Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jan 2004, p. 21

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f4elp Woènted HPel)Waie -e0nted Ffv l elop rsted GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS We're Hiring! Wbmî a cauipanly o evperiencîng auccean, the people thaf are port vi ibof company are grawîng as svell TbaO's enacrly wbva happening or t ha Guardian Fibenglan, Eris laciliiy. Oar emplie en/ny the afabiify un rbeîn labo and wvrl fan ose ni the aery beotfitbergiass manuaturîng business, Are yoo a dependable, dedîcafed and safefy cansoas person? Weald you enîoy warkîng in a bait paced pro- daction envîrnnmenl? OJoardian hans an immeediate need ber gaod people lîke yoa fn in van TEAMf il yoa are engen iv lain a winning feam se seul like yea totce in and camplefe an application: Guardian Fibergtass 300 Mals Street Ern, Ontario (f12 Saur eat af Guelph an ily 24/caanty Rand f24) Na teiapbone oeils pleama. Onip Showe seietvd foi n interview sîli ba tontarieli JOB FAIR Thursday, January l5th, 2004 il :OOami-3:OOpmn Milton Community Resource Centre 917 Nipissing Rd. - Workshop Room Kelly Services is hiring for our client 50 Production Technicians Work F/T ta August 2004 $12.0O/$12.50/hr. *Fast-paced assembly line environment *Ability lot follow standardized operating procedures iFamiliarity with power tools *Ability f0 work 2 shifts & have reliable transportation eFull job details given on day ot registration To apply in persan please IIIring: Resume, SIN card, photo 1.6 . Void Choque, 2 Work Reterences. If unable ta attend please cail 905-842-4402 ta schedule appaintment PREPPER REQUIRED For busy autobody shop in Milton Fax Resume to 905-878-6922 or caîl 905-878-5142 REUEF SUPERINTENDENT POSITION Mitlion iitrise Condominium Part-time, alteraai seekenits andt vacatin ceverage for fall time personnel. Related eriperience preferred. Mast be refiabie, sesprnnibie and persosabie. Prenne fao rename to: Wilsnancnnhardl Management nc. (905)1 540-4450 Attention: R. Bniiey TEAM AUTO CLEAN Requires Fuli1-time car detailers. No xperience necessaty. Wiil train. Appt y Within: 909 Nipissing Rd., Milton FrfPr-Cumvs fan Wilomers Wsrd' largeat fitena arganizatan ie; aceepting renamnes for a mature, energetic, out-gam9q persa aa aoven Ca watk vitt people. Muet be evedeable aftemoonfeveninge antI tarse Snturdays. Wiii train fie right persan. Fax rsssos ta 0&6875l51 No phané cetie plame SNIPPERI RECEIVER Required for Industriai Distributor. Fuit fime w/ campetitive salaiy and benefits. Experience not necessary but preferred Fax resumnes ta: 905-847-6943 or email ta dstrike@daemarinc.com PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST Sultabte for mature tnigh schltalatdent. Applcant muset have pleasant teteptbane manner as wett as proficlent keybaarding Bifttts and accuracy vil deata. Hours required are: Mondai - Thursday 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm Fax resumne ti: 905-873-7291 Or drap aft ta: 211 Guetph Street Suite 5, Georgetown ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Excellent computer Mkills, Word and data base software. Superior written/spaken Esgtish requured. 3Ohrs/week, sotte even- ing hours. Deadiine: January 15,2004 Executive Director P.O. Box 218, Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4Y5 e-mal: director@betlnet.c Ploase no phtone cilla. Only Umae ipplicents selefe foi- interviewli mil b. contactaei. TIRE INSTALLER Required for busy 6 bay shop. Mus iiave a val id drivers ficense. Drive clean an asset. Fax resume ta 905-637-9266 or in person t0 490 Guelph Line PAY OFF 11105E HOLIDAY BILLS os-EARN EXTRA * C A $HN* Ran yoor nwn business wifh early merning delivery of oespapers n tarlingfo.n Eac. commissions. 