Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jan 2004, p. 15

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Tihe Canadian Champion, Tueaday, January 13, 2004-15 If you have any questions these »,11 Ask, "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 -C, 1P.-- 2e7e..Aioat Tina Ooney connie Francoz PHYSIOTHERAPISTS 1I/ VVIISOfl Avenue (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q. My News Vear's resulutiox iv 55 stuy fit and get a gym member- ship. 1 bave beex wsrking onI fsr iwo iseeku now, and thse front of my shuider iv sure, especially when 1 am doing isicep caris. Can you hep me? t don't want ta lose mîîmentum. A. Trytue ta stay fit is a great News Year's resotutiait. but you must remember. you cauxat du ibis overuigbt. If yau are just vîartîng ta wark out, your body iv nat used ta lifting weîgbts yeî, wiîb tbe number af repetîttaus ibal you need ta toue and strengîben yaur muscle. You may he lifting weight that iv tua heavy. yau may bave poor technique wbhite lifting weîgbts, or you may he stressixg your biceps la frequenîly witb ual anty tbe number of repeti- lions you are daiug ix a workouî, but bow aflex you are workiug out tbat particutar muscle. Att af Ibese factors cmi tead ta lesdonitis. ~uMy advice ta yau istin go easy. Rame wasx't buill in a day. Yuu are getting taa aggressîve witb your workouls, and xaw yox bave created an inflammation in yaur tendon. uxd if yox don't look afler il, il will wars- en. Lay off warktng bîcep caris for a few days and do atiser body parts, and sec if il witt heai an il's awn. Cbeck wîlb a traîner ta cake sure your technique is correct. Start wlb liîgbler weîgbts and bud yoxr way up ta beavier weîghts. Gise your muscles a day or va of rest, in botween warkouts. That dues xat mcmi Ibat yox bave ta stop yoxr warkauts, js focus on dîfferent body parts cacis dad. Aiso, part of yoxr workasl sboxld include stretching, bocasse sol aniy layas wuxt ta buitd strength and muscle buik, but yau wuxî tisat muscle lo be flexible, as ihis wiil present injury daring sportixg uctivilies au wcll au wben lifting weigists. A mistuke sa mmiy people cake, iv Uiat tiscy "cbeap out" an lise stretchs- ing aspect of their workoxî. Ohten, îbey exd up attending physioîiserapy wiîis mi injxry Uiaî just wiii sot go xway. If your injxry nagu yox afier two or bee weeks, caî'sutt a physiatisera- pist sa tisai they may isetp yox retuen ta paix free workoxts au soon as HALTON HILIS SPEECH CENTRE Northview Centre I XI211 Guelph St., Suite 5 Il. . il Georgetown [j~~jJ (905) 873-8400 www.haltonspeech.com Q: My daughter makes the IsI sound with her tongue sticking out. It sounded cute when she was younger but now that she is six it has become more obvious. How do we correct it? A: From what you have described, your daugh- ter may have what is typically called a frontal lisp. A frontal lisp is produced when the tongue is placed between the teeth during the production of the /s/ sound. The /s/ sound is usually produced with the teeth together, lips in a smile position and the tongue tip placed behind the bottom teeth. Some suggestions that may be helpful are: 1) point out to, your daughter how you make the /s/ sound; 2) use a mirror and practice making just the /s/ sound with teeth together; 3) after your daughter can make the /s/ sound atone, practice making the /s/ sound using vowel sounds; and 4) start workmng on words that start with /s/. A Speech-Language Pathologist can help with the development of a program specifically geared for your daughter. Contact our Centre for more information. Elayne M. Tanner B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 SEiayne M. Tanner www.etasolutions.com Q: A nes' Yeur und s'iih counuelling, 1lam guing lu muke positive lfe .~changes and becume the new me .bxt hus' do 1 knuw whu tlogo lu for Itis guidance? A: Goad far yau!! Yau have made a positive decîsiau towards yoar happiacas. The right couaselar wiii help yau set goals, recoguize aud develap your streugths, aud chauge self-defeatiug patîcrus standing in the way ai yaur satisfactiau. Causîder four accus wheu chuosing the therapîst yau wili eutrusî wîîh this important raie. 1. Personal Fit. Yau must feel camnfartahle aud trust thc persau you wark with sa that yau are able ta share your thuughts, views aud passiaus while feeling understaad mid accepted. 2. Cosl. Some ageucies pravide alfordable cauuselbîug however, yau cauual chasse yuur therapist and may ual fiud the best fit, appaiutmeuts may fit the ageucy's uchedule rather thux yuurs sud yaur nubr of ses- sious may he himited. The ather option, private therapisîs, charge a fec hut may offer reduced rates. When camparîug haurly rates, rememher that the qualifted therapistu accomplish mare in a shorter time. 3. Qualifications. Anyane iv allowed la pruvide caassellixg hut yax wmiî someane who is praperly trained and with many yearv af experi- ence. Your therapisl should have extensive universiîy training n counselling and psychaîherapy as well us iu your specifie accus of can- cers. 4. Accountability Along with qualifications you wuxî a persan who is a member of goseencent legislated college se you are asuured that their ethicu, hehavioxe, conftdentiality and records ail mccl the highest possi- ble standards. This is for your protection as well au uflering you recourue if necessary. Any thcrapist sisould he willing uxd able to miswer ail questions regard- ing these areas. You are purchasing a service. Be a wise consumer. Ask questions, comparison shop, ask Uic opinion ut your doctor or oUier pro- fessionals mid cake your own decisiox. CatI