Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jan 2004, p. 16

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19-Tho Cansrinnrfh.qmninn Tissurluts tenes,117 OffA it you nave any quesuons tnese "Ask The Prof essionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 -vSHOPPERS ZDRuG MARI Open to midnight, 7ida s a week M Carnage Square, 2659 n St. E. mICHAEL wN 905-878-492 Q:WhaO is the differenre betweeu naturai source vitarienu E sud X nthetir vitanmin E? A: Vitanin E is a generic terral meant lt include a group of strocturatty sinastar cisemicat compouis. Tise four major groups of vitamin E Usas enhibit isiotogicat sctivity are alpha-, iseta-, gamma-, anti delta- toropherots as seell as thiser respective stereotisomers. Stereoisomers are identicai molecaies ii ssissly differeut spatial arrangement, designatesi by ci, 1, or dl, depentiing on Useir respective optical properties on polarizeti ligist. International sf115 (LU.) is u meusurement of botogical activity of vitansin E associaseti with tmg. of dl-alpha-tocopiserol acetate, uslng a rat anti-sterility test. I Use future, t.U. wilt Ou replaceti by another neseer unity cufieti Alpisa-tocopiserol Equivalent (Alpha-TE), sehici is a stan- tiardization agaissst solely d-alpisa-toropherol, notably Use mont active of ail vitamin E isomers. It short, t Alpha-TE weil Ou equivalent tb 1.5 t.U., Natiaral source vitaino E ususlly comes from an extruet of vegetable oils, containing predomlinantly d-alpha-toeopherol. Syntisetic vitamin E, on Use otiser boanti, contaios dl-alpha-tocopherol. Theoreticalty, tmg. of saturai source vitantln E shoulti Ou more active thon t mg. of sysUsetic Vitain E. Nowadayn, pracoacaily ail comimercially avallable vitaminm E are labelet inl l.U.; Userefore, ait 400 t.U. capsules of vitamin E, for exampte, sisoulti have Use samne biologicai activity, segurtiless of sources. Wisen comparioz vitaimin E, one has to look fuether. Since biotogical activity is defineti by resoîts of a rat anti-sterility test, it may sot necessarily bc an arcurate seflection of ail vitamin E activity in a eitie range of humust fonctions. Nonetheless, selUsout a better indicatocr of efft- cacy in sight, une bas to sente for an I.U. or an Alpha-TE as a seasonable scientifir market. Absorption is another important aspect for tietermining whether a vitasoin is capable of Ouing utilizeti properly. Under normai circumstances, vita- min E is osly soluble in oit. To improve absorption, vitamin E is somnetimes syntheicaity manipulateti toi make it soluble in botis oil anti seater. In general, Use cost of nattarat source vitanuso E is about twice Usat of tise syntisetic source. Intelligent consumera weill instinctivety make their chnice Dr. Rots Strlsn 905-878-5882 Optomotelt Mor-Tisars 9-6, Wuti-Fri 9-5, Tues 9-t Saturtiay AM by appointment GLAUCOMA VS OCULAR HYPERTENSION YOU HAVE A CONCERN *Wha d-caig5 P".euàsM epyui masn? -h sail ttelg niasd? Do 1Hm aOui PART THREE 0F A SERIltu A qsyso studes .e the 'Mysteois ai die Lrcr Celi'. a taie.sce 1 autiedu n eoee, A scntiuain lch s inPercption, adbodyeillers -(muflcpsyetolim umossigyt. As ore in cite le, pus,,,,l acldes. glara cms occr whuîtts aperst loss5,stecie pessan orlt Glcmais not adsast, ofeye prssu. Il sa dsstoflrppss(pcemsced cel deilb). AaUatgsa mosralccrreneefr clls insocutssues such muyskis (Lwre ceIIls)ý Il is crlaal"csrc for thcotics centî, ss nrspcilised csllslruciilcc, The pussibilies as torh quep mues ascells rsd51, In loer cdered cel arsesses dccttcpicg the diwac Ohaueuna (ApoprosWprogramnied ma5tdaoth)s 1Pressueosarcll css asell tccages stpe.I intese u, ansd long encsg indalc, a erv ctl le ppoaiuuslthcg apposc. % cell rescts tclcacttlevlfocos whca u nder trss'. Thes. die comporto esurig cllprssu s slliporant.TU nenous ysienu5sch i spcr5ble el pns- e o reacos le pereisd environnan, inflenes eye pesirum ju[an ur blontrd presure and km rate. AccssiaeIy eatise. r cativc nlsssd.sl ay palsr.slpsded, orvrp- es, systetstinulatng thecells Sspusble for qsecrs Ocid productininsc rSc he prsessuressintye, cser lhe yeats. (Entils perceptios, andthougts influence body fonrcos by insOsetcg te ete an Île body.) 2. SÉMa buqutiveit ioalm perstptiss, depleles the estesgy sites of the body sigssOcsully l prdur cell deah,asur body holdssa*rgeOdecrinl lsote' eieclersîlchare.e Oelectsrial et5y. of llecl- leciss, ails cIllhe body incomuncatio im e anosullecauses al r[ ptasoce In Apopioalc, shcsld hle enetgtics o to dy ach apolaunil intorble sae.Tissay sho pas peson eh. ssci& esces sivelys'entte,ctra'sitive tinektt.proddcgsalopsde orctesided placsed-epvsscit ad repressmo i relafiti tI percion. This relaestthe Paradigila a perese 'sES througI. They drî sec ]lt lsb i. hose. nlie hctsged stumaittslhogtr.isol s. % T csllla peýpccsc u- ictostae aIrfe tlced. themby affectg ait body fumionss, ad Isut Theu people bite diffirrlly seeig oes, tknong teirvin adail peceptioroad rl ealh, ae affetiediste frtin 3. Corausvtly: People nia me ippressastv, and balartd tend io tare a berte cllular itae.geatslly lave ailoerteesy Icia lclmdbd body etgelc luia, san apopicos. Thusu pecplr me gerterallistrîl amwdI lâhant gasell. ceru. prscrit in dlunsI ait ttaiesd in WELLNESS - P¶JOPOSEFUL IN LtLI hrou*Sr r&nM le H mk1ai A promisî rOlO à*# Qianait Colique Pomi demscacas Thr Naat4hgr it.e clife A strs edrds.îgjcnM rfphamsyvtist ,5reiom.an rprceptions (plotait strllstloOîsyu5tee%hch Dý Ituronh li îvcdsced. le Med Body Entrgetcs. to rSe Pactcr af Wila tOa bu In do w»U vsona, aoiU spiottir? Lmh isratd o fatumt affietw Conof unite ami- u ltie aah i liaiit m »I u De. Straon for a opy. Cumult i Vtnyl aCerumics i Hurdwood aPaint ,Wullcovedngs Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldine Hoakeths85Ii LI1k.1S48 I have sometbing to declare: I love wallpaper, yes and I know there are lots of you out there secretly waitmg to ftll that ernpty upace with it. Why ius it when sornethin in ian vogue we go abuolutely nutu & fill oui lives with it, To overflowing wben it's considered passe ooh don't go near it at ail or the wallpaper police will corne get you! Hey be a rebel & flot one of the sheep, we need to be individua> and I always see in every home I decorate a spot jiust crying out for some texture, colour or design. I realize the open concept, especially in tse new bornes, seernu to push toward the rnonochrornatic therne, but rernember you can utilize wall cover-ngs ian a nurnber of ways. On a large wall create large frarnes wiUs rnouldmng or wood or a rich coloured paint. Select paint colours & wallcovering to, enhance Use rolorn cre- ating an art in Use panels yet not overtaking Use ares. Use it above a rnoulding around Use perirneter of say a dining roornt about 24" depUs. And use it wiUs a coloured ceiling for rnaking a staternent. Powder roins yearn for rich drarnatic coverings or choose a faux effeet in soft tones as wiUs any look use uparingly & you too will love Use resuit, nverkill can be tiring and barenesu cold; rnixture in decorating is what turne your horne into a warrn inviting envirornent. Look around! I bet you cana find an ares just waiting! So bring your walls alive and visit our library of' books. Brine in a cushion. a shani or brinR the wall too, & Jiltian Guerd Woody Cook Cattitooen Mclaooh Ry an Woasor (Hou.