vFamily eagrerly a waiting E aster Seals fundraiser By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Jf luck is on his side, oneC of Milton's youngest residents is on his way te, meeting his two namesakes. And althougb he's too young to appreciate it, bis family is hold- ing their breath in anticipation. At just four months of age. Owynne Darcy Wallace will be par- ticipating in Sunday's TD Waterbouse Toronto Maple Leafs Skate for Easter Seals Kids with the rest of his family. His parents, Kelly and David, are thrilled with the prospect of mntroducing Owynne Darcy to Toronto Maple Leaf Darçy Tucker and Owen Nolan -the two "family favourite" players after which the baby was named. "It's a great cause and an opportunity to meet players," Ms Wallace said of the event, adding that participants actually skate with the players. For the past two years, the Wallace family bas participated ini the Easter Seals event, wbich takes place at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto. But tbis year will be extra special, Ms Wallace said, because of the extra famsùly member wbo will be experiencing it for the first time. Ms Wallace said site appreciates that the goal of the event- helping kids - is always kept in tbe forefront. "It isn't all about the players. People know what they're tbere for, and it's just a bonus to meet the player tbey admnire most," she said. Luck will be a factor Sunday, since participants take tuma on tbe ice, as do the NHL players and no one knows abead of time who wil1 be tbere when. The Wallace family is still trying to raise money in order to meet - and bopefully surpass - the requircd $1,000 te, panticipate. Last-year 1 I year old Caitlind Wallace raised $500 by herself. As of Friday, the family was approacbing the $300 mark. Miltonians who want to help the family meet their fundraising rgoal can send an e-mail to dwallace@stn.net. They'll then receive a link to, a secure Intemnet site where tbey can pledge on-lime. Srephanie Thiessen can be reached or sthiessen@amiltonconadi- onchompion.com. Kindermusik at Music and Me Register NOW for ses se -classes starting January l9th (children 0-7 years) 905-875-6867 on, Tuesday, January 13, 2004-11 Owynne roundled by by *me1 of the In0fuding a stick, blanket en rubber duoky - OlbI mccompany mlm et the Toronto mapis Leafs Slk.t for Enster Somis Kids. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE rom Our Promlum Internalnal seleollon: C I tallan Montepulclano - Itallan Pinot kdio Alt. aur RENLAR $MUNS: Cabernet Sauvignon J *sauvigno eianc