ê~: MORTGAGE ~ ,u..INTELLIGENCE 2 1Main St. E. Suite 201, Milton Head Office: 5280 Solîr Drive. Suite t01. Mississauta, ON L4W 5M8i A GMAC Cvcrpa.r John Cavan 905-878.7213 Mvrtage Consutant wvww.stressfreemartgages.ca Your mortgage could be a goldmine of polontial savings A penny navet is a pennye arned ,or so the 010 orouero goen Of courneý the vaiue of a penny huis orangea nomewtat from the orme when your mothir ottered rer wisuom ou tue value of keepiog vurat you earn Oooac, cou coula have trousanos of dollars Ol nîmplc making une mugt montage lecision it courre ie mont Caradiar tomeownirs, cour mortgage sea goldmini of patenta Oaa- lnutte tant lew inties we've taiked atout the importance of cour mongage an cu of cour mon' sîgnilicuot tînarcia aecinîors. We ve expiouiu the value of neeig the adaîce ofua moogage troues- io nal - atethir cou re oucing a rome or rioiwiug au ecinting mooIgage. Tooac lets 0ke i look ah the btoom lite the navîhn cou cao bloc tey malrng tht rîght monigage decîniors Ilois toc primary foie plia mogage tuokert o lita eau the tight producu for cour dîrnona situation A motage trokîr in a tinancal protenniona ardA le cour inaeintr idaîtar tan ou thi wîii wat il urdittard cour pîrsna i ntuation ard pyiemn pretîercîn. hoat mongage troker tan accesn ýo a puoad nptotrum ot retnirg institutiorns so cou car do tomne valuabie compatisn nhopping Cor tho rigt comtînatior of teature, raten ara montgagi options. Ail thene cho01cm oter cou nubtntia opponunitito Io nai marie over tht le ot cour montage. lu cou are lîki mont homneowoiun, cou ara focuned for good tenson - or tîodirg tht tenu possîitl rate Cor cour montgage, cour montage troker utn otfeoeou the tint rarge of rite optionn and terms Cf a montage trokîr cao gît cou one pet Oint otf the ponton rate. that coulA translate loto more ohn $13t.000 ierent peu $1tt 000 ooruoweo ovin a 2t cear amortioatior nahîdule tl noweair, cou tîiîvî that mont motage nate are tanloalie the namde from ont intitution tote iet, Ohen cor- nîdir thi tcot that ever au tîghtt ot a point dîtferioce iu tht rate cao offir nigriticant saaîrgs over tht Auratîoit oC cour mongge. lut ifs aisy important to look teorod tht rate Thnn are othîr wayn to finit savirgs rn eau mont- gage. hour mongagi troker ns ap-to-dte or minket trendsOnd n00O oppootunitien. an oel an tomne oC the tuledand-true wacn ro niai moote rn a mongagi, to cou get an arrua bonus n luour job? You mac oint to une that tonun to pic doar the tomi-i pal of cout mongage, lu cou purnai Ohms tratîge conînterte oaer tht liCi af cour morgagi, you coula nave unounarn of dollarn ru îtîrtnt te pacînt cour mongage off ncoer. Are cou paid ti-acekie or te-mouhcO Connîner a charge from tht usual montie montgage tac- meut. St ut cour prorgai pacmert ncedule to corricide wîth eaur tac petit. Agaîr, cou car nhave cearn ohf cour noogagi, ard enuoa tousarn of dolCars in naains Gommier the oid tinte provert agair. Hoo muon ns cour lmi ottO lime tavuogs in are ou the ke uneepected deeCtn thit cliern tac thec have enjoced oPto Odey ctoose ta work witt a mon- tage troker. ttove atil a manigagi troer n an expert in outomer servic, arA tSar means thateyout troker iooen aller eaery dîtril ot cour mongage renearch arnd nîgotîtiors an cour tehaC. John Can ila consultent wiflh Hormone Intelligence. twsuiaosas.a 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 n Sane "Prindtng a Nataa Way to Better Heae/î and Weitness" Q: I've been trying ta quit smoking for the past ten years, but unfortunately, without much success! 1 can't use pharmaceutical "quit smoking" aida due ta conflictions with my other medications, and going "1cold turkey"l is flot an option! Are there any herbais that can help beat the smoking habit? A: Yes, there is a herba solution! Herbai Magic has developed an ali-natural product that is designed to reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. "Q.U.l.T." con- tains herbs traditionally used by herbalists to com- bat smoking, plus extracta that set up a distaste for nicotine within the body. Once you have decided t0 "kick the habit", daily use of "Q.U.l.T." will provide the following benefits: a reduction of nicotine cravings, a calming of with- drawal nerves, and a curbing of increased appetite. A decrease in cravings lis usually noticed within the first few days, and many ex-smokers dlaim com- plote cessation of smoking by the third week of use. "Q.U.l.T." is safe, effective and non-addictive, with no known side effects. To find out more about this product, stop by or give us a cal! Maxine Stanley has a B.A. in Sociology and an S.S.W in Social Work. She has worked with the Herbai Magic program for over 7 112 years, and je a trained nutritional counselor. A FEE - Gon9d HBad Resolve to take better care of yourself in the new year with a littie help from our upcomning special section, Health, Mind & Body. Inside, you'II find a variety of features written to help you achieve a sense of balance and welI-being. From exercise techniques and nutrition advice to relaxation methods and holistic medicine, Health, Mind & Body is just what you need to start 2004 on the right foot. Look for it January 2Oth. Health, Mind &Body A Special Supplement to .. L . I Th. Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 13, 2004-17 If mou have any questions these Ask The 5J~a i lie tutsadian iJhampîot, ir-0 t191 Main Sreet E., Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 P l sso-n sor Fax to: 878-4943 PET VALU