82-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 26, 2003 6mnnzeFor successful New Year's resolutions, try this Vd "Ur L said many years ago on New Year's Eve while watching the festivities on televi- sion: "I don't know wby everybody's so happy, they're just another year closer to being dead." Althougb I was astounded at the time, I think he may bave had a point. I've neyer heard somnebody say: "Gee, I'm so happy because it's the stant of a new year." I have heard them aay they're happy becauae they can go to, a party, watcb extra college football games, and have an excuse for drilng like a fish. So, wbat it boils down to, ia tbat New Year'a is an excuse for a party. Fair enougb. We're supposed to look optimistically to the year ahead and make resoutiona and Plana. You and I know tbose resolutions neyer work out more than a day or two into .the new year. Then you have to wait a whole year until you make new.ones, and then feel like a failure because you're a year cloaer to, MIL LTO W TIR SE VCLT rIdgesoe BzAND S O THENGTH buyers SNOW 11EiWftC Maybe we shouîd have a party at the end of eacb month and then make new month's resolutiona. Why wait a whole year? At least that way you'll have eleven more chances to make your resoluflons work. The late Roger Neilson used to work along simailar listes wben coacbing hockey. He would break the season down into seg- ments, maybe fave ganies at a tinte, because he knew it was too, bard to, focus over a long period. Over a shorter tinte framne it was mucb easier to remnember your goals and remain intent on reacbing themn. And of course, if you didn't meach your goals you didn't have to wait long to try again. You could renew your entbusiasm and detemsination on a regular basis. I've leamed a lot over the years about New Year's resolutiona, including Use year I bad to, walk down Main Street in my underwear because I failed to live up to one of tbemn. fast. Or, today 1 amn going to smile aI every- body Imeet and make an effort to be nice. Or today IPm going to inquire about joiing a bealUs club. Or, today I amn not going to eat any Krispy Kreme donuta. It could be anytbing, somesbing you have put off doing or need to do better, but sometbing Usat's easily attainable. Your fsts one coulfi be actually getting Usat little notebook to stant Use process. Okay, an say I put down Usat I'm, going to have a bealthy breakfast. I can't put any- thing else down until I get Usat done. If I don't bave a bealthy breakfast on Usat day, Usen it stays on Use top of Use list until I do. Wben I do bave Usat healUsy breakfast, I have acbieved 100 percent of my resolu- dions. I feel good about myseif and IPm, ready to Pus down Use nexs one on Use list. When I get Usat done, I bave once again acbieved 100 per cent of my resolutions. It's fail pmoof and by Use end of Use year you migbt have dozens or bundreds of res- olutions accomplished instead of zero like we have now. After ail, we're just anoUser year dloser to being dead, so we bad better stant getting things done. 1I'm doing okay, but 1 wish I didn't have j diabetes. The people at CDA make it easier.11 J4d, aged 10 HELPSOMONE ANAIAN SSOIATON YOU KNOW. DIABETES 1CANOAINE CAU 1 -00-___N ASSOCIATION IDU DIABÈTE M CARRIERS NEEDED FOR DOOR TO DOOR DELIVERY TUESDAYS & FMDAYS ON THE FOLLOWING REScàIDENTIAL STREETS! Last year, I made anti-resolutions, wbich worked out wonderfully. For example, I made a resolution Usat I would ot make a million bucks, and it came true. Thtis year I have a new ides ta make yours and my resolutions succesaful. Guaranteed. You'll need a little notebook. You can get Usem aithUe dollar stores, a couple inches bigh and a couple inches wide. At Use back of Use notebook you can write down all Use Usings you want to do in Use larger sense. You can put Use quit smok- ings, andi est lesses, and be kinder to, ani- mais kind of stuif. But, at Use front of Use book you're going to write dowss onc Using Usat can be easily acbieved. Let's say it's someUsing simple, sucb as: i LZIIIUL;ES;I-UIIE i