The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 13, 2004-23 Who ALUMNUM/ WNDOSI Specializing in IDELREX ~%Winow d'Om UALUMINIUM LIMITED EItrmnce Spstem Also Vni 8lSdi7, Soffit, Facla and SeamiessA umim Trough Cl8775383 between 9am & 9pm qWa,5 YEAR RITFEN WARRANT ON WORKMASHIP Kitchens, Baths and Beyond nc. New Showroom Supply e Design e Installation Complete Lune of Products w 18 Thmpson Road, Milton (Corner of MainiTompson) 905-878-6666 Professional Cleaning Service GUARANTEED Residential & Small Commercial Cali t@il free 866-327-5522 o ell <.41 6-571-6243 IMAID) e * S.TO RMIME *Professional concrets work. drmveweys. Mlors etc. *Stamped coloured concrets driveways & walkways *Inteulocking and retaininfi waII systems *Fixystone. decks and fermes *Walkouts. underpinning and weterpruoflng *New additions witt drewings and permts *Custom finish basements *Kitchen and battroom remodeling CONTACT MIKE MME5: TEL: 18051857-3748 FAX: (905) 8764383 SH DOS I THIS SPOT COULP BE ~ YOUR% FOR '0 $19-$27 CALL 905-878-2341 SX224O INDUSTRIAL' COMMERCtIAL. RESIDENTIAL *SERVICE WORK 15 Vears of Expenience 905-878-7645 Celi 416-892-2601 GAIMG DOIR R&R Goeïge Doows - Elecie Openers Sales, Service and Installation Wuiows, Enirane Doons, Storm Doons, Patio Doors TEL: 519-853-2114 (Acrom) and supplies (craWne FI.sring, carpednug, daywal InstallIation & supplices Cai Sams 416-990-7080 Nlaltcnmc. Came ierprises FuIy Insured to do your work " Repairs & Renovations le Your Home ew " Odd Jobs e Garden Work <C<U USt VOI " Palnhn - Interlor & exterlor 9035478.751 Concept Cainiete Wi5On Ktchc & Vanfty CaM'nete FRE Am;hîtectuml Cabinet:. Accosuorlo Stooe Fbct:uma wll a nmw Cuetomn MiIIworc Nichmn lbo Pntors koup jinterlar Hou.e Palnting Just purchasod a mw Miton homo? Thon Il'. iun to add some colonr, styloe & wanuth ta your rmoin! 1~ffordabl - Relal- earntui 1 PLUMU BIPNG o orv'm à RiS WM P1 * tu Llcenced Master Plumnber wlth ove, 22 Yea experlence Cali: 905-659-7415 Fax: 905-659-4367 - RR#2 Camphollvllo, ON 10F 180 HOM INTENANCE SERVICES Plumbing & Electrical Repairs Reasonable Rates Cail Fat wS 0O5-875-9421 Ceramic Tules * ardWood Floorlag # Ruc Boom @ Stol Stds a Docks e Datroomn Romodols * Dmop Collinugs 1(905) 876-4023 sa Robert noble Ltd. SEPTUC TANK PUMPING 180 At of Hose For Crossing Lawns High Pressure Drain Flushing & Repairs Sanie Day Emergency Service 2 Trucks to Serve You - Radio Dîspatch (M1) 853-OS0 Actffn Answeng Service 905-87111-686e~ PO. BOX 773, ROCKWOOD WAE PUIIAIN&FLRTO Cor.'. Pumup Service £4 Wefl DrilUnlg " WelI Rehabilitation " WelI Cleaning *FIow Rates " Water Treatment " Reverse Osmosis Drînkîng Water Systems " UV Sterilization Systems " Complote Pumpîng Systems gtod Tel: (905) 854-4515 çore ci: (905) 691-6118 à i ý ý.. :A,