsery o) necspepers in Barlington. Exc. commissions. 7-das/wlk, Roi eble souicie requîred cal Bris 905-333--4977 AUCTION SALE An--i.,.rtuit For Bob Stuart oft Georgetown 1 fo ad - -re SAT. JANUARY 24 @L 10 A.M. 011589 Sm Hume Auction Farm new jobs montijy! 9313 Esquelng Liner, Milton The ChllaeeOf APpied Furniture, China, Glass Silven Artwork and more. Preview 9 A.M. Linguisth s s ffering TERMS: CASH or CHEQUE with ID. g 5-day DCT AUCTION SERVICES Cert(cae Course Don Thompson (905)966-4463 Fibl 25th-29th www.theauctionadvertissr/DCT/ (Eoenings & weekevtd) at Sherâdn Collège, Trafalgar Camnpus Te regitser for the CASH padrt antiqes art ceilectiSes vhia, figurinesi OP Hm,~ Jan. jewelleiy, lerre, ceins, etc. 905-878-3146 cell 906-876- I 27th, 7 im. Caii Seil it today in the19M1% UIYU Canabian Cbamnpion anusiscr i I I j