> B. Sc., RUT RUT RMT B.Se., RUTf The Muscle Spasm Tise physiologica response of muscle to trauma of any type (overuse, overloati, hypertension, impact) is tightening. Thtis tightenittg is facilitateti by tise nervous system and resuîts in a spasm at tise exact spot where tise trauma occurred. A spasm is a group of muscle fisers held in continnious (tetanic) contraction, unable to secstre its owtt release - a eigid kuot. Recause spasms are an extension of the normal contraction process, nothing will show up on x-rays or diagnostic imaging. It is, ltowever, o malfsnction, andi any portion of a muscle tisat is nos workiog for you is working agaiust yoa - ACIIVELY! A spusm in a muscle cao severely impact its nisility su contract attd relax (release). The portion of tise muscle involveel in tise spasm is unable to work, forciug tise remainder to work encessively. A compromised muscle is a weac une, wisicis fatigues quickly. Witis continurd use tise spasm isecomes aggra- vated and enlarges, causing pain and discomfort. Worse yrt, tise sisortened fibres in tise spasm restrlict tise ability of tise muscle to bie stretcheti to full lenguis. A muscle tisat cannot acconunodute tise movement placed on it will pull or even tear. Tisus, a movemrent norsnally witbiu tise safe content isecomes unsafe wisen sisorteing and spasmi are present. Tise stage is now set for une a- final overstretcis overloati wisicis will produce tise massive spasmu of a charley isorse or straising of tise tissue. Massage Tiserapy is effective treasment for muscle spasms andi contractares. Tise therapist will use techniques to teduce pain and isacrease tise lecal circu- lation toi help reduce tie spasmn. More importantiy, tise therapist will iselp prevent recurrence of tise spasm isy considerittg tise causes or contriisuting factons ansd reducing tiseie effect. CU, hurE Mm-FIL 8-8 a hL 10-2 a Mui Simby BARROW FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC 91 (905) 878-4994 0, ~Ano.Eto- Fax:(905) 875-4485 Emati: drabarrow@&sympatico.ca SURVIVING THE COLD AND FLU SEASON Dld you know .? That antibiotirs are usled frequendy oat uunecessarity ta mma vialt stssses9 flus ns creassue as emereence of ausibuoticr essstant gnils. The Hutton Reessu Heat Deparuinet has sent Infuormation out te Use cousmunisy smndine us dtsat antibi- uties .nay nut ho apprupriate for every iofeetion. They se thas. Bttaria and vuînses are tlny organisms dtut rau cause insfectionss. The muajor diffesesser betwieu ttse swo entil is buat, ssey usc treaieti. Aastbissscs roay cre snfectons caused by barseesa, trut aie nt effective agiait vmnss. Ymsr body's naasurat defenses wilt cre mois viral ittasesses orer tisse. Olten test sud driskine tots uf ftuidu witt betli. «When anllbiieu are ustd aud net nttdtd, bac- torilishait are noeually peuenO In the body ram Iarm tn becoant rooOat Ou t audIiloie Sonissnes Use mssot sesistaus organisons willt emuans, aud coinue to uissw. fu remettaut barserla coau cause seemus stlseses that may be dlft5cut or ipossiblte set.' Srti ptays a major rote lu infeetins dLsease. Rmsearrhr have shoron how stress au iet Oody's immulne syntesu ran tessen a peesau's imunune reupeonse, setulet lu nain uakes hlm se hier mroue susceptiblte su sfeious diseuss Iu fart, cuisent reseaseh, indtlrates dsuo* uto