Tho Canadien ChamDîon. Fnidav. December 26. 20133--21 CLSSFED HOTLINE: 90547543300 CLASSIFE» ROUIS: Monday to Friday é 9:0 amn* 5:0 prn itU!'ie dasiid d apara ____ 'I BIRTHDAY Look who's50 Mary Devlin Pleasejoin us in a Surprise Open House hosted on Sat. Dec. 2 7, 2003 7:3OPm in the Gold Rush Room at the Mohawk Inn DISTRESS SALE Bank Foreclosuires Fre liaSt of Poreclosure Bturrtglan ere. Recelve e ires contpuf- enized printout. Visft HaflonPsrecoýtouem or call 18&696 IDf1042 Semas Blue Oponge IMMCULATE 4-hdnn ex- ecubve home, 2400 nq.ft. remodeted 2001, quiet creecent in Milton, 639 Ctaver Park. $329,900 1 Opren Hause Sss.Dec.28, 2-Apm 006-78-1410 REASONABLE Industrel Units tor rent. 1.600 - 3,200 sq. 5t. Loedivg docks &l dnnve-în. Phione 1-905-277- ittr7 rs I.t-97c-075.05 1000 sqbt office for rent, Piess cal 0-878-4200. 800 SQ. PT. evileiste oom- plats wt diuptey space, primate office, wasbroom, $800.00. par mont plus hest & bydro. Contact Wayne Cesson Ici mae. FOR revI- 2,625eq.1t. mark sirop (or stoagel ih hast andl mestroars> cat 905- 878-4200. Amui 1 01 ysr seme 010 job? eam US$20,000 per mont brsm home. pert/full- time. Senious opportunhty cati 1-888-554-3313 2nd end 3rd mortgages. Bad credit OK<. Cafl Ontadeo Stice 1 -88-307-7799 CALL SCFS 905-844-1245 1-pr 3.85, 5-pr 5.25, ARM 3.8. AIea equity morfgege progremas, regerdiens of SPECIAL" MILLSIDE TOWER 82 MI.LIDE DIVE 1&2 Bedmarsm Apts. Ctose te Domnfomn. Bus sto et Front Door >9051 876-1249 mmm realateca 1 BDRM. Apt for Rent. cai 905-875-1917 i BEDROOM Apurtment on Muin St. Availebie Jar. 1st. 1tot/laut, ne pets. $750/month. Pîckup uppuli- cubion ut Bergsmuu Home Decor, 194 Main St. 1 BEDROOM Busement Atsartment. Pumisberi, Mil- ton, parking, uilitieulcubie, separute entrurce. Avail- ab~le January t. $850.00. 905-878-1500. 2 BEDROOM apartment, Janaary lst $835i/mont. Quiet building in Atos. No Pet. 519-853-4386 ACTON large 2 bedroars, epartrnent $750/mIn plus, 1 bedroors epertment $550/mt pins. Georgetomn 1-hectroors $675/mt plus bydro. (510> 863-M08, (Sie) 853-632 ACTON sacioas andi dlean epartrnent WbS bal- omp, great building, close to amanies, parkeing leur- dry, 1 bedroom, $790. mont & 2 bedleom $890. mont Januery lI. 519- 853-3309 or 519-853-0719 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS SauS, Mieo We are nom ecceprng applications for Avait. Jas. 15 2-2 bedenor Aveul Fais 15 t-1 bedroars Avait Pet, 15 For mm ortiona amettor ta matra an eae-578-375 Building Mamagera Leamard ai Pammy MILTON 3 & 4 bedroomu availeble immediafely pese cafl 905-876-2581 MILTON, 1 bedroom i 1apertiment parking andl utl- rbiesindluded. $8252bed-~ roors aveilabte. $945. +. CallMaryO05- 299«Ze Aveiltile immecitety WINTER SPECIAL CALL NOWtt Free cette hooe up. 12bedroors epertment eveilele Now and for future. Pridge & Stove, teundry fecilfties, Ha dogu 51464374 open 7 daLyebseIr -er day ep- provai. F1RSTlME BUYERS i Why maS mires you i homes evilelel mt ns money doms $1300/mnt in Miffon, Oaestiis Burlington ares HaonStoptnng. m Semnas Mue Syrngs LARGE, neml1y renneutet 2 & 3 bedroom. Firepiace l3bedrooml 4 uppliances, hurdwonit fleors, parking includei. Available immedi- ately/ Dec.llJun.1. Cloue f0 ail amerries. perk-like seofing. Ariington Slnd. Burtington 905-881-0070 LARGE, NEWLY resovet- ed 2&3 hedroors, birepiece (3bedroornl 4 eppliences, hereimood losrs, parking isciuedl Avaieh immed- aten, Doc.1/Jan.1 Close 15 ail anilles, perk-tike set- ting. Attington Slnd. -ulngo 05-681-0070, MILTON- 3 bdrm, 1-1/2 battis, A/C. Garage, Ceremicu tiles/ corpet trougbout. Aveilehie immedietely.