7-days/wk. Reliabie vehicle reqaired Cali Maria 905-333-4977 BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH is naw hîrng fafl f ime and part rimte 4 pmi -f2pm and 8-4 full rime The sarcesafal applicunts maso 6e flexible, hiehin monivured anîd ablie ta worýk the weekends. Yaaîr morîvatianaf skiffs caald lar son an averaee honnis waee of beoee 10.00 and '16.00/hr with abase puy if '8.00/hor. Pleane appiy in persn a 40 Chinhairs Drive No phone catis pieuse The Village of TANSLEY WOODS OaKWOOD RETIREMESaT COMMtJNiTIE5 =IN. The Village ai Tanslay Woods Full lime Maintenance Worker The Village of Tannley Woods ix a unique continuums ni care commtnity for seniors. We currently have an opening for a full time Maintenance worker. Responsibiliiies include: Janitorial dials inciuding floor cane *Praventative maintenance *General handyman skiflxs lnterested candidates shoald sand their resumne with caver letter toi: The Village of Tansîey Woods 4100 Upper Middle Road, Burîington, ON L7M 4W8 Fax (905) 336-7143 Wie thank ail candidates, however, oniy icose sellie for as interview will be contacted. FU LL-TOiME/PART-TIM E ASSISTANT POSITION Availabte at daycare n the Georgetown arma. Experience an asset. Applicant must ba 18 year ot age. cati 905-877-4376 SUMMSE. SENtOR LIVING Suris off Oakville Wr are cnrrentfy hirîng for the foffowing positions: Cook, Raam Attendants, Care Managers, Program Coordinator and Concierge, Utility Persan & Community Relations Assistant. For consideestman plie submit your resume via fax toi: 905-337-O 046. No tefephone inqoînies pieuse. Pa- niipp,,y The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Jsnuary 13, 2004-21 Hep te KNOCK KNOCK Thaf's oppvrfunify knockîng' Ener fhoughi yoa possess whaf if fakvs f0 make big money in car sales? If you are a self- mol inafed, goal onienfed, dynamîc indinidual fhaf cornes f0 wnrk every day wîfh a winnîng affitude, read on We are a progressive aafomofîne facilîiy offering affractive benefifs, extensive training and a falbvînas, energeic vrl ennîronmenf fa the forfanafe applicant. If yoa are sol vilg iv sacrifice hard work bo achrene ail you have lever wanled, mone fa the sent ad. Snrry, fhis rare opporfanify iv flot avaiuable fa present aufomotine salespeoiple, peaple wvifh a financral background are encearaged. If yoa are ready te dedicafe yoarself ta becoming the beaf, e-mail resame ta: ncarter@saturnmississauga.com SOUTH GIEORGETOWN CENTRE PART«-TI M E POSTAL CLERK Attention: Kelly Drap off resumes tai: Shappers Drug Mart, Sauth Geargetawn Centre FULL-TIME HeIp required day ar night shift in Waad Shap. Some heavy lifting. Must be reliable. Apply in persan wifh resume ta: 12 Armstrong Avenue, Unit B Georgetown, ON N'o phone cai please EXPERIENCEO WORKERS EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Discover HowTo: Idlentîfy your fiel strengths and skiffs -Write effective resumes and letters -Use the Internet and post yaur resuome -Promote yourself in an interview You Must se: 45 years of age or oIder *Unemployed and seeking work Located ai460 BrantSuit i earîerni 905-681-3356 ext 21 LOT ATTENDANT Pernon vio ix arganizad, caxtomer to- cuae & enthaaiaxfic ia reqaired ton a fasf pace service deparfimanf. Cai, fax ar vend rexume f0: Service Manager Leggat Pontiac Duick Cadiliac 2207: Fairview St. Bafngtsa, ON ilî 3Y3 Fax: 905-333-0170 Cati: 905-333-3700 Light WAREHOUSE HELP NEEDED Temporary Position may lead tai Fult-'rimei