20-The Connidian Champion, Tuesdniy, Jninuary 13, 2004 ( j CLASSIFIE» HOTLINE: 905-8754300 f , V CIASSIF!ED HOURS: Monda> to Fria> il 9:00 amn 5:00 prn r-11 ifj .WINTE8 Specet Millo" Towera 82 Millide Drive. 1&2 Bedruemn Apto. Close ta Dowvtowv. Bus stop aI Front Doer 905-876- 1249 wewwrsalc 1-BEDROOM basement apt ton ranit Feb 1, 2004. Suitable ton single peroon, non-smoking, aOlWbes, latin- dry, anri cable inciuded. 5850/montS. (905)878- 0410. 2-BEDROOM upanlment, avsiiabls immediatey; $835/mth. Quiet building iv Actou, vo pes. 519-8593-: 4386. 3-BEDROOM, 2-otorey, central Acton. 5895/monn plus hydro. Owrie pay Seat & saer. FirstasI anid reterances. Avaiiable Fs- Srury lot. 519-837-0760. ACCEPTING applications ton a 2-bri apl. available Msrch 15/04 ruts aI 5925/mIS. adult 00cor, vo doge. For appointmeol eal 905-899-1398. ACTON 2-bedroors apt. 5875/mIS ait inlus* , im- mailuy No smok- ing/pets. SSop in Crin, ACTON 2-berisrol counry apladmient, Nrth of Acl Fnirge, asus, uliles iv- daderi. Avadlable imme- ily $735/month, fimt(ilu 519-853-3996. ACTON spaciouu anri diean aparhment wilh bail- ny, greal building, dlose la amemiea, parkuing, iasvry, 1-beroo, $790/mIS, 2- bedmors $890/moiuh & bachlor $610/movth assdl- able lmmeiiey. 519-853- 3309 or 519-853-0719. GEORGETOWN 1-beri mcom bealde GO station nuli ranovatei, muaI seet Parking. Manch fat. 5730/montS plus hydro. Call 418-779-&W8. GEORGETOWN 3 beli moors bungalo. Top ficl central location, parking, landry, shopping. $1295, indlusive. 905-877-9617. GEORGETOWN Sdbrghî ans bedraom aparinment above garage. Non-smoking, 2- pauil Spco. $9OWnionIh inclasive. Cal 705-434- 0061. GEORGETOWN omal 1- bedroom apartmerit $495/montS plus hydro. Availoble immediatety No pets. Cal 905-873-3355. GEORGETOWN, 2-beri- msord, 5765/mth, plus hall & hydr, imdsey lotilasu, no-pes. Refereso- es/Credit checks. (905l50 8517 afterd4pm. MILTON 3 & 4 Sedrooms avaîlable îmmediateiy pises cuti 905-87-2581 MILTON large 1 bedorsn basement upuetmeril avaîl- uable immediauely. 2 up- pliances A/C vo pets1child-r ren 5850/mIS ulilitis iv- cili (905)875-3418 5- 9pm. MILTON ans bedroors uparilmeat avoulable MarcS. 1 $700,0 uiltes il vo dogo. -88-7646 ON4E Sedroors apartrsent, $825/movIS everythlng in- ciaderi. First4as. FEbau la, 905-873-3303. 0ONE bedroem, $795 mou1h plus hydra. Modem houi- il, central Milton, resauveri parking, aecunuty, suove/tridge. NO PETS, ftIlast references. 905- ROCKWOOD 1-bedmro sparsnient ou main faon, vacant, includes appll- es/asilCes/paring. Also slorie/office space. 51- 856-4900. TWO Ilria el renouaI- eri 1-bre apatmeolo. In- cil aIl vew appleances. Privais evursoce, & parking, non-omokers, vo pela $975/51095. 905-878- 9881. UNIQUE aparlmesl aval-4 abls immediately in censr home in downtown ares of Milto. 3 bedmour, noe smoking, sulblefor adult. $120/mS (905)693-1601. VANTER SPECIAL CALL NOVAI Pries cable hock up. 1&2 bedroomn aparient asaileble Nsw and Ion fture. Fririge & Suave, loundry tacinities, No doge 519-953-4374 open 7 days/week same day ap- proval. 13UYERS Why rienu shen yeu cari oso sOIr zero clown? Pries lisI of homes aval- sulh vo mosey clown ander $1300/mvth un Milton, Ouheille Budinguon area. Vieil HakovtopRentrg.eum on coi 1-88-266-3496 ID81051 Renso Bus Spring LGR 3-Saes, 5 uppliances, parking, ieur Milton Mail. lstilust. 51350/mIS inclu- sive. 905-203-2009 uvuil- abie Fil 1, 2004. MAIN 110cr & finisheribae ment oh dupleo on quiet ries- identuai streat. 2 berirooms, 4 upplinces, 1 1/2 Sathu, large yard, ample parking. $970/mth plus heat & Iy- dro. Available MarcS 1/04 phone 95-87-0650. MILTON - Appleluy/Denry - 2.