$1 250/mo +utitities. 905-984-6091 - $$$$ Wanted- AIl China, MATURE- modeing mamnan require temporery tumisheril Sîlver, Crystal, Tee Cups, Building roppp yard requimas eccmmdeonbas aner 11 or3- mnSs SeRayai Douton, Smemovsk,l'l nJo m Misiseuge, kEtofbicake, orBnspttonares5a moaIlt5li8W53- coltecstiblIes, erstates. tCal, Hesoy lifting invotved. Deivers muet provida carrent 1906 or emet:* tryan@anSin.comn JohsTracy, 905-331-2477. drivers license mth boom trucke espenience an enset. Ste proi de e ompefSve sterting mage andi campeny bnft.Patam Building S uis Ltd. 7440 9 tle RoedfAuturn Raad BOUDREAU, Carol 1098 FORD Mustang, 4 ofut 4401> Hamriby Peeceothi, et Joseph Brant Memanetl Hospital on Fn-w cyl. excelisent shape, cerhî (ou>)8-27 day, December 19th 2003, Carol Boudreau te ber 55th Sier & e-tested, $780-00. peer. Loving mile af Denny Baudrees. Dma mother af Contact Weyne Casson, Rhonde IMerlin> Vanser. Devoteri greedmter of Des- 905-693-1866. tel. She mdl be rememberel by her step-grendichldren Jobs andi Erin Vesser Bee Daghter of Levers andi te tete Viola Rabinson. Oer sister ai Judy Hame endi Ken Robinson. Desry misset by ber nsces, nephema, brother's-in-em andl fether-in-lem Jan Boedreeu. Friende were recelvel et te J. Secot Early Fuiara MSTORE MANAGER mentet immeeliatey for Milton Hornes, 21 James St., Milton, (9050 878-26Ç9 on Sun- dey, December 21st. A Fusera Service wes held from te FaneraI Home Chepel on Mondey December 22nd. In lieu of Slowers, donations to te Heart end Stroke Foundation or te Milton District Hospitel Foundetisit would be gmeafly appreciated. CONNOLLY, MI" (23 yeers es e nurse et te ekotille Trafelger Hospitel) (Meny years of volunteering et te Butlington Animel Aid> Alter a lengtfry ilineos, at te Trilliors Heatti Centre or Fridey, December 19, 2003, Metde Csnnstly in ber 72nd yeer. Lovmng mite ta Kelth Jostan af 34 yeers. Be- loved moter f0 Petrick Connoty, Shirley ConnoOty, Mary (Jeff) Cookson, Brende Conoolly, Sheron Getdert (Pote) end Tirs Connoty. Maee saurviveri by meny grsndcbitdren asd great-grendctodren, She eti be re- memtered by ber good friend Bries Abe5l. Friends were recetred et te J. Scott Eariy Fumerai Homa, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 or Mondey, De- cember 22nd. A Fonerat Service wes held on Tsesday, December 23rd et 2 p.m. brs te Fanera Home Cbep- el. Cremebion f0 fa0low. As espressions of sympaty, do- nations may be made to te Heert & Strake Foundebio or te Berbngton Anima Ast. HEM2 iargsr @§MI@) Lyre (ma Bell Aller e long ffght wtth cancer, an Sundey, December 21, 2003, Margaret Hertz in ber 64t yeer. Laving moter of Peut aerd hie partner Raobert, Jeff, Dams esd Joe. Sur- vieel by ber grendchltdre Aenber, Kaije and Aspen. Mstrgaret wlt be eedy miseed by ber matber Gmen, Brother Peter, Sieter Anse and mesy close friends. Friands wens recelveil et te J. Scott Eauly Fumeral Haine, 21 James St, Milton (905) 878-2669 on Wed- nesdey, Decemnber 24t frors 10 s.m. unil te Uime of Service et Il a.m. brs te Fuserai Home Chepel. As expressions of sympty donations ta te Breeet Canc- er Society af Cenada or te MiStos District Hospital Foundetios mutd be eypreoeated by te femite. A se- ci tenks to te staff et CredOt Valley Hospital and te Milaon District Hoapital. A King Piliomtop Matresu Set. New in plstic. Coul $1600 Sacrifice $4 50.00. 905-567-9409 cas dolmven BED Amezîsg bergein, qeen ortofedic pitiomtop set semis plastic, merrsnty $150. 905-587-4042 miii deliver. BEOROOM set. 8pce cher- rycond. Berd, cheuf, dress- er mîrror, night stands. Dovetail onstruction. Nev- er openeri. Cout $8000. Sacrifce $2400. 