Please contact Cynthia or Peter (bel ween 9:00 arn - 5:00o prn) 905-873-2566 Front Desk Sound Pradacis reqairex a Front Desk person fa greef cas- tomers, anscer pbones, asxivi saes stff9 and the President Eoperienca pralerred Basic computer okilis 8:30-5:00 - Mon-Fnl Soiory plus benelits Fax restoms ta 905-332-5097 BLUE SPRINGS SPA AND SALON A very busy large Spa in hiring tor tihe toliowing positions: *RNaT Massage Therepist - Hairslylist *Eleetrologlst Experience a Mustf Please apply ta 9 Miii Street, Action 519-853-8859 ( Z<6 Ciassifled Hours k, (3Monday toi Fricday ~ )) 9 arn ta5 pmî z,ï , Truck Centres ats Intraiveal 2e arre owsm orata paeith Hiton ndie musE 4H vA/o phone cas lese! PLUMBING FULI-TIME PARTS CONTER PERSON reqaired fer baoy retail naffef. Saccesafai candidafe maxi be a feamn player, dedicafed fa cvsoman service. Vax wili enjxy wvrking ifb dynamic gnoap of people and honing fan in a professionai atmaxphere. Esperience an vovaf, bat wili fraie tbe igh candidate. Fax reame ta: 905-639-3581 Atfa: Robent Woodstack DIESEL GENERATOR MECHANIC To service small generators in Mississauga Fax Resume to: 1-800-265-1140 HEAVY DUTY TRUCK MECHANIC or registered apprentice Acton (519) 853-3616 1j Busy Oakvilf e Office requires immlediateoly ACCOUNT RECEIVABU. 1 PAYABLE! An accouni recervable / Payable Clark wifb a mini- mum ni 4 yeara epenience. Applicani muni be com- puter liferafe euth excellent felephone manner. Dalles inciade ail] facions abin accaanfs receivable! ac- conns payable anea, as well as casiamer service and back-ap necepiion. PART-TIME OFFICE 1 AMCUNTIQ 13.ERK 125 -30 bts per week. Maxi bave dais esny and A/t experience. Fax resacne and salir expeciattaca ta: Fax 905-855-1774 iof fhnne oeflected Paru asf ni ew w/If Ire cnfal BOOKKEEPER REOUIRED FOR 2 DAYS A WEEK IN OAKVILLE MYOB EXPERIENCE PREFERRED FAX (905) 878-9646 OFFICE HELP Part-Cime S.crotery/Rocepttanist r.quln.d for a busy Milton Real Estate Office Respansibibities incluad swering tele- phases, booking appointments, paging messages, typing offers, wamvera and emenclmenta, braker loadisg listings anto the Oaltvllle/Miltas Real Estate Board sn an eslremely lanay environnent. MusC be com- puter lîterate. Real Estate expenlesea pre- ferred, but vid be willing Ca train the nighC persan. Haurs are as olacs: WVEEK 1 Tuesday 5-9, Saturday 9-5, aSuday 11 -4 WEEK 2 Taesdlay, Wednesdlay. Frîday 5-9 Saturday a-s WEEK 3 Tuesdap, Wednesdlay, Friday 5-9 $10.00 PER HOUR Please fax resamne ta: 905-877-5154 ATTENTION: Lisa Ratune-calp or Emati: lcuip@rewaxbluespningn.ic CAD/AM Programer turlirgian Company rei persan i b over 3 years eaperience la program CNC Plasma and Waierîei Machines. Must bave past sac- ondaî scbooi dîploma in AUD/CAM and knowledge ni Signanesf snald be an ausef, bawener willrng f0 train fbe righf candidate Pleaxe fax rosace: 905-639-2404 Autestive Paluter Pull lime eap'd pointer tC/CC knesiedge & 5yeors minimam tepil mandotory. Great silages & fli benef ils. Faify equipf basy collision centre. "Encellent Warking Conditions' Cati 05689-9812 an aller 7 p... call 0-577-3177 FanOion mrnsutanri for Rai apnmca Sms . loeivi tacanawl poses tortlltri Eni Os ii nand aflai no asirtio rin nne an ast &trairng ain Piss *off at ou t. pulment. a LA CoiA RESTAURANT in Banlingion raqa oa bigbly moitivaid GENERAL MANAGER Plea faxoar emtait nasama wiib salaiy axpcialians la Foax: 905-337-1566 cdr@iacota.ca Afsobining oarnern & kitchan staffifor aar OoMill & Burl. lecatiens Ails in the cl"ssifiais have the t. be seeby 30,000 people

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