al] diseases use tsoehow setaid Ou stress. In a study roudurted te tok an date retishlp tieten stres sud Use imnoue syn- seint. it ws fleuraidma 50(o uthUe msiresd votuteers raugst eotds, roonpaoed Ou rody 27% ofUu lielU trisk stressi lu Useir lives. Stres couses lu many teoes: Phystea streuni, sesultiue front rar accidents. bilit tisuma, repeatrd lftiug or aupioper seasueg penture; Cheical stiest; fromt cill- rentes, pose nutrition and prescriptoen disses; aud Emuoa ntresu due te a job. finances, and retaluenhips rau att take User toon urs body rauslue uierférence lu yoor iseivous; syssent. Certain essanges lu tifestyte rau luspince yaur abllty tu deat effrrtlvety selUs stress sud rus uscrease your sesistanre lu nfertious diseuses. These chanes inute devetopuse a positive msentat outiook, mahstalidog a heaMty dit, rogutar ruer- ciso, 0000100 enougb oltep and matstahslug a boaty soie aiud forvos Bystent. The nercossystemt is the master contrut ot att systemui, tissues usd retts. tuterfesenre selUs Use iseevous sysseus (cattedl subtuaious) resuts lu compesmlisedi nerce fuse and fonction, wtslch in tues ltais o a toseerlue of Use body's natsuta Isealne albllty. Chiropractors work ou Use spine te fmnd aseas selere Usese is dis- tued neeve flow (subtusatsous). By reteasinme snrteeféencue and attoselue Use nervous systese to fonction property, vie move toseards geater seettness. Chsiropractie ratre lit the naturel choire for ojstlanlang your body's ability Ou deat selOh strer sud fIgs infectionss. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T 1 P6 (905) 878-6479 1 A Princoss Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 B.Is Jc,. Lwece (905) 702-1611 9.S. .C. Meenbr of thse Ontario Soety of Chlropoiate and The. Ontario Colle9e of Clslropodlata Q. 1 have a foot problem and 1 see many people adver- tising their services, from whom should 1 receive treatiment. A. Footcare and Ortbotic: tberapy is flot regulated in Ontario. This means thut many people witbout proper traia- ing casa dent witb your foot problemui. For exaniple, bave you flot seen individuals selling orthotics (arch supports) in flen markcets, sporting shors. or the exhibition in Toronto? At ail their boothu they selI custom-madr ortluotics,so rbey oay. In reulity, thry take an imprint of your foot and give you arcb supporta off the shelf. Unfortunately, Ibis act is flot regularesi and the consumer can often receive a product, usually cov- ered through extendeti braIts insurance, and when you are neen by these sales people, many do nos reatize tbey could have had tbese devices tbrougb insurance if tbey were seen by a Foot Speciatiot. A foot specialist often starts witb university rraining and then attends specialized training for three years. Wr ail belong to a regulating body called the College of Chiropodints of Ontario, and many belong to, the Ontario Society of Chiropodisen, which maintainu a high standard of practice and continuing education. During Ibis period, we are taugbt ail aspects of lower tiraS probtemu. Wr dea1 witb general footcare, wbich encompasses diabetic footcare, nail prolo- lems, caltoun and coms. We dent witb almost any infection effecting the feet. Wr dent witb sports injuries, beel and arch pain. Wr perfornul surgical procedures. Wr dispense cuntora- made orthotics (arcb supporta) ansi footwear. Dr. Ron Strohan o -. Optometrist I75 Main St., Ste. 10 Wakefield Professional Centre Milton Medical Buildings 106 Wakcefield Rd., Milton 905-878-0800

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