6 - The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, Decomnber 30, 2003 *COMMENT Hey Milton, let's play FIAHLk KIN it safe on New Year's d Well Milton, 2004's just around the corner. CAS . As we prepare to usher in a new year tomorrow night, many - if flot most - of us will celebrate with a littie alcoholie assistance. That's pretty much a given. What's stili undetermined is just how much common sense local res- idents will throw mnto the mix during their impending reveliy. We're hoping it's a lot. Earlier this month we at The Champion made the decision to publish the naines of Milton-area motorists charged by Halton Regional Police with alcohol-related offences this holiday season. So far we haven't had to print a single one, and we can only hope that trend carnies over mnto 2004. So if you're out drinking tomorrow night, please take a taxi home or plan to spend the night at a friend's house. Or elect a designated driv- er. There's often one person in the group who's willing to abstain for an evening ini the interest of safety. Whatever you do, don't get behind the wheel after you've had a few. We're flot saying you can't have a good time on New Year's Eve- just don't discard your thinking cap when you put on your party hat. O UR READERS WRITE Volnter aysthnkstoLitray Mth Majorit who sent in survey wanted rural Haion orwonerui ppwisio nihtgarbage collection, says new councîllor Dear Editor: This letter ils in regard to garbage collection in Ward 3. As recorded in a recent issue of The Champion, I voted for rural garbage collection - not because I personally wanted garbage collec- tion, but because tse majority of people who sent in Use survey want- ed it. I canvassed almoas the entire ward and of Usose who addressed the issue, 1 would guess that approximately 65 p&r cens didn't want collection service. 1 told everyone who spoke to Use issue to please return Use survey to ensure your vote. Sixty per cent of Use population returned Use survey, wiUs the majority waasting collec- tion. Albeit, it was a amali majority, but a majority just Use saine. 1 would ask Champion readers: how would you expecs me, as your representative on counicil, to vote in this particular instance? Morally, I don't think that 1 had any choice other than to vote with Use majority. That's why t voted for garbage collection. I would have preferred to sec Use Blue Box program seule in. l'in nos in favour of an assessed- based tax for garbage collection. And fmnally I would have preferred to sec a collection service provided for hamlet areas first befote going Ward 3-wide, smnce those hamilet- ares residents seemed to want col- lection more than other areas. Jan Mowbray, What value does rural garbage collection have?: reader THE CANJAIPL i CHAMIPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Jll Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Smith Edmror Wendy McNab Advertising Manager Charlene Hall Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager TIm Coles Production Manager Thre Canadien Champion, puhlished every Tuesrtay and Friday et 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one sf The Metroland Printins, Publithing & Sistributing Ltd. group of sbrban csmpanies whicr inclsdes: Ajax/Pickring News Hdvertise, Alliston HeraldlCouier, Barrie Advance, Bsften Enterprise. Bramptsn Suanetian, Burlington Post, Burlington Shopping News, City Parent. City of Yonk Suandian, Csllingwosd/Wasaga Connecton, Eart York Mîrnon, Enin Adocnate/Country Routes, Etobicnke Suandian, Flambsnsugh Reuîem, Foneven Ysung, Georgetown lndependent/Acton Fnee Press, Haltes Business Times, Hunonia Business OrnMes, Lindsay Thies Weelr, Manktrsm Econnmist & Sun, Mrland/Penetang- aishene Minnor, Miton Shopping News, Mississauga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napanee Guide, Nassagaweya News, NewmarkejAunsra Ena-Banner, Northumbenland -News, Nrth York Mirnse, Oakoille Beaven, Oakoille Shopping News, Oldtimens Hockrey News, Seils Toclay, OslrawalWhitby/Clarington/Porl Perny This Week, Peterborough This Week, Proton Cnunty Solde, Richmond HiIlftlronhillNaughan Libenal, Scarbonough Mienne, StnuttnillelSobridge Tribune. Adventising ns accepted on the condition that, in the enent of a typo- graphical erete, that portio n o te advertising space ncupied by the erno- neaus item, Bagethen wîth a neasonable allowance ton signature, will ot be changed ton, but the balance af the adeCesement will Se paet fonr the appli- cabte rate. The pshbsher nesemves the night an categorize adventisements se decine. tie MHBeoe Caaadaaa Champion Hsa BBecydabi PreIaee Dear Editor: I'd like to express my concem regarding how Milton council elected to approve rural garbage pick-up. My concemn is who and why does counicil feeI we need rural garbage pick-up in Milton. From a rural poins of view, if's nos a question of who wants it and who doesn't, but rather why do polisicians want it? In my opinion, Usere's no doubt it will coas Use non- commercial rural residens more dollars to have their garbage picked up rather than deliver it themselves. My concem is what added value does il give to Use rural taxpayer of Milton? Or should the question be, what added value does it give to Use non-rural taxpay- er of Milton and/or Halton? 1 hope the answer will be forshcoming from our newly-elecsed Milton counicil, especially those repre- senting Use rural residents. Bob Beyette Campbelville Pud by Steve Nease -nom f>