1 8--Vhe Canadien Chempion, Tueaday, December 30, 2003 mn TrIbut of Kortey Pakota Purge dur, 17/C - Oct. 3/0-8 Wlen Çodfcaffs (ittie c/iuxdren ta ofwe(( w/t/I /im a/lave, Iami(p andfiecd sametimes question t/le 'issfo af/is(oe C For no /leartac/le compares w/it/ t/le efeat/i of one smaff cl1, ff441 s/lIa sa, mia/ ta makç aur warûat >seem waofderfif and miGf fPer/laPs qail tires of caffi/M t/le ageci Sa /le piceip a rase/lui nameet KIGrtvte, befare s/le cou/fdgraw otd. qaifknows /low muc/I we neeci t/lem, ametsa Hû takçs but afew, 'Ta make t/le (landaf /leavem more k /eauttjld ta view. oelevecg t/lis ie dfficu(t, st/if Some/low we must trp, '7&l sa.itiest wansf manekjit &ntaws wil a(ways Le 'Çaait/let» Sa w/len a ûitt(e c/li(itparts, we w/la are (efi 6e/inu/ M 7iust rea/ize Jad loves c/iditren, Ange/i are /lercf tafin/i WPe'(tfove pou farever, Wte'ff(ik pou for a(ways, As (amp as we're ivmg Our/laby you1I/le. Missmg pou w/t/i a/I aur /learts. Lave £Mam, iait e& JI We neyer want vois to have to write a tribute for someoe vois love because someoe deolded to drive drunk. Lo' lf.Dnt drn die Is Iookinig tor Walten/Serner tor dayo, ovoningo, opening Januany. CALL 808-78-0428 OR part lime FAX RESUME 847-227-0201 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS NORT HATON AXIDrivers ticense ix tooking Cor fuît and pant-cime driveras1 t ilt reqiri moe bge in te day and ntght chufta. cOur company la i tyas 'ai ag gnowimg and we are toocimg tor honeel and Pes rn bard workimg peopte wilh a ctean driving resurme 10: record. te return wa otter a guaranneed detty New location minimum, te yau tiBia t be your own boxa or 1 4515 Dundax SI W. mixi t meke acide Incomne, cai ux la maie (Corner of Deedax an appoinmenn for an interview an: i ccd Appteby Lina) 805-877-8188 or 519-853-3304 i Please brive sale tbis boliôay season. Gireat breakfast served 24 bours. Fat &frledly service. 50 Market Drive (Beside Canadîan Tire) Austen & Noble Insurance Brokems ]Ltd. *Commercial eAuto * Home * Life 905-878-7217 205 Main Street East 1' DUFFERIN DUFFERIN AGGREGATES Supplying High Quallty Crushed Limestone, Sand & Graver to the GTA and Surrounding Armas. Servlng Our Customers Carlng For The Envlronment Pantnera In Our Communlty INFORMATION & SALES: PHONE 905-878-6051 - FAX 905-878-3442 BMO NesbitL Burns- Privale Client Division 35 Crarnioni Cris, H<appy Newî Year! RO. Bon 515 Campbîîîsilîî, ON LOF 1iBO tsndjplease Drive Sa (e. Tel.: 905-854-4542 Prud Spesr fShw2NM Fao: 905-854-4544 ToIt Fnee: 1-866-512-4283 iiana.bnislsw@nbpci.com www.ianabristow.com Dianai Brlstow Senior Insesîmeet Aisisor Vice-Pnesiient and Ficancia Pleenîr MEIRITOR..- A Hmfla.eo Rocw Týn,,a, o 1o Formerly Rockwell International Suspension System Company 150 Steeles Avenue Milt on, Ontarlo..L9T 2Y5 2rL ViiAiaAv . v v.vuI fýIe 'ÀeY u[ Iviici retaîl business. Thisis a s ulI-time position. RespenaibiibJen inctsie peint of ale, staffing, enier- ing anit insenlory contrat. Presis nItait espeni- ences an esset. OFFICE MANAGER weeteit immeitly an Milton nitait business. Ths in a part-lime positon eppreel- matety 24 heurs par week. Respeexibltes