i 8-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, January 16, 2004 'A'peewees win tourney-1 in commandingfashion iC ,ý Mi )1ýll, i ' 11 il1 110! 0. i(t 1>155 15cii111 [l is. Miltoo's A major peewees clinched the Hespeler Toumnameni iîle in iruly eommanding fashion recenîly, irouncing ihe hosîs 8- 0 jusi îwo days afier nippmng ibmm 3-2 in opening-round play. Jase Lavigne eamed the sbuiouî, whiie leadmng offensively wiih îwo goals and îwo assisis each were Jonathan Nevins and Shane Powers. Tbree-poini contribuions came front Mark Brown and ta, Maternity Clothing Rentais www.goodtogrow.ca e-mail: sheri@goodtogrow.ca Rep Hockey Jack Eagles. A four-goal third period ouiburst squashed any lmngering hropes for a hometown comeback. While the Winterhawks prevailed by ihe narrowest of margins to begin flic toumnament, ihey were quite domainaiing ihe rest of the way -with their next three round-robin gaines each won by o less than four goals. Milîon's biggesi preliminary victory came in an 8-2 pasting of Bradford. Nevins, Powers and Troy Medland each tallied twice in the blowout. Before that the Wierhawks handily disposed of Cambridge (7-3) and Stoney Creek (6-2). Brown siood oui in both gaines, combining for five goals. Lavigne and tandem pantner Peler Massari recorded an impres- sive 1.8 goals againsi average ai ihe toumaineni. 'Me A major peewees won ihree of their lasi four league gaines and begin iheir best-of-seven OMH-A series ionighi in Caledon. Gaine îwo is sel for Tuesday ai 7:3(1 p.m. ai Milton Sporis Croire. Atom selects faau short The atoin selecîs gave a valiait effort but jusi couldo't slave off a mneasure of pay-back by Brampton January 2. Avenging a 6-2 loss 10 Milton lasi inonih. the Batial ion held the local lads in check en rouie 10 prevailing 3-1. The Winierhnwks came alive offesîvely iii the ihird pcriod. but only Mark Nordstrom could beai a red-hoi Brampton goalie do"", - o wil' ii top-sheil vs iste. Assîstito on the phîy vssd Brandon Robidoux. Neiminding pariners Tamara MeKelvie and Michael Welanc kepi things close wiih some sharp cage work. Milîon's initial clash wiih the Baitalion was a much different story, as Russell Jolivet and Olivia Whiiiford each iallied iwice to, fuel a surprisingly convincing win. Robidoux and Thomas Chuchmach contribuird iwo points apiece to the victory, while strong goalîending was provided by McKelvie. Sandwiched beiween ihese encouniters with Brampton was a 4-1 defeai te, Georgetown. Max Michaelis was the lone marksman, hein8 set up by Jolivet. The atoin selecîs sec iheir tirsi toumnameot action ibis weekend in Stoney Creek. Novices finish in style Milion's AA novices wrapped up regular-season play in dramai- ic fashion, eclipsing the hosi Stoney Creek Warriors 1 -0 Tuesday night. The Arthur Electric/Fifîh Wheel Winterhawks couldn'î capital- ize on a couple of third-period powerplays, but finally broke an evening-long scoreless stalemate with three minutes remnaining. Providing the hernies with a doorstep deposit was Tyler Ganly. Assisîing on the lone marker were Jack Goncz and Alex Kerr. John Schaap and Jason DaSilva combined for the shutout. Milton's first of the season. Tyke AP Breti Everson showed sîrongly in replacemnent of injured regular J.R. Sanderson. The AA novices begin their besi-of-five OMHA series with Burlingion tonighî ai Milton Sports Centre. Gaine unme is 6:30 p.m. 'Hawks fire on A cylinders for win e fromn JUVENILES on page 16 The Winîerhawks dropped round iwo to, Frankford (3-2) but kepi their champi- onship bid alive by rebounding te, nip Souîhpoinî 2-1 Saîurday evening, with Kyle Burrell oetting the winner. He'd score two more the following moming to help fuel a 6-1 semnifinal remaîch vicîory over Frankford. MeDougall also tallied twice, while Szafer recorded bis firsi of two inulii-assist per- fonnances that day and Mark Rosselle stood tall between the pipes. Burrell picked up individual hardware in Mooretown as well, winning the îeam award for sportsmanship and overall play- er excellence. The juveniles remained perfect in league play -improving to 22-0 -by dumping Grimsby 8-0 Wednesday ai Milton Sports Centre. They were in Duonville lasi nighi and close oui the regular season ai Memorial Arena tomnorrow againsi St. Catharines. Gaine rime is 8 p.m. THEY BRING YOU THE NEWS ON lIME AIL THE TIME And they do it wit a smille, regardises of the weather. Show your Camier you care by voig them... CANADUAN CHAMPION'S CARRIER 0F THE YEAR Vote for 0"e becanea 0f itber oSeraom cheoifulness, courtesy, prmp sece or anything oes tat mkes for a super-epecial newspaper camrer. Lot your carrer kmow Ill or site le epecial. Show you appreciate the hard work ln deivering thei *emis to your doorstep. 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