Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jan 2004, p. 9

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Red Cross seeks donations urgently appealtng foi cash dlona- lions ta help with the International Red Cross relief efforts in Bam, tran. The International Fedleration of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies announced last week that il has isscreased ils international appeait 10 $53.9 million in response 10 the escalating hurnanitarian cri- sis in the earthquake-devastated City. "'Me scale of the disaster is so great that ernergency relief will be required for several rnontbs to corne," said Juan Manuel Suarez International Federaîîos. whîle vis- iling Barn. "The people of Bani need ade- quate shelter. food, bealth services and sanilation for the foresecable future. If tbey don't gel tbis. we risk seeing epidemics developing and more suffering and heartache." The Decembher 26 eartbquake left more than 28,5001 dead and more than 30,000 injured. The Iranian Red Crescetît rescued 11,000 people froru the rubble and has distributed ernergency aid ta survivors. bol somne 75,000 people are bomneless with many tbousands lensperatures witb lttle ai no belongings. Consequently. the Ibreal aI respi- raîory tract infections has risen sbarply. Is addition, the ares tradi- tionally suflers from, endemic dis- cases such as malaria and bas recently experietîceri typhoid and choIera epidemnies. Miltonians wanîing ta make financial donations for an immedi- aIe on-line receipl can Visit www.redcross.ca. They can also catI the North Halton Red Cross ai (905) 875-1459. -ýCo1d takes bite out of crime The recent barrage of frigid temr- peratures isn'l A bad. Il scems the cold weather has becîs keepiisg the s.riîsinals and înischief-mn.kers insîde vîth the resi of us. said Halbis Regiaisal Police Det. Sgt. Dois Cousens. "Ils beets a down weeketsd," Dcl. Sgt. Cousens said. 'If's been cold. There basîsI becîs a lot aI activily." Thsis week. Ibere's jusI anc îîes inscidenst ta report. A Ketiper sîsowboard was siolets fromn Glen Eden sxsow censtre January Il. It was valaed aI $311X). Police are iîsvesligatiîsg. Blood donor clinic Thursday By makiîsg a blond donation. you cani hetp save up Canadian population donates blood. But Caniadias ta four lives. Blood Services is hoping Ibis will increase la about 5 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr.. per cent in the ncxt few years. will bold a blood donor clinic Tbursday froru 1:30 ta 8 For more îrtfonîsation or la book an appoiîmenî. p.u. caîl 1-888-236-6283. You cats also visit www.blood- Currently. only about 3.5 per cent of the eligible services.ca. If you witness breaking news, gqive us a cati at (905) 878-234 1, ext. 234. CDINTERNATIONAL C T' E-i E- Meet exhibitors showcasing dozens of summer camps and educational possibilities for your child. Explore camps specializing in Arts & Crafts, Riding, Swimming, Tennis, Golf, Gymnastics and more. SULNDAY, JANUARY 18, 2004 1O:OOAM - 4:OOPM METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE 255 FRONT ST W. FREE ADMISION! OUR OIêQw-ll8 140W VET! YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS IT! CINTERNATIONAL I.. FOR MOR INORATO OR M E I oL 905815301 The Canladian Champion. Friday, January 16, 2004-9 ,,Home sate containing valuable jewelry stolen Halton Regional Police are mnvesti- gating a residential break-in. Sometime between I and 5 p.ns. December 10, suspects entered a First Line home by crawling through a con- necling dog kennet door. Once inside. thteves stole a black Damier leather coat and a smalt safe containing cash. jewelry and passports. The stolen jewelry isseludes ruby car- rings, a pearl ring, a 24-karat gold cru- cifix and a 24-karat gold bracelet. 'Me total loss is valued aI $20.000. If yoîî have ainv information ruat ieads toi au arrestin this or ancv other marier vouî nîa-V e eligibie.1îo, a cash reviard. l'ai wiii never have ta gise vour naine or teati', in coart. Crinie Stoppera of Haiton does nor sîscrihe ta rail diapia. Please ('ail 1-800-222- TIPS f 1-800)-222-8477> or c'heck outr Crime Stoppers' Web aire ai wu'i.hai- ton('r'imestoppers.comî. You are invited to attend a PARENT INFORMATION EVENING Parents of students who are planning to attend Milton high achools in September 2004 are welcome to corne and hear more about the Grade 9 program, services for students, and diploma requirements. Parents should attend the Parents' Information Night at their home achool (the sohool designated for their community). For more information, please contact the achool office. Milton District Hi-gh School 905 878-2839 E.C. Drury High School 905 878-0575 Tuesday, January 201h at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 201h at 6:30 p.m. HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD W D.L. Papke, Ed. D., Dii'ecîor ai Education Mlan, Chapin, Chair Women of Halton Invite YOU to an International Women's Da Celebration The Dinnpr a rty SALLY ARUSTRONG .Kegnote Speaker International Journalist and AutIor, 'Veiled Thffreat' Women of Halton Action Movement -WHAM Sponsors- Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario ETFO - Halton Canadian Auto Workers CAW - West Womens Network Mary O'Brien/Cheryl Kopko - Century 21 Miller IN OAUtHUIE~ Buirlington Post z:bt n Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 Time: 6:00 pin Cash Bar, Cornunity Tables 7:00 prn Afghan Dinner 8:00 Programi Place: Galaxy 707 Club 475 North Service Boad Oiakvle, Ontario Cost: $30.00 For Further Information and Tickets Contact Catherine Long - Elementary Teachers' Federafion of Ontario - ilalton 905-332-1633 S.A.VI.S. - Halton - 905-825-3622

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