ý beirsouom al collage w/besemenî, mnci, lrige, slave, sasSer, riryer, riS wesber, air coud, Irses & tarde, balr oul canserv- hou, os aide oh Niearal Es- carpreut S.E. vies oven Tot/Oak, $1.200. + Seat + hydes 906-2828. MILTON 3-bre deuached, 2-batho, finosheri baisement, garage, dm o schcl GO & shopping, A/C, $1600+, 416-284433 ONE halI f aIIehouse jut riorlh of Georgetown, 3 bedroors, aval Febraary. fat. $1000/mth inclusive. Cal Peler (905(877-511 PRIVATE 3 bedmoom home wifth Hwy tmnlnage. gavei rioeway 011 hast. F/P. 5 appliances. Satelite dinh. Ingroanri pocl, overaizeri double garage. Icler ou Hey. 6 Pualinch. Avaltable immedstly. 905-467- 1558 3 bermom, Iamuiy rocur eat un kaces garage, use of pool un Mihton.1 $1,200/moidh plus ulililies. Cal Greg (905(335-2352. m LOST glassas helseen Mii St. andi Main SI. Cal 4 B0R 2 otorsy tewnhouse, garage, A/C, eocelslen candi- (905)878-3110. lion, lut + tst. Avuiluhie FeS 1, 2004. $1250.00 + utilOies. 905-876-2215 BRAND new 3-hdnn, 1500 sq 5t. townhouse iv Milton. 5 minutes lrom Miusissuga $1400/mth plus uhiliries 905- 1DAYCARE uvuilable in a 693-8455. i oving, sale eovironmsvt, FOR sae or lent 3-bre wfth lirepiace, new in Hawthomne 1lunches and snacks proord Vilage. Cuil 905-331-7450. erd. Excelent reheroences, - ireceipt avadtabe. Cul Lori LARGE, newly reovatei 2&3 bedroem, Strepluce l3bdnn 905-875-1405. 4 appliances, hardwood filos padking includei. Availabie immedisteiy/ Dec. 1/Jani. 1. Clsse toi ail amevilies, park-iike GUAUTrY cars Tuesdays, setivg. Arlingson Bivd. Burlinglon. 905-681-0070, Wedneodas, andi Thora- www.pmooavre.cam days. Fils Aid and Cl 905-878-4905. MILTON 3 & 4 bedrooms available immediatey, pisase cal 905-76-2581. MILTON4 available nos 3 bedroors, 1 1/2 Saths, 1 car go- roge, driveway tort1 car. Nice compse. Ai appliances iv- 1 ciuded. $1250/mth 905-878-7072. CARPET 1 have severai TOWNHOUSE ton ront Feb 1,2004, 5 appliances. Ai ne 1000O yals. of osw StIen- carpel, gas lirepiace, garoge, lencei yard. Cuil Curais master & 100l nylon car- 905-878-8101 $1300. per monh. pst. Wil do lvingroom & --hall fo $389. ncludes cer pet, pad il installation (30 yardo) Steve, 905-639- 2902 GENERATOR, nes 2001 FIJRNISHED bairlom adousa of kstchen, living, iaundry Lister 7.8lrss. Diesel Gev- snd prkuing. $110 per week, <9l8 78-0682. set. 40 ump. maln fin cir- cuit breaker. $8000.00 GENTLEMAN preteme, $395 utilifes includei Milton (905)l-58 NEW Yer Sale. Custom IN Milton, close il GO andi mal, lemnale pretetrei, $125/eh. ,upholuterivg. Ws pay the unclsiîve. 905-878-3145. rases. Soles s/abric Iroro NEWLY renovatei mmo, shars bs1hrocm, large kitchen, $788.- No GST or PSTI lauodry, parking. Working gentleman prsîerred unsilahie Chasi s/abnc frior $249.- immeiatly.905-78-604No GST! Fieldo Fumiture & immedatsi. 90-8784604lbrc 9-9 doily. 905-875- - - 4427 BONIN-LABRECQUE, Agnes $88$5 WANTED - Ai Chi- AI Set homs iv Hamilon sîth Ser lumîiy Sy Ser sîdo on va, Silver, Cryotal, Tea Thursday, Jaouury 8th 2004. Agriss Boniv-Luhrscqus, Cupu, Royal Douhton, Seur- Solovud ails of Richard. Lovivg mother of Sarah. Dsar ovski, Gloos, Jewelery, Old duughtsr of Affrsdo and Enrichettu Bovin of Milton. Osar toys, Coileclibies, Estates. sîster of Livuo anri hîs silo Laursl Bovin anri Raymond and Cal John/Tracy, 905-331- his ails Lise Bovin SaIS of Milton. Agouse ilI Sa missdl 2477. hy Set visces Leurnse and irsr fiance FroncsAdrAn dirs and Jolis and tirolher-nl Rob avi ss as TA untrDunioh, of North Caroline and Mîchels and hîs site Coiissn of WSet- 50170as, Danish