6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 13, 2004 * Coment Don't hold your breath If the Ontario Liberal govemment in looking for any more Ieftover legacien from their predecesooru to get aid of, they might connider the policy of pooling money from the GTA to help pay for Toronto'u social services. However, we're flot going to hold our collective breaths waiting for themn to do so hecause the Ontario Liberals would have to corne up with extra money to fund those social services. According to, the Region's fanancial experts, Halton saxpliyers have contributed $230 million for Toronto's social services aince pooling was created five years ago. That'u juat Halton's share. Peel, Durhamn andi York have also pumnpes ian neyeraI hun- dreda of millions of dollars over the samne time periosi. So, if the Otntario Liberals decidesi to, ncrap Use GTA pooling plan altogether i order to appease Use nuburba, they would have to funsi Use ahoalfail. The last tusse we lookesi, Use Liberals were otill claiiang to he cash poor due to Use $5-billion deficit Usey aay Use depaating Tories left for Useus. In addition, neighbouriosg Hamilton, which is facing a multi-million deficit, is eyeing Toronto's poolmng dollars with noticeable envy. Add Usern mnto Use mnix and Halton taxpayera will be seeing more of their property tax dollars leavmng slieir community. Actually, we're nos soi Tiulch opposesi to Use UTA pooling systemn itself as we are to the concept of using property tax dollars to fund tocial services costs in Use firtt place. Property taxes shoulsi go toward funding hard services tuch as roadu, water nysteins and building facilities, which can be planned for and Use conts calculatesi ahead of tome. Costs for services such as social pro- grains are difficult to prediet andi often dependent on influences such as Use econ- omy, unemployment anid intereat rates, which local municipalities can't controi. While we sympathize with Halton Region's desire su remnove itself fromn Use costly UTA aystem, we feel Use greater goal is to convince Use Province to deliver on ita proiaied 'New Deal' for municipal- ities to funsi altemnate sources of tiasancing to, Use antiquatesi property tax nystemi. *Our Readers Write Tax increase is disappointing, says reader The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Maian St. E., nhe Canaden Champion, publisted oeren Tuenday and Friday at 191 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., LOT 4N9 (Box 248), is oe of The Metroland Printing, Publistting & Dintibuting Ltd. gnnup nf subuntuan cnmpanien wtich ~ 341 includles: A(ax/Plckering Neas Adsentisen, Altiston HanaldlCnsnle, Bannie (905) 8 7 8 -2 3 4 Advance, Boen Entenpnise, Brampton Guandian, Buntlngton Post, Burlingn Shnpping Newn, City Panent, City of Yorts Goandian, Cnllngwood/uhasaga Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Coninection, Eas Yack Micron, Erin AdvocatalCounitcp Routes, Etobicoke Suandian, Ftambornugc Reniew, Fonenen Young, Georgetown Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Independent/Acton Fret Press, Haftnn Business Tmes, Carnea Business (0 Times, Lndsay This Week, Maclsham tcnnomist & Sun, Midland/Penetang- Classified: 905-875-330 uishene Mirrc, Miton Shopping Ndews, Mississauga Butinent imes, Mississauaa News, Napanea Guide, Nassagaseya Newn, Newmantsetlbunnna Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ena-Banner, Northumbertand Newn, Nortth Yack Minnon, Outinilte Beaver, Oakvitll Shopping Newn, Otdtmern Hockey Newn, Orillia Taday, Ian Oliver Publisher OshawaNthitby/CtarnegtaculPort Penny This Week, Peterbonough This Week, Pictan Couenty Guide, Richmond CilI/TtrnntillNaugtan Liberal, Scactacaugt NBiI Oliver Associate Paiblisher Mienne, Stouttvilte/aetnadge Tribune. Jini Davis Edmorio-Chief Aduectisice is accepted an the conditin tht, in tte cuent ot a typa- graphical encan, that portion ut te adventising spact accupient by tht orna- Karen Smith Editor nanas item, tagetten mth a reasnaate allamance tac signatune, oi nattbe Wendy McNab Adn'ertisiog Manager chargeit ta, tut the talance at tte aduertisement wiii te paid tac an tte appli- catie rare. Ttc publisher concrets tte right ta categanize uduoctisements an Cbartene Hall Circalation Manager decline. Teri Casas Office Manager Dear Editor: 1 applaud readera who take the turne to, write commienta to, Use edi- tor, like Charles SmaIl who wants nrml garbage to be a pay-per-bag nystem. He stases Usat many other munue- ipalities have auch a systena andi seil "books of saga, one of which trust be attachesi to, eaeh bag of garbage." Mr. Susail naya Uhs nys- tamt is more flexible andi is inlser- ently fairer Usan an assesoment- baaed ayatam. As Patrick Kelly statas, our local politicians "promnisesi citizena Usas growth would pay for itself, but are now seing un we will be gessing a 2 per cent inerease" on our tax rate. This is what causes me conceus. Mayor Gord Krantz statasi it was okay toi raise Use tax rate in iane with inflation, Usas Usere has flot been an increaae for 10Oyears. Juat last year, Use average proper- ty assensmnent increased by 16.9 per cent. So Usere's already an increase in propersy sax revenue in excess of Use inflation rata. In fact, in a Champion issue before Cbristnas, is was nuggessed Usas when property assensmnents increase, Use tax rate nonsially goes down. But nos in Milton, where it went up 2 per cent. I wonder how Canadiann would feel if Use GST rata increasesi wiUs Use inflation rate. If a sire coot $50 in 1994, Use federal govemanens gos 7 per cens GST, or $3.50. If Use saine tare coos $ 100 in 2004, Use govemmient gos 7 per cent GST, or $7. The inflation rase is taken care of in Use price of Use tire. Ins Use case of propersy ownern, Use assessed value of ose property has inereasesi 800 per cent in exces of Use inflation rata. To further Fud increase Uhs by factoring in a high- er sax rate is lunacy. Now Mr. Krantz, ate we being asked to, psy a higher tax rata? How much more is ose sax rata going to increase for garbage pick- up? Au anoUser lester writer asked, where are Usose dollars going from Use casino on Guelph Line? Shouldont Usas cover garbage pick up? Shame on ose municipal govern- ment for flot being able to balance Use books. Perhaps ose electasi rep- resentatives could outline juat how much more revenue Usey coilct in taxes - andi frona Use alotu as Mohawk - Usan Usey did two or three yearsamgo. rdi gamrble it'a a lot more Usan Use 1.6 per cent inflation rase. Brian Macdonnel CampbeiviIIe by Steve Nease SiTTtN&y M~UND wliN 1 \06 YOU D i DO M«T AROUND ?WNwA Vim WA No WAITNG~ FOR flfl4G ~ ~<z 'ADEO GWA Mallette The Mgton Cvwdm Champon is a Recyclable Product Tim Coles Production Manager