The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, December 30, 200- -Glass plant closes, putting[*.*#?' ¶V *P 10people out of" work ihaag By JASON MISNER Robert Smith sasd: We smncerely "We feel strange havmng tg The Chamninn re2ret havme2to make this decision. hack ont lookine for a Jb an " B*c The Owens-Illinois (0-1) Canada glass manufacturing plant, former- ly known as Consumers Glass, has closed down, putting approximate- ly 150 people ont of work. The 23-year-old, 300,000- square-foot plant officially shut its doors yesterday. Employees were told about the closure last mooth. About 15 trades employees will remain at the Chisholm, Drive plant to dismantle existmng equipmeot. That's expected to take until at least the end of January. The plant cootains three machines and ooe furnace that manufactures beer bottles. h-v Farr, president of the United Steelworkers of Arnerica Local 269, said poor sales of 0-I's prod- nets and the fact that $18 million that was required to upgrade the aging Milton plant forced the dlo- sure. "We've gone a long tirne without being updated or modernized," Mr. Farr said frons bis Cambridge home yesterday. "We've been promised a rebuilding on dse (23- year-old) furnace for years and years. Lt neyer happened because we kept it running." 0-1 Canada officials couldn't be reached for comment. lIs a press release, company vice- president and general manager However, due to the expectations of glass container demnand in 2004 we have concluded that we can continue to, provide good service to our customners by consolidating operations and transferring capaci- ty 10 our oUser North Amnerican facilities." 0-1lis Use largest manufacturer of glass containers in North America. South Amnerica, Australia and New Zealand, and one of Use largeat in Europe. 0-1 also is a worldwide manufacturer of plastics packag- ing. The Milton plant was one of six glass container plants acquired by 0-1 from Consumera Packaging Inc. in 2001. Mr. Fanr, a millwright wiUs Use plant since it opened in 1980, said Usere wasn't much Use union could do to stop Use Milton plant closure. "We tried 10 get Use beat we could for Use employeea," he said. That included a decent severance package and offering a drop-in centre for workers 10 help Usem, fmnd new jobs. The centre wiil operate "until it'a not needed anymore. Ail employ- ees will be notified about it," Mr. Fanr sald. "I have 10 upgrade myself." The closure is dilficult to corne to grips wiUs, he said. he said. "Somne people took il hard. It's a computer world. Lots of dif- férent akilîs acta are required.' Milton native Gwen Buckle y, married wiUs two teenage daugh- ters, said Use newa hasn't bit ber yet. Working in qtsality control, she finiahed ber final shift laat Tuesday. "I don't Usink reality has set in yet," ahe said, noting she'll gel a year's severance. "In Use new year, when it's time to go back t0 work and I'm not, it wiil bit me." She made great frienda, Ma Buckley said. "I've put Usat many yeara in and I'm sonry to tee il go. Lt was a good place. We will ail keep in touch." She sain she'il be poundisg Use pavement looking for anoUser job and is considering going back to sehool. Mayor Gord Krantz aaid about tbree or four monUss ago he and Town staff spoke to 0-1 Canada to see bow Usinga were going, and weren't told about any potential closure. "Lt certainly is a bass to Use tax structure," he sain. "We wiil be actively pursuing il (Use building) for potential usera for it." Jaston Misner can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- mmu .apflm Have ak Safe& French 1appy New Yea' To ail our loyal customers a friends from the Lizzi famil Brimadand ail the staff at La Rose closed on January lest, 2004. BruniraRomnbe cekm00. © Huoy MapIos3OO Lettuco 21b. Bag SHam .16l2tose Koibassa sm'" a9 Sausago M. SPECIALS IN EFFECT FROM DECEMBER 30-JANIUARY 5, 2004 Regular Store Hours 327 Bronte Street S. # White Oaks Plaza Mn-hr'83 m-7p 905-875-0303 aunay :am .- 5P You can actually WIN YOUR VEHICLE, or up to $ 10,000 off the lease or purchase of virtual- Iy any new 2003 or 2004 vehicle. YOD COULO WIN YOUR VEHICLE! 1w, PLUS W-y 4O 1iMM M -« PONTIC BUICK eamC "ON. -THURS. 9:00 Aa _ 9:00 P FRiL & SA1* 4)- rf- ck-