cutlery by. Agss loughl ai Gisodois Hiati Schoo iv Hamilton shag carpet, up 10 andi cas aroîstat Ssad of Busiss Studîs and u mem- $1000 (905)387-07. ber of Knot--res Drogon Boul Tours. Fomily und WANTED: A ladies sîze t trerido osîtud uitIhe McKersle-Kocher FaneraI Home or 3 - Bishop Rediv9 Uni- 114 Main St. Mittss 908-878-4452. Prie Mass of Christian Il. fil0 Sweaters, lt.. Nuvl sus ceistiroter i u Hoiy Rosury Romar Cu1hoic Pieuse cal 905-878-0887. Church on Monduy, Juruary 121h 2004. As exprssions of __________ oympulhy, msrlmontilons 10 Breust Cancer Research 366 St. Paul Street St. Catharinss, 0h 28 3N2 could tis upprceli ______________________________ CASH pu d fo uniques and cosctibes, chiria fig IRKneh ml uri.nes, jeellery, lumdturs (Lits rime member of the Milton Optimiso CluS & 45 ysar co et 905-878-0 employs or Avro Ca;nada). Peuceus ut home uliera iengthy Sanie il cancer, on Fniduy, Javuuuy 9,2004, Ken Ovrin his 751h year. Loving husband and special trendr of Gloria. Beloveri luther of Puni (Grog) Miller, Kimo (Rundy) Adl andi Tomr, ail of Milton. Slsp-luther of Ron (Halln Oseald of Bromptonuand Rub Oswald of Mion'. Cherishei grooripa of Kevin andi Michaal Miller, Bradley sud Joel Ad- ies andi Laurier Oseald. Predeceauqed by hia fil aile Mildreri On. Losvg brother of Eoalyn CharIton oI Bramp- Ion, Donaldi Onr oI Brampton aod Gloria Pellihese of ISu- saga Besch. Frieruds sere receive i uthne J.$cott Earl Fuseral Homn, 21 James $5. Milton f905) 878-2869 on $unday, Joury Ilthr and on ou Mouduy Juvuary 12th. A Fuserol Sersice wus held troro ors Fuserol Home Chapel ou Tussduy, Jauury 13th 0t111 AM. In lieu of floers, do- natioro lv the Canadien Cancer Society or ors ors Milton District Hospital Founduhseo wouid Seauppreciarei Sy the ly SI4EDOEN, Joyce oI Kincardie. ut Winghum &District Hospitl Januury 81h iv her 751h ysar. Dear mother of Lindsay (Yvonne) Shed- den of Owen Soundi, Susen Shedrien lerion Churchill) of 8.8.82 Tiverlon, Puni (James) Hutton of18..#3 Tivertou, Andres (Pasty) Shedries of Kincardise, andi Douglas (Ju- lie) Sheriden of St. Johns Nealoundavri. Looingly re- membssed by grondchildrsv Trovis (Kylirs) & Lindsay Rîg- gOn, Daryll, Pyso, Aaron, Candis, Bridget, Itirsîso, Lydia, & Elizu Shedries us ssii us a brother Don (el Eliiott of Usens Headi andi a salter Anse Smith of Barme. Prede- ceosed by her hushard John Shedri and o grondoon Mauhes Sheddri. The luserol service wus held ut Daney- Lîsidailer Fuserai Homn, KIsoardlne, f519) 396-2701, Mouduy January 121h. Spning Intennent Kincardîns Ce- metsry. Memorial donations lu ths Kincardins Mîvor Hock- ey Association, Kincardise & Community Heau1h Cars Foundcahion or Wivgham & District Hospital souri Sa ap- preciatei as expressons of symputhy. ______ i 1995 Mercury iiiuger LS-Nautica Auto p/s, p/b. cruise, keyieso entry, roof rocks, seathen intenor, 4 Captao chairs Onos lires. Ove owner, al services. NavylIShit. Exucel- lent condition, ceil $193,OOOkms. $5,900. Cal 905- 873-2252. 1997 Ford Escout Wagon LX, p/s, pib, ar, auto keyiess en- tuy. Cisan car. Cerhffede-tested. $4.850. Gord 905-702- 9318. 1999 Dakota, 5.98/T Club cab. Fuiy ioaded, under-wa- irany, Ilw kms. Muet ses $16,900(ce0.. Day(905)965- 0117, night(905)877-1184. 20M2 Toyota Sienna CE, Qsado dieel fin, keyiess, CD, duel air. Cal Pal au 416-458-4481. 