8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 23, 2003 _7]Ididay ?/fowers 4La47burier Ave. 878-2881 1?een fcer begins her career in Milton Campbell is Halton's youngest recruit in many years By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion W hen most hlte girls were playing with dolis and making plans to become teachers and doctors, Alison Campbell was picturing tracking down crimu- nais. "Ever since I was young, I wanted to be a police officer," said the 19-year-old. Today, a dozen years later, flot mucb bas cbanged - except the fact tbat now she actually is a police officer. Earlier tdus montb, Ms Cainpbell went tbrougb tbe emotion-cbarged swearing-in ceremony of tbe Halton Regional Police Service, wbere sbe was given bier badge and deemned an oifficer. The Oakville resident will begin bier duties in Milton corne January, bearing the titie of tie youngest officer tbe Halton police force bas biitd i at lcast 15 years - and one of tbe youngest officers i Ontario. Ms Campbell said sbe feels out of dic loop wben sbe's witb otber people bier age. Wbile sbe's a tecnagcd cop, tbey're often stili flguring out wbat tbcy want to do witb their lives. Sbc said sbe couldsi't care less. 1I know I'm young, but I don't feel my age," said Ms Campbell, wbo will turn 20 on New Ycar's Eve. 've complcted thc training, and I feel confident that I'mi ready. 1 dsn't look at Uic age factor." Ms Campbell isn't an naive to believe bier age will be ovcrlooked by cveryone. Sbe said sbe knows ase's goig to bave to prove berseif and sbc's ready. "Many life experiences bave prepared me for this," sbe said, explamning tbat sbe's already tes- tiflcd i court, made arrests as a security guard and experienccd second-band Uic life of a police officer tlirougb bier father. It was bis ifluence, sbe said, tbat caused bier to make bier career decision an early in life. "I saw bow Uic community supportcd bim," sbe said. "My father was always well-respccted i Uic commnunity. Everybody wantcd to talk to lmi." She said sbe saw bow bie belpcd people and dccided to do Uic samne. To mecs police service requirements, Ms Campbell voluntecred at bier local police station i Sault Ste. Marie wbere sbc grew up and worked as a reanurce protection ivestigator - a sccurity guard - at a major departmcnt store. Wben it camne finie for college, sbe studied police foundations and received bier diplomna Uiis ycar. Dccidig to apply to Halton Rcgional Police was easy because of die good reputation it bad canicd wiUi bier faUicr and bis police associates, Ms Campbell said. "Tbey bad noUiing but nice Uiings to say about Halton Regional Police." Obviously, Ms Campbell said, bier faUier is very proud of bier and found Uic swearig-i cercmnony quiSe emotional. "It was différent for birn to sec me i full uni- formn." As for advice, Ms Campbell said bier faUier often borrows a linc from Disncy's The Lion King - 'Hakuna Matata', wbicb means no womres. "Hc Sells me to just take Uiings as Uicy corne. And 1 know be'Ul be Uierc if 1 nccd hlm." Ms Canipbell said bier moUier bas alan becn very supportive of bier, alUiougb abe does anme- tiies wonry about Uic potential danger ivolved wiUi Uic job. Halton Regional Police supcritendent Mike Kingston said Uic fact Uiat Ms Caippbcll was bired an young speaka volumes about bier matu- rity. "It's a tribute to Uic qualities sbe brings to, Uic proceas, Uiat sbc was able to get in we bave very bigb standards. It's a great idicator Uiat abe bas a good career abead of bier," Superintendent Kingston said, addig, "Sbc did a lot to be able to satisfy our rccruitig stan- dards." Siephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncanadianchampion.com. if tnb Programming Schedule - Tuesday, Dec. 23i'd - Sunday, December2mt, 2m0 WWIM.COgOCO.C8 ps P5m . mqw Mi airi 5psr, Opin Pkgge I CMisW 5ps, GS P6ggs [niCOM 5ps, Gps %MWo I -Veu In 5ç. Ops Ptogpd Int Yu i 5, 66& 7:3Opm PSgg. Is! Ym in à&7.0p EdgoSs2O 67Ops EdISs2 & 7:3Op EUosO 2 &7,355 RWM 1& asip SliOçes 1 &Os 6730ps Resel NORTN HALON STUDIO 5:30p5S 55,5 & th Kd 5.35prn I.CSs*Ssas 5.335s 'ALGG. C5G58s 5:305 Be Inapimd ChidWM 5:30p. Se Isaphi flelSusff 6 35ps Santo & dm 615s .30prs Be Im$oird -Chsùss BiSses Saus à dm Kid 6:3Oprn S56,5 Shies6as 6:3M S«9«8 5.65 565. Lauder Plaza P u'" 8:0P lodwo Pessse of 1 Wbi 7:0p. Ib. Chrstr cg0 SuaJB B«sW 7O, LIe 500 Launer Avenue 80Çp5 Milon S85B Chu Pa.d. BS0ps ' *Lus Che~su 8:,M «CdmSDe«S Mifton, ON 191 4R3 i.m - Rf "M 905-878-9306 goJoy Our CIirltmas Pirogrammdng wqlhis WeeId r Fl