The Caniadian Champion, Friday, January 16, 2004-ll Add reading to New Year's goals 1Immersion French .; Is ou Že\s YCats sl uisl S srSI111 itil 0l cutbacks and the word 'no"? Lesa food; less work, no spending? Why not use a list that stresses the positives, instead? Here is a liat of our favourite New Year's Resolutions: 1. I will reread a book 1 lovcd as a child. 2. 1 will fmnally read that classic from high achool that I've been avoiding. 3. 1 will fmnd a book of poetry and read anme aloud. 4. 1 will spend an hour in aimless brows- ing at the library. 5. 1 will read a book written in the year 1 was bomn. 6. I will create a joumnal and kecp notes about the books and magazines 1 read. 7. 1 will assemble a liat of my favourite people and send them my ideas about books (favourites, recent reads, and the FOR Cover to cover like.) 8.I1will read abook t 9. 1 will gather a few er we'11 read a play out 10. 1 will read a boc, My town. 11. I will read a bc political point of view own. 12. 1 will read a book neyer been. 13. 1 will reread a bo geilen 1 wis li8. 14. I will read a book written by some- * b one Ive neyer heard of before. [J ~ j 15. 1 wilI ask a librarian to show me somne print and on-line resources for read- ers., From plays, to, poetry, clasaic novels tu new bestsellers, ancient history to popular o a child. travelogues, beloved books fromn child- friends and togeth- hood to new award winners, the Milton loud. Public Library has the resources to help k on the history of make 2004 shine with the pleasure and adventure provided by the written word. îok written from a Library staff are eager to help you find totally opposite my the hooks you need te, make the resolutions come true. about a place I've Come in and check us out. Cover to cover is prepared by staff of ok that 1 just didot Milton Public Library. qi525M5RF MUerae 2U SXTM add $1»r00 in No.Cinmge Options: - l" Aiioy Witeias - S-Way Power DnIneS Seat.- Dual iiiumInate Vonlty Mirrors - Stueuing Wheei- Mounted Audio Contrais * Speed-Sensitine Volume Contrai. -WIp Computer & Outuide Temperature Gangs.- Anti-Tiiefi System - And More... Aitma 2.5 S cornet equipped with thoe standard optios: - 175-HP 2.5-Litre DOHC Eogirre (V6 available) Auto On/Off Headlights - Automatîn Transmission -Vari"e Intermittent Wipers -Remnote Fuel Lid Release OmCrise Contrai Air Conditioning - Power Heated Out8ide Mirrors .Power Door Locka Power Windows wittr Driveras Side Auto UplDown -Remote Keyless Entry Systeru- 100-Watt CD wâih AMIFM Audio Systeon (w16-speakers) .Engine Immobilhuer Key System .Anrd Much Mora... THE 2004 SENTRA 1.8 $149990 CASH' PRICE $1 6,798 MSRP 126-HP 15-Litre DOHC Engine -15" Wtteeto Full Wheet Cavera 8-V/ny Drivers Sent - Air Conditionintt Duet Remote Outaide Mirrors Remote Truak ad Futl Lsd Releane *60140 Sptit Fotding Rer Beach Seat .Front Disc Brettes -Rack and Porion Power Steerno 100-Watt CD with AMIFM Audia System Centre Connule Aronrest - Crild-Proof Rer Door Locke Prout Door Map Pockets -Rear Window Dufruter. 10Lw Waher Rauid and Futl Waming Light -And MuaS Muse.. Wl i nto night iuesday The Halton District School Board is hostmng an information evening concemning ils Immersion French programns, which begin in grade 1. The meeting will be held Tuesday ai 7 p.m. at Martin Street Public School, 184 Martin St., and is for parents of students at Martin Street, EW Foster and Robert Baldwin public schools. This information session is for parents of children ils kindergarten who will be entering grade one in September. Registration forma for the Immersion French program are available ai any Halton District School Board school. Applications should bc returned to the students' home schools by January 23. Parents with questions about the Immersion French pro- gramn or registration information can calI Marcelle Faulds ai (905) 335-3663, (905) 842-3014 or (905) 878-845 1. *Per NO SECURUTY DEPOSIT 48 mth lease I249000 km pear Deposit Monthly Payment $49000 $265* $2,000 $31 0* $0 $356* ¶frelght Indluded, taxes extra. $ Mth NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 60 mth bease I24,000 km year Deposit Monthly Payment $29000 $185** $19000 $203** *r igh nclucied, taxes extra.9 À Li st..1- A- N