What can I tell you?- 1'm a proud grandparent If I haven't shown you the picture 1 carry granddaughter yet, ils% probably because 1 haver you. 1 should think everybody would wanî 10 sec a of the most beautiful baby in the world, but p l'in sligbîly biased. I only have the anc pictut won'î take rnuch lime if everybody could forai orderly lioc. 1 know deep down that you couldn't care lcss, several cases we've neyer even seen eacb other 1 but I show you anyway. l'i not0 even sure w you can look ai oine picture for a couple of secor we'll aIl be thc better for il. Maybe it's gol out of hand, t don't know. For pIe, there was thc rime 1 pulled out thc picture t< someone, and thc baby was actually there in with me. Oops. 1 guess that's the way proud grandparen Maybe we ought ta have our own club so we and drink tea and pull out our pictures. Later we have a nap. Being a grandparent is a pretty easy job if y me. Baby cries - take ber ta her mother. Baby' gry - take ber ta ber mother. Baby's tired - takc h er moUier. Baby necds a diaper change - take ber moUier, quickly. 1 haven't cbanged diapers in about 20 years, baven't missed for even a second, so wben I v, on babysitting duty anc day, t bad ta weigb my wben a diaper becaune wet. I could wait, and Pr didn't know it was wct, very tcmpting, or I change it. The baby appcarcd uncomfortable about it wbilc, sotI figured I bad better do Uic rigbt tbing. Uic wipcs and Uic pawder and put on a frcsb di tend ta make myscîf ucarce at diaper cbanging t I wasn't awarc af Uic exact procedure, but it wa For the ontre nouresîyou call: wlmts Oie Someday, pouIl be ottered a cigarette or be templed 10 smoke. Before ou slart, think about it: everp drag pu take screws up pour body. Smoking can cause permanent damage 10 your body. Once a person start, t becomes esiremelp tough to quit. And did me mention ai ibat cash pou'l be bloming in the process Su, if you're tempted tu ttart, ask ynurselt, "Whol's the point?" This message brnugbt lu you bp: Zbt Canabian Cbampion 4 On the .lk loose ids and bard, and i was quite pleased witb myself. t glowed witb pride when my daugbter told me wbat exain- a good job I had done. There was jss one sligbt teeny )show weeny prabîcîn - Uic diaper bad been put on back- persan wards. Maybe ai Urandparenîs Club, we could have ts act. watcbed a movie or bad a demanstration about dia- can Sit pers. Ilat could be useful even for ourselves wbcn we can ail got a uittle alder. Being a grandparcnî isn't aIl about knitting and shuffleboard, you know. ou ask I dan't imow if Grandparcnts Club cauld help me 's bun- wiUi my biggest problein s0 far. 'Me baby would cry ber ta every time t beld ber. I mean, she wauld serearn. And ber ta wben t finally bandcd ber back ta ber moUier, sbc'd give me a little loak as if she seas na-na-naaing me. i task t My anly consolation was Uiat she did Uiat wiUi most ias put cverybody. Sbc's much better nase, and tends ta iptions sereain mare wiUi oUiers than wiUi me, wbicb gîves 2tcnd t me a measure of misguidcd satisfaction. could But, back ta Uic baby picture, t bave ta admit Uiat for a long time Vve Uiougbt Uiat ail babies prclty mucb after a lookcd Uic saie. Nat any marc. t uscd t even like loaking at oUicr peoplc's baby pictures. aper. t And 1 ccrtainly do like ta show mine. t's mucb îoa latte ime sa not ta be annoying about it, but l'Il make you a deal. an't 50 You show me yours and l'Il show you maine. The risk increases with ago. The Ontario Irest Scre.ning Progrom provides breast examnination ond a mammogram ut no cost to women who are 50 yeors of ag. or over. Make your appointment today.I ATETION Nadia caPinFdARE NTaS041 lyou place-c at bit-th arsrourcelsert ir The C(anadciah Champian '(h ZOQ3 yoU Can put yaus' batby'q picture in "19c FrtMVRC AbSOL.U1LY fgr.1 PIeuge bril ng h your photo Weore Mohnd4y, Jan. 12/04 to 191 Main Str'eet FaGt, Milton, ON L9T 4N9 It's time te register for JUNIOR or SENIOR KINDERGARTEN Program We look forward to welcoming your child t0 school! Junior Kindergarten 2004-2005: Children mtust be 4 years old by December 31, 2004. Senior Kindergarten 2004-2005:k Children must be 5 yeurs nid by Decemober 31, 2004. Not: If your chiid is currentiy aitending one of our sehools for Juns. r Kindergarten, you do flot need to register for Senior Kindergarnen. To deterroîne your designated home sebool, uccess our website www.hdsh ca and review our on-umne boundary maps or use -School Locator" (click on 'Schools- and -School Attendance Boundaries"). Cal your designated school to fmnd out which dates have heen estabiished for Kindergarten registration. Parents/guardians must bc public school supporters. Please bring the foilowing original documents with you*: your chitd's iimanization record pesoo of address your child's Ontario ttealth 'Lard proot OSyour chid'sage (birth ceruficate or passpori) ah yuvu arc flot the child 's parent, please bring proiofcusodv (court order.. Please ensure that your child is registered byFEtbruarv 6 .204 For.fuirther information cotact 905-335-3663, ext. 3271 (Milton and Haiton HUIsl) ext. 3294 or 3307 (Burlington and Oakville). Halton District Sehool Board W Duniy Papk., Edi) Mary Chapin W Director iofEducaisn Chair of the Board ~ HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD NOIC *O PARNT OFGAE8SUE INFORMATION MEETING AT BISHOP REDING CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL Parents of grade 8 students residing in Milton are invited to attend an information meeting regarding the Grade 9 programs and services offered at their designated Catholic Secondary School in September 2004. Blshop Redlng Catholic Secondary Sohool 1600 Main Street East, Milton Principal: Mr. Stan Gajewski Telephone: 875-0124 Date: Thursday, January 15, 2004 Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. For further information please telephone the School Principal. "SHARING THE SPIRIT" AI Bailey Chair of the Board Lou Piovesan Director of Education OThe Communit Care Acoess Centre (CCAC) Cf Haiton la is now accepting applications for admission to CCACCorMar Il A LT ON BiIIingsCo r ao The Community Care Access Centre has received notification that Billings Court Manor, a new long- term care facility, is progressing in its plan to open in the spring of 2004. Billings Court Manor is a 160-bed long-term care facility located in Burlington. Anyone interested in applying for admission to Billings Court Manor or any other Iong-term care facility, should contact the CCAC of Halton for information regarding the application process for placement. For further information, contact: 905-639-5228 or tol free by calling 1-800-810-0000 and ask for Information and Referral