induite A/P, N/R, pneparetien of monthty licenciai reperts, montly remitteecea, etc. Fernitienity witb Osiclibooksande Exel as asset. Pleasa tas neaume te (905) 878-9784 RESTAURANT. AND SPORTS BAR 110W HIRINO FOfi AIL POSITIONS JOB PAIR StJan.3 &Sun. an. 4 llam -4pm Mon. Jan. 5, 4pm-lps Banion Pizza, Bonliooloa 3120 Soutb Service Rd. (ai Guelpb Lino) arifas fesmse ta; 905-544-5220 www.basloa pizacosn HOUSEKEOPER Wet Mi- ton, country home. Nice wsrking ennirnment. 1-2 dsys/weak, esperiencet, own tranxportation. 905- 878-538 Qaevitte Childcare Centre requiren Kitchen Help 10:3Oa-2I pm Schoolaged staff 12noon-6pm 905-849-4769 Fax: 805-840-7450 j'ii ûJUd lwb11qý vv lv/ ýý Scitool Bus Ddwn -20 Passege Peemaneet Part-lime ar Fait-lime ICI Chilidcar Tacher -ay ce Permaneet Fll-time. $l2.Mre+ beeni. Weeneedaneethu- siastia and eneegetia indiaidual te assistinj maielieing a heaiy, sale aed happy eteireemeet fer Ille childeen in 001 care. We peevide a qaityplay basedohild care peageam ter childeen hem inlaeacy ta scoel age. Conead1eTeesa 9O5-g76-89rfax905-87H-995 Technical Service Dirffrtor. National HVAC liotnibotoî sith local besd office ne- qoines neit-otaien la banite al techoical liaison and wannanty administration witb 0E and attermanket whntîsate diotniboto cuntomeno in saston Canais. Incombent must be compoten titenate soi technicaly qoatitiei witb aI test 10 yeas nI HVAC iniuoty en- penience. Excellent pnotit sbsning pnngnsam soi bene- tito. Seni resme in contidence wfthsalry ffl tatie t: Box 6424 Cie The Bablle louler, 467 Spa..s Rd., Oakvlle, ON 18k 3S4 Canadien Tira Milton Auto Centra la curreatly Ionking far Automolive Techniclana Bsy abnp neqeires Technicians, Apprentices, P/T & F/T Tire lnatalîers. Contact Devid Steevea Fax 905-870-180 LUMBER SALES TRAINEE Wile are lscattd le the Haltan rîgise aed hast an npteieg te air indastrial disisin. Candidates shseld hast proet sales abilily. Incarne gearan- titi dsning 6-ma. traieieg perlitd aller which urne rîrneratian je battit n commissin anit prait sharieg. Camrrehîensise mîdica! dteetal package. (Nat ail appr onts will hi csetacteitjFsrwart nîsames ta: Box 5425, t/a Dekeille bever 467 Speere Rd., Dakile, ON 10K 384 Optomnetriatas Office in Milton aeeking a mature teamt player, for a permanent part-lime position. Pnior aplicel expenience would be e dellette asel Renumex cee be taxait ta 905-878-5004 or drappeit off et Dr. Lau9hnen's office 87 Merlin St., Milton POEAR& AIL Visiting and/or Shift RN's & RPN's Asean emplayer et chalce we aller: " Supparise Tean Ensirnment " Northi Halton ares or Burtinglnn/)anstlt anis " Benelils Ie qustitiei staff " Shift diffenentiat *Psy by the visit (an shiff ) *PaiEitscatiansppntueiies ParaMed l laakdflg for Vi il A SIf nen " Cornent CN tîRgisraion " Recenl aculî/csmmsni texerience " Dtpenitability ffetiabitity & flttibiiy Plasse malifiax raxamea e la:Rae Gene PareMed Hase Heellh Caro 1515 Ilebecca St., Ste 301, Ijakvitte, On L6L 5G8 or Fax: 905-847-1038 We welcome ai applicanto. Onty tbose selectei ton on- terviews witl be conlacîxi. A leader in commoo/ty trealhi & soppnrt oervicoo