8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 13, 2004 Visit us at - wkareWslawersho.oem 487 Laurier Ave. i 8782 2881 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE JennIfer Sutton, who helps run the Town's HIp ta be Me program, shows a 'love line' - conslsting of envelopes participants f111 with positive messages about themeelves. TProgramn aims to instili self-estelem in pre-teens By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion For many kids, life is pretty great until - wham! - those dreaded pre-teen years bit. Suddenly, it seems everything is tumed upside down. Issues like bullying, smoking and tise pressure to make wise decisions do littie to esse Use tur- moil. WsUs Usat in mid, Use Town of Milton is start- ing up a new progrsmn thals desigssed to help stu- dents in grades 5 to 8 learn bow bo cope with this difficult tim. In a social setting with plenty of activities, Use Hip to be Me prograin aima to instill positive self-esteem and provide role mod- els laids feel comfortable talking to. "Its great to have positive mile model leaders," said programn assistant Jennifer Sutton, adding that the leaders are old enough to have the need- ed maturity for such a position, but young enough for lads to feel they can confide in them. 'They feel comfortable - its a big brother, big sister type of thing." Hip to be Me will begin January 21 and mun firm 6:30 to 8 p.m. for eight consecutive Wednesdays St the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. T'he final day for registra- tion is Monday. The programt costs $64. Each week will feature gamnes and activities and s discussion on a topic of importance to pre- teens. 'l'se flrst week is designed to help participants get to know each other. Ensuing weeks' discus- sions include builying, body image, team work, communication, anger management and deci- sion making. The final week will include a spaghetti dinner participants make themselves. "Its not ail serious," Ms Sutton was quick to, add. A question box will be set out, giving lads the opportunity to ask anonymous questions on just about anything. At tse end of each niglst, a few questions will be selected and answered, Ms Sutton said. Often Use friendahipa built in Use program lst far longer Ustan Use programn itseif, Ms Sutton said. Mie program wasn't designed just for lads with low self-esteem or speciflc problemas. It's for everyone, Ms Sutton said, adding Usere isn't any- one who vossldn't benefit from it. '7ois is a time (grades 5 to 8) when 111e is 50 up in Useir air," she said, adding she's young enough to, remember what it was like. In fact, Ms Sutton said she wishes a similar program existed when she was ni ber pre-teen years, and bas high hopes for Usis group. "I hope Use lads make beneficial life-changing decisions. If Usey feel good at tha age, who knows what theyll be able to do later in life." Ms Sutton said its important that parents know tise leaders are well trained and qualifled for Use important task of working with Useir children. 'They've ail worked with children before, and have taken Use HealUsy Child Developmitent course. The big Uslng is Usat Use staff is mature. 'Mley have good direction in Useir own lives. This age group (grades 5 to 8) is vulnerable, and Usey need sonseone who can give Usem confident answers," she said. For more information on Hip to be Me, cail Tammy or Jennifer at (905) 875-1681. To regia- ter, you can visit Use Milton Leisure Centre or Town Hall, or you can use Use registration fonn found in tise community services guide and fax it to (905) 878-6995. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at s:hiessen@miltoncanadianchampion.com. COGEC Loca Temdf -- * U Programming Schedule - Tuesday, Januari 3th - Monday January 9th, 2004 &7:30p. EdE,, Edkio EdtrS Lat@p L M& EM.s & 7:30p. L" We Edi,,, & 7SSOps LotsWEk EdÉs &7 Op Lae WM EdRion NORHMTON STUDIO 5:3p SS s 557.5 s55gss 5 3Eps Pa7PWSPsEs h HakS 530p 0,Es5Es57 C.,.a.ss 5 30pn Be insssd 5Z WIM5 Gssd 555. 615pm Opt,s.sTV BkWg (Lm) 6ESSpm Be 175555E 65Sps Mo"sW~ 5a SE3ps S-,s Sssss. 6 555., O&E$-I C.,sdls Lauher Plaza sSSs0pý s55ss HIM ç,,,- 7550ps SsEsT&1.((Li.) 7:0p5. Mus. Si, 7:0 Pe.OsIsSE 5,555 7:00p. B. In.pd 500 Lauder Avenue Ja 555 Wr ýFý80ps Moy Wk 8:00P. Ss.ZOdE Li" (Lsi> Milton, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 Oam. Hlghlght frol . UcOliwo &1011W àRaNis,,1 on SportZOE Liv. Monday 8 pini