1999 Dakota, 5.98/T Club cab. Faiiy Isedeli avde-ar ranty, las kois. Muet ses $16,900(cerl). Dayý905l- 0117, nighl(905)877-1184. Robert Hait Finance & Accounting is currely oearching lir the oloiig positions: Our client in Hamilton is iookîvg for a SENIOR ACCOUNTANT f0 hardie day t0 day accounling activilios. Reporting (o the Accountinq Manager, you wiii be reoponsibe lot account analysîs, bank toison- cîlialions, assisling in financia reporltg and various i ad hocs prolecis Ali candidales must have 1+ years of relevant expetience and be active iv eiîher the ICGN/CMA progrars. 1 11050I7-11104764. Our Buriington hased client in the mavolaclurino sec- lot is iookisg la fli a JUNIOR ACC0URANT raie. Responsihiiies wiii include hack up lor a lui payable and accounîs rncnivahie, courna enîries and accaunit teconciiialions. Candidates ihat are inîvîsi ed in ihit role must have compled Iheit coliege/sti- versily degree in Business. FttefSa7-105091. Ai quaiified candidates should ornai) Iheir resume so mark. bofltaeaa@robertbatcom or kerri.pfracuek@roberthalfcom and ote the apyropriae file number If ysu ate curbertly îegislered ih Robert Hall please contact) yout Rectoiting Manager and uote the ap- 1propriate file number from above. Due fo the volume of resumes recelve on/y those wi1h appropriate exper dace wIli be con(acted MILTON LUMBER YARD Hua F/t positons fon AZ Drivera. For loeal delivenles t0 Constrction sites. No turps. No handbombivg. Caîll (905) 693-9663 Exit. 1 le77Chev Caprice Classc, Crego hu!W fe o 94,000. original miles. new Crego isu!W fe o brokes & lines. $1,500 ob. wages, a fast paced environment 519-653-3653. and benefit programr. 198 Che Caair 1 Fax resumne to 906-878-9010 2.8 litre, V6, Best offer, as Att Guy Ramsay or apply ln is Cal (905)874721.Io 1901 Chev Cavalier Z2. person 2705 Durante Way, Milton. 5-speed, gourd condition, as lis$1,000 obo Cal 905- 873-9122. 1991 Plymouth Grand Voyager a lite fred bal atîl runs grel $700.00 obo. Call Norm 905-876- Tlm ree 4015. ee aktr 1993 Grand Caravan LE, Reqaire a skilled and experienced Estendicab. Aii-wlieel telemarketer for financial services industry. drive, certifiad. $1 .200. Part-turne evenings in Milton. Rewards for high Cal tIOo Gasen's Tire 519- preformance. 853-3940 or el 519-362- Cati 1-905-276-7140 ext 292 elle, or 416-509-2540 1994 Elantro 4-door au- tomatic, e-tested and crf.- FRE T AN ING lied. $2,600. Cai 905-703- FR E T A N G 1248. Drive 4 Us. Sohool Bus Driver's Wanted Cail 905-877-4448 I, en;àLaidlaw is an elqual Gbssopportunt Company 159 Pobinsocri Cnes. 3 plus 1 berom bungalow. Cuslo khchen, idlows, pool anri more 905-93 3567. -NO AGENTS. 3 BEDROOM Townhouse, 371 BronIs St,. S./C, hal- socri, laminais & ceramica throughout. Firosheri base- ment. Please el 905-875-1 2287. Open Housa, Suni- day, 2 -4 p.m. $18.500. DISTRESS SALE Banke Foreclosures. Prise ledt oh Foraciosurs 8 ropedties un Milton, sakville,Geu ngetown Budiri9ton aria Receive a tires computerized printout. tiSai HueouForeciraures.oom orcael 1-888-266-3498 I051042 Remua eiuaOOvvW NEATED storage uvaduabis immedistel Approx 100 oq ht. (905(878-4833 Bah or Sue. PROPERTIES. Buy, sal, revis Peut inciurivg photos torSeso cost aI commis- sions. www.nocried.com 416-736-9115. Absolutly Sres. Havrirers Sa ces -0 SC Fr avauloble cors piste with risplay agace, privaI office, washroom $800/movISh plus hsu anri hydro. Contact Wayne Cassas ta viesl 905-878- 7777 Perses Blue Springs. S-YR04.95%. Alsceal ty morugsge pesgrams ne- garrilesa ah incaure or creli IL Cea Chdos e 1-800-328- 7887, est. 321 or cisit us st ww.sincdaircodkum.comr BUSINESS Finance Spe- dllI. Boisess loans Ion al[ parposes, Prin Prime + 1%. 905-899-9875. CALL SCFS 905-44-1245 1-yr 3.85, 5-yi 5.25, APM 3.8. Aiea squlu mortgage priogramu, regarriess aI incarne or credi. ai a a