Elayne Tanner and sec isow her qualifications cas cecI your -&eu1 I ~Hawkins Animal Hospita Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton et (Pizza Hut Plaza) DeStîe Hakins Phone (905) 875-6888 B. Se., DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 TH1E CIIARLIE FUNP A Firstly, te ail of my readers, I hope tisas you aIl had a hsappy and safe Christcas and New Yeur. This conth t wanted ta uue cy spuce in tise Champion ta cake everyone aware of a projeet that I have jut recently becace aware of. This projeet, organized by tise Oakvillc Hucaine Society, (0HS) is cxlled tise CHARLIE FUND. Tise Cisarlie Funds ceation was based on a Border Collie naced Cisarlie. His utary is tisat afler a catI had bccn put into tise OHS, îhey went ta inveutigatc isis circucustances. Tisey found hic in a "deplorable state" witis as ulcost severed foot. None of tise occupants of tise housc adcitted ownersisip and no one woold gise details of tisis poor dog's decise. Tise 0H5, seized tise dog, and ise wus taken ta tise set for treatcent. On exacination, il was detercined that his leg would need acputating. This expensive surgery was paid for by tise staff of tise siscîser, who gallansly raised tise fondu ta enable Cisarlie ta have tise corrective surgery and go on ta lead a happy life, %vill a new facily. Tise fond relies on donations froct tise public and continues ta pravide cedical and surgical carc ta critical homeleus pets. One week hefore Christmas aur hospisal organized a phato session for 3 isours with Santa Claus. Cuts, kittens, doegs,' puppies, anc rabbis and a isamster attcnded tise shaot with their parents, and everyone hehuved thecuelves (tise pets tisas is!) Il was great fun. We requested a cinicuc donation af 2 dollars per picture and aitie end aftie day, we had collectedl ulcout $450.00. We werc vo pleasantly vurprised ut tise acaunt ruised. 1 woold like ta entend cy tismiku ta ail of cy staff cechers who valunseered sheir sine on a Sasurday afternaon to help coardinate ibis cvenl, and ta aIl of tise kind peaple (unit pets) who came ta participate. This iv tise first ycar we have donc shis, and we look forwurd ta daing il ugain in 2004. Affiliated with N.F. Insurance Agency Ine. Tel: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 Lo uloMA FPH 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1139 Q: Is it a gond idea to borrow to top up my RRSP? A: U-sually ii s fut a good idea ta, borrow unless you gel a lau break for doing vo. Tappîng Up your RRSP will give you a lax refund. but like ail good tbings. ton mucb eau burt you. The basic rute witb au RRSP a is ta pay of thIe boau witb your lau refud. Uxfariuxateiy, aside from Labour Sponsored unvesimeut Fonds, RRSP refuuds equal less tbax 45% of tbe v amnouu: barrowed. You stitl bave ta pay bactv tbe oiber 55% plus ixierest. By topping up your RRSP. you gel more assets growîng for your future. Titis is good. You bave tess disposabie jucome because you bave ta repay tbe boan. Tbis iv bad. If you mas: rety au credit cards wbite you puy off your RRSP toux ibis iv reallv bad. Tbe credot card's bigli rate of interest quickty eatv Up an axîicipated tau savingu fromt tbe RRSP investmext. Before yox borrow, cake sure tbut your casb flow cax ubsorb an RRSP tuai witbout reqxirixg furtber debi. Keep your non- ian deductîbie ixterest puymeuts us close ta zero as possible. Ask your tender about your murginul tus rate. Tbey sisouid be able ta telt you wben your RRSP lax witi drap you ino a iower tuu brueket. Tbe more you borrow, tbe more iikety yau wiii drap ta a iower lau brueket and tbe scnatter your ta refond (as a percentage of your RRSP contributiou). Confuued? Muxy people ask about tbis issue. Cuit Money Concepts for detaits about isow yox can cake tic besi deci- sien. 905-876-0940 %E'FGO0N. Dealer Services Canadalnce Tooth Taik Mark Crosa Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Se., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 A Disturbing Trend We are seeing more and more cases of teenagers complain- ing about sensitive lower molars. Usually the tootis doesn't have a cavity or a filling. Upon dloser examination, the enamnel shows signs of wear, especially upon the bumps or "1cusp tips", as we caîl them. When we toucis these womn spots, tise patient will often say, "Oucis, that's the spot!" While clenching or grinding can cause significant tootis wear, that's not usually the cause of this pattern of wear. It's a chemical erosion cauued by drinking too many soft drinks or fruit juices. Studies have shown that there is a significunt riuk of toots surface loss when these beverages are consumed at leaut once a day. It's not uncommon for teenagers, when unked, to admit to drinking a couple of cans of Coke a day. Soce drink over a litre a day! This is especially harruful when the soft drink is uwished or held in the mouts until the bubbles dissipate. The tongue and cheeku hold the uoft drink against thse lower molars which are then bathed regularly in a very acidic solution. Diet soft drinks may nos have sugar, but they still contain acid, so they're not the solution. The best thing to do is to try to prevent these problema froc happening in the ftrst place. This means monitoring the con- sumrption of theue drinks and preferrably substituting water for acidic beverages. It is possible for us to apply a thin plas- tic coating over these worn spots ta decrease the uensitivity, but thia will îseed to be reapplicd over time. Au the naying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." 1111L-

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