The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 20, 2004-19 LLSIJICS Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ,/Grand opening Co-owners Larry Barringer (Ieft) and Pat Kelly take a break from prepa- rations for the officiai opening of their new bar/restaurant Pat and Larry's Chasers, iocated in the White Oaks Plaza on Bronte Street. The officiai opening took place Saturday. vWomen's business group to be launched this month By WILMA BLOKUIS Special to The Champion Onone of her business cards, Helen Lomax introduces herseif as 'Vice-President of Enthusiasm'. Enlhusiasm is what she bas for the new organization she's launching in Halton, a local chapler of the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women. Il will be known by ils acronym, BPW Halton. Allhough il's a women's club, said Ms Lomax, men are welcome. -Any mani who is inîerested i issues relating 10 women, such as equal opportuniîy and equal pay. and wants 10 improve women's lives aI work and in the coînmunity is welcome 10 join,' said the Acton busi- nesswomnan, who mons Paîhways & Transitions offer- ing training and developmeni 10 business clientîs. "1 had a caîl frora a gentleman who was very inter- esied in human rigbls and women's issues -so svby shouldn'i he be allowed 10 join? BPW Hallon will be officially launched aI a grand gala Saturday aI the Ratiesoake Point Golf Club on Bronte Road (Regional Road 25), soutb of Derry Road in Milton. TMe guesl speaker will be Mary Anne Chambers, Mittisler for Traininsg, Colleges and Universities. who'll take the podium at about 8 pr. The gala, which begins wiîh a recepiion at 6 p.m., will feature the lighting of îhree candles. a large one 10 symbolize BPW International, a rnedium-sized one for BPW Canada. and a smaller one for BPW Halton. 'Me candle-lighting ceremony will start ai 7 pr.. just before dinner. The club will also receive ils char- ter ai thal lime. Tickets 10 the gala cosi $55 each or $ 100 for îwo - or $400 for a table of eighî. A portion of the proceeds will be donated 10 a yel-lo-be deter- mmced charity. said Ms Lomax. BPW, a non-profit non-partisan organization in exis- tence since the I1930s, bas consultative standing aI the United Nations regarding women's issues and lobbied the federal government 10 pass legislation guaranîce- ing women the same pension as men froro Canada Pension. "Canada was one of fOve founding inember coun- tries," continued Lomax, adding Italy, France, the United States and Austria were the oaier four. "I'm really proud of Canada being involved since aie begin- ning. Canada is one of the beot countries 10 live in 'II got involved because I want to make a différence în ~. the world. BPW can help women Imaprove their lives at work and in the conimuntY." around the world and 1 would hike te0 keep il that way or make il even betier.' BPW has a national body and provincial organiza- lions, and exists in more than I(X) countries world- wide. Ms Lomax became involved with BPW last April. -1 got involved because I want to make a differ- ence iii the world. BPW can belp women improve their lives at work and in the community," said Ms Lomax, president of BPW Halton. She was elected at the group's founding meeting held in early September. -BPW Halton is the newest club in Ballon, and is surrounded by clubs in Cambridge, Mississauga and Brampton, clubs that are helping us gel started." Representatives fromn these clubs will be antending the gala. Memibersbip costs $125 annually plus a une- lime $50 initiation fee to cover start up cosîs. Ms Lomnax bopes to reemuil new members aI tbe gala. Money from memberships will be used 10 provide scbolarships 10 women and 'encourage women 10 take leadership training,- said Ms Lomax. "Each club will be able 10 select which areas they want 10 work in, bc il a local, national or intemnational cause." Ms Lomnax noted BPW bas four pillars - advocacy for women in the workplace and in the community, leadership and development, personal growth, plus networking and friendship. 'These four pillars extend around the world," said Ms Lomax. -BPW is about giving back 10 the coin- muniîy, and we'll be holding fundraisers and giving money 10 charity." For information about BPW Halton, contact Ms Lomax aI (519) 853-3809, e-mail lomnax@glob- or caîl Elizabeth Carntichael, publicity and gala chair, aI (905) 465-3401. Who Does IL.. SPM Y Zbr (anabian C1>*,amn'- cail 878-2341, ext 224 47 LI INNER SPACE DECORATING & DESIGN "Your Residential Painting Specialists" Professional -Faux Fînîshes -Customn Paint Designs -Colour Consultations See samples of our work at Milton Paint & Decor Cail Stephen Rose 416-819-1348 or Sharonnn Blille416275-4577 WH DOE I THIS SPOT COULD BE YOURS FOR A CALL 905-878-2341 X224 ""The business considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooneror later flinds itself im une to business." Derby Brwn