assessments rise _Milton plant A Metroland Community Newspaper 'Using Communication to Build Botter Communities" Vol. 144 No. 83 Tuesday, December 30, 2003 Charanc Coadmiues 28 Pages $ 1.00 (GST inclustec) 2003 in Review - 10 significant events Blackout, E. cofi ill1ness big news 2003 was chock MI1 of news for Milton. It had a litIle bit of everything, from bast power 10 bealth emergencies. Here are the 10 events that made the biggest beadlines. 1. Halton hit by power blackout The summer's mamimoth power black- out that caused maybem across Ontario and in the United States coat Halton Region about $750,000. Residents acros the region were wondering what was going on the aftemoon of Auguas 14 when power was cut everywhere. No major incidents were reporteri. Halton said the financial ipact pertained mostly to the few hours spent dealing wîth the cisis after the black- out bat. One of the main areaa impacted vFund totals big $34,670 Thanka again, Milton. Due to the overwhehning generosity of ares residents and orgamizations, The Champion's Christmas Bureau Fund topped out as a whopping $34,670 - far surpassing the original 2003 target of $26,000. Funds began trickling in around late November and clidnt stop until Christms Eve, making this year's camnpaign far and away dhe most successful ever. More tha 150 individual donations were made, with thse larget being $2,000. 'Me single biggest contribution this time arossnd wss a $6,000 cheque froro tbe Lions Club. was policing, a regional responsibility. Extra officers were called in to deal with malfunctioning lights and to, patrol dark- ened neîghborhoods and business areas for security. Ambulance services - also a regional responsibility - also called in extra staff. Extra fuel for generators was used to pmovide back-up power to water and sewage treatment plants when there was no electricity flowing in Halton. 2. Drury students sickened by E-coli Dozens of E.C. Drury high sehool stu- dents becamne sick with E. coli afler attend- mg a graduation party in Mississauga June 25. A $2-million lawsuit was eventually launcheri. A statement of dlaim was issued and listed as the defendant Mississauga's Trillium Banquet Hall and Convention - »oe 2003 on page 10 Comment ........ 6 Dateline .......13 Clasifisd ...... 17