~Ha1ton in good position to lure new business: Region By JASON MISNER The Champion Economnic davelopmcnt officiais say Milton, and the resu of Halton for thst marier, shouldn't face grest difficulties in attractmng new indus- tries despite hundreds of job losses and a few plant closures over the past several months. Milton's economic development officerAndrew Siltala and Halton's director of business development John Aylmng insist municipalities arc well positioncd to turc busi- nesses for a numbar of reasons, includmng location un key trans- portation natworks like highways and rail lines, servicing capacity and available employment lands. "There is a lot of inquiries and interesu in Halton region," said Mr. Aylmng, whosa duties include work- ing with the four municipalitias and businesses looking un locate here. 0-1 Canada, a 300,000-square- foot glass manufacturing plant on Chisholm Drive, closcd its doors Decemnber 29, punting 150 people out of work. 'he rcason for the dlo- sure was basad on poor sales of 0- 1 products and the $18 million necdcd un upgradc the 23-year-old plant. It's thea lateot business closure, but not the only one uo, hit the region in the lasu while. In Saptember, it was announced 350 people will ba ouu of work when Peuro Canada closes its Oakville refinery in Dacamber. And in July, the l0-year-old Bristol Circle Lear Oakville plant closed. lu affected 444 people who worked au the plant that manuufactured tha seaus for the Ford Windstar. Combining closures from 0-1, Lear and Petro Canada, the job losses equal a succp 944. Mr. Siluala said Miluon will be working closcly with thea real asuaue agent trying un salI tIse 10-plus acre O-1 property. Colliers International will ha uhe agent in charge, said company spokesperson Sara Theis from O- I's Toledo, Ohio headquarters. "There hasn't been a trend in Milton au aIl un sac closures like tIssu," Mr. Siltala said, referring un O-t. "'Ne will work with potential users for Uic building." What's important un nota, hae said, is thc 0-1 closure was for organizational reasons and wasn'u a reflaction of Milton as a viable business location. "It's a structural change thau company is going uhrough." Mr. Ayling said hae will work with O-I officiais and Uic local union with its dmop-mn centre dasigncd un halp ampînycas fmnd a job. Gcnerally, Halton uses tIse Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance un show off thc region and its four municipaluies. "Wa work with tIsa provincial govemment to work un attracu new industry," Mr. Ayling said. "Milton is in a vary positive lighu right flow hacause of its location." That mncludes Uic busy Hwy. 40)1, which cuts uhrough uown, and Uic close proximity of Hwy. 407, the QEW and a rail transfer station nae Darry and Trafalgar roads. Milton's strength as an attractive site for industry can ha sean by au leasu threa racant examples, Mr. Siltala said. Mid-last year it was anssounccd Smurtit-MBI, a pro- ducar of spccialuy packaging, would open a 255,000-square-foot plant. Also, Parker Hannifm Canada announcad it will build a ncw O 37,000-squarc-fccu manufactur- ing, suorage and administrative building. lus a lcading manufactur- er of motion and control technolo- gies and sysuema for commercial, industrial and acrospace markets. Thcy halpad Milton secure a rccord-ycar in industrial-commar- cial-institutional land sales, of moue than 693,000 square feet in 2003. Jason Misnar can ba reachad ai jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- on.cnm. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 13, 2004--7 --Robberies connected? Halten police say a simillar robbery took place last Tuesday at a Macs Milk vuiety store in Milton. The suspect is described as a whhe male, about six feet, 2M N. He was wearing a black: hooded sweatshirt with a light-Sloured stripe down its sleeve. Anyone with infonmodon is asked to call (905) 634-1831 or CrixS Stoppers, of Halton ut (905) 825-8477. Police arc investigatissg the possibility tisat onse persoS is responsible for two armd rbbis in *p1.gIwek. Plice s ya mmwa1ked ino anEsso gns statlo at Guelph Lina andi Deruy Road lbgnrsday at 3:10 a,m. The clatit told plicesdieasuspect wasamed with a kifé and dadcas.Pice ay the suspect receiveau udicloed aourit of mocy ansdfied thse store onsfoot. NORTH HALTON POWER AND SAIL Discoc'er the Faen! Cali 905-877-8815 4~ Boating PiIoting Boat Pro VHF Registration at Georgetown Mail January 15 & 16e 2004 - 7 - 9 pmn www.nhpss.ca Maybe it's tîme. to get reacquainted wîtti some old friends. If yas're thinking about Iliness, GaolLie is the place ta start. Witb aver 70 Co-Ed clubs andl 20 Wamnen's Only clubs, the lstust in fitnesa equipment sud aur Group EXercise pragrums, GoodLlfe maltes it easy ta get started antd uves malte somne sew triends. M&Canada's Number 1 Film Club, GoodLife- FI1T NES LB Makes it easy- 4M Man StE. &55 Stoeles Ave. E. (905) 876-FIT3 (3483) (W05> 876-FITr (3M8) Women Only CO-Ed Cali 1-000-507-iFIT (1348) or vsit us ut www.goodflfeftneacom for u club near you. Januaryl19,2004 Januaryl19,2004 February 9,2004 March 1, 2004