905-567- 4042. CARPET 1 have senera 1,000 pais. ot sec StIen- master & 100% nylon car- pet. Stîli do lIMngroorn & hall for $389. tocludes car- pstpari & inustllaton (30 yad> Steve, 905-839- 2902 DECEMBER Super Spe- ciil! UpbaIster 2 livinigroors or ocsionai chairs mitti s beautifu Fieldis febnic andi receive 30% off second (or lamer priceri) chair ilde castors Upbolntering, 9 ers. - 9 p.m. 905-632-9090. DINING ROOM l3pce. Cherry, 8 chairs, buffe, butch, server, dovetil on- struction. Stit in boxes.. Cost $11.000. Sacrifice $3.000. 905-567-9459 FREE Estimates. Ot mos- blp chairs, tirent lookîng mosel linishes? Fields Cus- tom Wtoodi Refînishîng andi Pumiture Repairs. 9-9. 905- 632-9090. NII<KEN Magnetîc MareSfu Fade. 1 Oueen, $650.00. 1 Terr, $35050. 1 dama 29", $50.00. Please cali 905- 878-6881. Durantes Auto servic amd TOmlmg mnc. position eveiteabte PIease fax rasumne 0"57-9646 reral asinesu. This is e tuit-time position. Respanedoilities include peint of sale, steffing, order- ing andilnventory cantro. Previos retail espeni- encan an enset OFFICE MANAGER mentent lmmediately or Milton releil business. This is a pent-time position epprosi- meten 24 boums par meei. Responsibilftiea inctude N/P, NSR, preparetion of montbj finenciet reports, montbty remittencea, etc. Femiliarity mifh Quicebooku and Escel an esset. Please tes resume 10> 905) 878-9794 Techuical Service Director, Eastern Canada Notion> HVAC distributor cuti local hstd office ro- quires self-starter to handle ail technicul liaison and curranly administration wit 0E and ultermurkt choleasle distribulur customers in oslrn Canada. Incumisanl must be computer literao and technicaly quslifiod with ait leasl 10 peurs of HVAC induutry ex- parience. Excellent profit sharing program and bore- fls. Sand resumo in confidence wkb nM unmiMmto: Box 6424 c/o Tii. Maicl19 Saver, 467 8,urs Rd., OaIclii,UM LEK 3S4 UFLCOME*ê -New in town? " GettUng marnied in 3 months or more? " Having a baby? " Establishing a new business ? Please cail as Coumulty Lîndla 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 sair Wsiooms Michfllf 905-332-8634 kidal Wulono Lsurie 905-878-0126 SusPo.Wulcoino -Launie 905-878-012 Rapidly ao>sanding lac lirm eilh locations in Surlingtn and Oukvitle roquiras a Junior Lagai Assistant The duties cil> include: eDelivoring files and documents belcmn Bunlinglon and Oatenil le offices eDaily banking in botti locations @Filing in tae Librury for bsth locutions :Reception relief in bnh locaions eOverlow kcrotriul in ail pruclice areus Ste oSfer compolitive salury and full honefits. lnlerostod candidates shosld les or omal tîr resume in confidence 10 Fmu TeokaS: FotelîlsOibate Heagis LLP Fax: 005-639-8017 Emait: f5N VON HALTON VO N Urgently Requires J1 e T RN's to sork in trie community. Purt-lime positions uvuilutile for NorthiASIIh Hulton & Burlînglon, alun Pull-lime i Opm Position Optorsetristus Office in MiSton seeking s mature uvuiluble for Haillon. Plase contact Joanne or tears player, for s permanent part-Umne posiion. Carolyn ai 905-827-8800 Aise Requlred Pnor optical osperience wouid be a dehnite 11S1CN or RN equivulont for people in crisis pro- asset. grams. Psyt-lime cetrk i atered womur sholtors. Re6sumnes cat be lexeri ta 905-878-5004 Mont> healt background anse suel.Pisa Con- or dropped off et Dr. Lsuqfn-en' office tact Donna Zachariah 005-827-80 87 Mtin St., Milton Please Recycle this Holday Seasonl The Canadian Champion Friday. December 26 2003--21 _-a ai